Mordecai X Traveler! Reader

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The summer heat of the unforgiving pandoran desert was humid and sweltering everywhere. It was hard for you to keep your focus under layers of clothing which was beginning to stick to you from sweat. You felt sticky and bothered. Soon enough, different thoughts crossed your mind, especially about a cold shower. Day dreaming of the iced water touching and slithering around your skin would be favorable right now, but instead, you were stuck here for days on-end on some stupid mission. You really only took it for the reward; 10k for taking out a notorious badass psycho that kept terrorizing people. And with that, came no success as you couldn't even find the bastard!

At this point you didn't even know where you were going, you just needed to find shelter of some sort, but in these parts of pandora, not much was seen. All that was found was dead or alive creatures, the occasional wandering psycho or bandit. Tumble weeds, sand, rocks, signs of Jandsome Jack,.... oh yea, did I mention sand? CUZ THATS ALL THERE IS. I swear, this deadly drooling covered area is gonna drive you mad. The worst part about it all... is the silence, you hated how quiet it was getting, leaving you alone with your thoughts wasn't the best idea.

It carried on like that for awhile until you heard the rumble of a hot purring car and the screeching of a rakk. You wished to god that there wasn't a bandit car near by full of rampaging midgets. It continued to get louder as it got closer by the second, you didn't even have time to react when a car came flying out of a sand dune, right into the air.... towards you. You swoop to the left of the car, your right shoulder connecting with the front of the deadly machine. Your body does a spin as your knocked off your feet into the glowing hot sand. You were just greatful it wasn't your entire body rammed into the car, or to even be alive at this point.

It turned a half circle before spraying sand all over you, covering you from head to toe in grains. The groan that came from you sounded so un human like, but that didn't matter right now. You sit up, bending over while hacking up a lung at the ground. A shock of pain blossoms in your right shoulder as you get onto you knees hoisting yourself up. Sand tumbles from your suit while you squint your eyes at the figure getting out of the car. He was tall, slender, and had a beard resembling a magician since it curled at the end.

Another screach peirced the sky. You watched as he outstretched his left arm, a beautiful rakk landing on it with the calm flap of its wings. Being stunned was just the tip of the ice burg, you are absolutely frozen in fear. The mysterious man could do anything to you at any moment. What you were imagining was him having the taelons of this fierce rakk tear into your soft and squishy flesh, ripping you to shreds.

He stepped closer, the soft crush under his feet and the engine purring was all that was heard. He stopped a few feet away and shot you a disgusting look. "What the Hell Are You....?" You realized your outfit didn't really display any human under it, and scoffed at his comment.

"I'm a human ya dumbass, now what in the ever loving fuck gives you the right to try and kill me!" You grip your right shoulder in agony and anger. "Huh? Got an answer for me?"

He leans to his right foot, rolling his eyes at your rude outburst.
"I hadn't expected to be assigned such a feisty target... the names Mordecai." He reaches out his hand to greet you. You take it roughly and shake it, letting go as quick as possible. "What do mean target?" You didn't know what Mordecai wanted, and honestly, you could care less. A light breeze picks up, the sun begging to set.

"Lets go amigo, I gotta take ya back to Sanctuary for Lilith." Bloodwing flaps off of his arm landing on a poll in the car. He follows in persuit gripping the rim and hoisting himself into the drivers seat. "Lets go!' He pats the car on the window seal, 'we don't got all day!" A heavy sign escapes your lips as you go to the passenger seat, using only your left arm as support to get in.

"Sanctuary isn't too far, but it will take a bit, so buckle up and lets get goin." The sky sizzled into a fading blue. The vibrant colors of red, orange, purple, and yellow, painting the sky like a canvas. It was beautiful for seeing something like this on pandora.

Your shoulder still ached from before, so there was no way you were going to lay on it on the window seal. You slumped a bit down in the center wanting sleep to take you already.
It consumed all your waking hours and pain into one slip as you dozed off. Not long passed until your body shifted, you curling up to Mordecais side. You are glad you finally get a break.


Welcome back Kiddos! There WILL be a second part to this! (Maybe more.) Tomorrow I will be uploading the Zero story! Stay tuned and request if you'd like!:)

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