Zero X Reader ~ Remembrance

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Hello Kiddos! Welcome back to another part requested by DemonsDaughter98 ! I hope ya enjoy and look out for the next chapter of Lilith or perhaps someone else! Requests are open!:)


The smooth bark fell and caressed each part of your hand as you glide it over, continuing to move circles around the large oak tree. You loved all wild life, finding every insect and plant beautiful in its own way. You even had a green house dedicated to plant life. Everything there is grown and taken care of by you, possessing a green thumb was your #1 weapon. No-one else is allowed in since this is the only part on pandora which possesses plants such as these, meaning you didn't want some psycho coming around and ruining such a beauty.

You are a vault hunter and the weapon you harness is wild life. All plants have there own unique defense systems and you use that to your advantage. Experimenting and figuring out what plant will come in handy, or if they produce something that could be harmful to other humans. You know about almost every single plant and cater to all.

You figured it was time to go, you've been in here for hours now. You gently left your greenhouse, being carful for any growing in plants. Sliding the silver keys from your pocket, you unlock the door and head out, closing it behind you and locking it once more. You kept the climate tropical like in there, so when you stepped out, the cold air instantly slammed up against your rapidly cooling down body. A shiver ran through you from head to toe as the sky shown bright, leaking it's colors throughout pandora. You loved this planet but god was it horrible at times.

"I see you're calm/ Is it your garden?/ Or maybe your mind?"
A soft giggle leaves your lips as you look around for your invisible Lover.
"Both, Zero. I feel at peace when I'm in there with the plants, I connect with them more than anything, it soothes my mind."

He appears infront of you, coming into view with the blink of an eye. You've know him ever since you came to Sanctuary to start anew. He was the first to speak to you and you've followed him like a little child ever since.

"If I may question/ Why do you keep it secret?/ Atleast from me?" A question mark appears infront of his visor, making you smile a bit.
"I'm just a little nervous, Zero. I'm not sure if you'd like it or not..." He holographs a frowny face.

"I belive my interest/ The life you create is special/ But it is your choice." He finishes as he then sends a smiley face back. You sigh out and think for abit, you have known him for awhile... but just the thought made your stomach turn and flip. You supposed you had to at some point.

The key gets shoved back into the hole as the door swings open. "Please be careful and try not to step on any plants..."

"I would not dream of it/ I will bring no harm/ They're important to you." You trail inside once more re-living every moment.
The scents, the colors, the calming whip of the fan above, everytime you enter its always like the first. He folows carefully in persuit of you, allowing you to lead the way. He hasn't said anything since you two stepped in, so you were kinda getting worried.

You both reach the concrete circle where the center was a large oak that you were just at. It hung lights of lanterns, chimes, and glass ornaments. You looked up and felt a strong sadness leaking through the cracks, it's never felt this way before. A panic rushes through you as your eyes dart left and right. Where is Zero? You hadn't even notice him leave. You go around the tree keeping your eyes watchful, but the pounding of sorrow and tears flooded your mind. Why does it feel so heartbreaking? You see Zero standing above a Gladiolus patch. It was the only patch you had of its kind. It meant remembrance and honor.

A tear strikes down your cheek, falling to the concrete. You wipe your eyes from the salty liquid, and walk to him, keeping your head down. It had only begun to get sorrowful when he came in.

"Is everything alright Zero?" You say, your voice was quaking a bit but you kept your pride and stood tall. Wanting to know why he'd been quiet all this time.

"This place is magnificent/ But I connot help to notice/ Why it is so sad in here?" He drops his head and goes on one knee infront of the flower.

"I know these flowers/ You're able to see them on tranquil planets/ They're hard to find." He gently takes one in hand, gliding his thumb up and down the stock. A sigh comes from the masked man.

"I'll be honest Zero... I'm not sure..." You grip your outfit and look to the flowers. "I think its time to go...." You begin to walk away hoping he'd follow. The flower which Zero touched wilted by hand. He got up in a panic watching that single one die because of him. The petals fell to the ground, shriveling and decaying.

"Zero? Are you coming?" Your eyes lay apon Zero as he stands there, unlatching his helmet.

"If I'm to repay/ We share one secret with another/ This is only fair." His helmet tumbles into his hands, his ruffled and un-kept hair springing loose. You spin around and quickly say, averting your eyes. "It's fine! It is! That's your own secret!" He lets out a chuckle and looks over his shoulder. You opened them, staring in awe.

The yellow glow of his eyes met yours as they sparkled from the light. It nearly looked golden and glittery. You couldn't help but smile brightly as you looked at his features. They were strong and his hair matched his eyes so perfectly. A sparkling yellow shining in the dark.

You're shiny golden-eyed Lover, meant for the dark.

If only thats how it went...

But Zeros gone.

He's possibly Dead.

You didn't know....

He's been missing for months and no one has found him.
You still tend to your garden for remembrance. Remembrance of Zero, the greatest assasin and lover you could of ever ask for.

You didn't know how little time you guys would've had together... but god was it short. A scream escaped your lips as you slammed your head against the oak tree. Tears leaked from your eyes, blurring your vision.

"Zero.... Goddammit you s-stupid assassin!" Every word and frame came by harshly and in pain.

The pain and sorrow he caused by leaving.

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