The Predicament

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"So Master what do you suppose we do?" MiraJane asked who just finished elbowing Laxus and Freed in their stomach's. They were currently on the ground in pain.

"For now you three have the choice to accept them or reject them. I will not force you girls into something." Makarov said sighing and rubbing his face.

"But Master what about the consequences?" Levy asked who had a blush on her cheeks with Gajeel rubbing his head into her neck.

"It is your choice in the end." Makarov said.

Lucy sighed, "Okay well what about living arrangements?"

MiraJane piped up, "Laxus's house is large enough! Maybe we can all stay there."

"Actually my father's old mansion. They gave it to me." Lucy inquired.

"That's a great idea Lu-Chan!" Levy said happy to see her best friends old house that she lived in when she was a child.

"I guess that'll be okay but Lucy how will we get those two "puppies" on you to agree to stay somewhere without you?" MiraJane asked pointing at Lisanna and Natsu who were nuzzling their heads against Lucy's arm's.

"Can't they just all three stay together?" Erza asked who finally reorganized herself.

Natsu and Lisanna growled at each other, "I'll take that as a no." Lucy said sighing.

When Lucy moved to walk out the guild, Lisanna and Natsu launched at Lucy. They grabbed her hips and whined with tears in their eyes.

"I'm not leaving you two geez. I'm heading to my house." Lucy grumbled and patted both of their heads and turned her head to MiraJane and Levy, "I suggest you two get ready. Grab a lot of clothes in case this lasts for a while. Hopefully we can wait this out."

Lucy dragged her body out the guild and towards her house. MiraJane and Levy looked at each other and shrugged. Levy managed to get out of Gajeel's arms and head to her apartment at Fairy Hills. MiraJane headed towards her house and thought of the stuff she would need for Lisanna and herself.

Time Skip

Lucy sighed as she sat at the bench. Lisanna and Natsu rearranged themselves to where they were hugging Lucy underneath her chest. She went to Natsu and Happy's house and gathered Natsu's stuff since no matter how many times Lucy tried, she just couldn't get Natsu to leave her side.

Lucy sighed again and looked at the two, "Are you even my Natsu and Lisanna or are you two just the Mating Season?"

Natsu nodded and grinned at her. Lucy gasped because that was Natsu's normal grin. So Natsu is still there but what about Lisanna? Lucy thought to herself. Lucy looked at Lisanna and thought of a way to be able to tell if it was Lisanna or not. Lucy and Lisanna didn't really even hang out. Natsu was always dragging Lucy around the place on missions or adventures.

"Lucy!" A voice called out and Lucy turned to see MiraJane waving at her with Freed and Laxus at her side.

Lucy looked at MiraJane and pointed at her and made a crying motion. MiraJane gave Lucy a confused look, Why does she want me to cry? Lucy mouthed I want to test something. Laxus and Freed looked to still be there and watched the interaction so they were prepared for MiraJane to start crying. MiraJane nodded when Lucy pointed at Lisanna. MiraJane dropped the bags she was holding and collapsed to ground on her knees. Lisanna looked up alert and confused where the noise came from. Natsu was looking at MiraJane, who saw Lucy's plan, and waited for her to burst out crying. MiraJane started sobbing and Lisanna let go of Lucy and walked to MiraJane as if she was struggling. Lisanna kneeled down and hugged MiraJane rubbing her back like only MiraJane knew Lisanna to do.

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