Troy Calypso x Shy! Reader!

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Oh damn, look what the skags dragged in, an author that hasn't posted in a while. I have 3 more stories coming out tomorrow, today, or Saturday. This includes: Zero NSFW Alphabet, Handsome Jack X Nerdy! Reader!, and Katagawa X Indecisive! Reader!

Your fellow bandits seemed entranced by the T.V that blared something about the Calypso Twins, only God knows why they worship them, but you sure as hell don't. Everyone in this camp does and to stay safe you decided to act like you do aswell... for the time being until you're able to find a way to join the Crimson Raiders. Until the day comes where you leave this bandit camp you must keep up your facade, so that's exactly what you do.
You stop and gather with them watching Tyreen and Troy broadcast one of their battles with the Vault Hunters. It seemed interesting enough to stare at the screen but not really react to any of if. Throughout it all nothing caught your eye or attention until they mentioned your bandit camp congratulating you all for your efforts to find a piece of the Vault key. Your camp was successful when searching so the Twins decided to personally come and thank your camp for their efforts towards them. This was rare and they never really cared to do so before.
Your camp erupted into cries of slaughter and "Hail the Calypso Twins." You joined in and pumped your fists in the air while jumping to make the act more believable. They would be arriving sometime this afternoon to grab the piece of the key.

You in the meantime have a job to do. You are the proud owner of one of your camps street food stalls. You sell skag meet on a rod. Payment varies.The day was slow with a light gust of wind rolling by, you didn't sell much on certain days but other days you sold more than you had in stock. Today is one of those days where you sold very little.

The sun rose high in the sky while you were reading the news paper, it was peaceful besides the excited chatter from your bandit mates. All was fine up to the point when they finally arrived, you hadn't really noticed because you were so engrossed in the paper. Your fellow bandits roared with enthusiasm. This was probably the best day in all their lives being in the presence of the Twins. This should've passed easily, this should have been no problem for you to get through. Ha! Yea..... you wish.

While not cheering for the Twins one of them caught eye of you. Troy. He was curious why you weren't cheering for the Gods and Saviors of your sorry ass so he walked right up to you and nudged your stall a little too hard.
You let out a huff and said, "What will it be?" In a hostile tone. You wanted this rude customer out of your face already and you haven't even seen them-
"Oh Fuck!" you mumble. Your eyes locked with one of the most popular people of Pandora.
"How about you bowing to your God?" He said smugly. You blushed a deep red and clug the paper close, it crumbled under the force of your grip.
"O-oh I'm so-so-so sorry!" You instantly discarded the paper and rushed around the stall getting on your knees while intertwining your hands together over your heart. "P-please for-give me!" You stuttered out the best apology you could feeling your heart pull. You screwed up, you really did.
He laughed while Tyreen called for Troy to come along. He looked down to your pleading form and smiled smugly.

"Let's continue this little game some other time." He winked and walked off towards Tyreen as they were ready to leave.

You now know why people love them so much.

Yes, this is short but I will make more Troy X Reader that are longer. Cuz he's hot. Lol. Alright, see ya sometime soon kiddos!

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