Heartfilla Kozen

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YES I GOT SKY DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC! I love magic that can heal! In MMORPG games I always pick Cleric's because I just love being the healer of the group! Uh.... Anyways here is the next chapter of An Unbreakable Force. Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. THANK MAVIS FOR HIRO!!

Virgo refused to let anyone carry anything so she picked everyone's luggage up and left to the Celestial World, "Virgo is actually really strong Lu-Chan." Levy mussed.

"Of course she is! All my Celestial Spirits are!" Lucy said proudly and she thanked Virgo when she came back.

"Do you have proof that the last Heartfilla gave you permission to be here?" The train conductor asked MiraJane.

Lucy pushed her way through the group, "Yes she did! In fact I'm right here!"

The train conductor looked surprised, "Miss Lucy! What a shocker! It's been a while since I've seen you here!"

Lucy giggled, "It has been Mr. Vience. How is everybody?"

The man brightened up, "Oh we're doing wonderful! We're really grateful you fixed everyone's places up and gave them back to us without any cost!"

"Yeah but you guys still insist on paying for the mansion." Lucy grumbled.

"Oh Miss Lucy we had to do something! You gave our jobs back, our homes, and we don't have to pay extra! We wanted to do something!" Mr. Vience said beaming ear to ear.

"How's Miss Spetto doing?" Lucy asked her voice a little upset.

"She's holding up fine. Your friend is doing a great job helping her out." Mr. Vience reassured Lucy. The group was confused, Lucy never told them another person was at the mansion.

"Talking about my friend, how are they fitting in?" Lucy asked perking up.

"It took her awhile to get used to our kindness but she's very happy here."

"Aw I'm so glad to hear that! Guys let's start heading out! We've got a ways to walk to the mansion." Lucy called out to the group and everyone eagerly nodded.

Lucy explained the whole land to them which everyone, except Natsu and her spirits, was in shock.  Lucy also explained to them that during the time the guild was disbanded, Lucy had managed to buy back the land and reestablish the homes. She gathered the remaining workers and gave them their houses back and jobs.  As Lucy was grumbling about, they insisted on paying for anything the mansion needed.

"How are you paying for the employees now?" MiraJane asked.

Lucy sighed, "It's been a bit difficult to make sure their living good lives. They love the fact they get to work under a Heartfilla again, especially since it's me. I haven't been keeping up so well but I manage."

"Wow Luce I had no idea." Natsu said, stunned she did so much.

"Well you wouldn't have since no one was there to help me." Lucy mumbled but everyone heard her clearly and Natsu looked to the ground and stayed silent the rest of the way.

Awkward silence assured until Loke spoke up, "Um Lucy what was this friend that you two were talking about?"

"Oh I'm letting someone stay in the mansion to take care of old Spetto- San. According to Mr. Vience she loves it here, which I'm glad for." Lucy answered a soft smile on her lips.

"Do we know this friend?" Capricorn asked and immediately Lucy started sweating.

"Hime who do you have at the mansion?" Virgo asked sounding stern.

"Well uh it's complicated." Lucy mumbled.

"What do you mean it's complicated?! Lucy just tell us! Dodging the question is making it worse." Loke said sternly and Lisanna glared at Lucy. Natsu was strangely not reacting.

"BLONDIE!" Before they had realized it they arrived at the mansion doors and a red head barged through the doors and tackled Lucy.

"F-Flare!" Lucy stumbled backwards and hugged the excited red head back.

"FLARE?!?!" Everyone who could talk shouted except for Natsu and her spirits.

Noticing the others, Flare grew slightly afraid and gripped onto Lucy tighter, "It's fine guys! She's good, I swear!"

Lisanna transformed into a leopard growling, and charged at Flare. Lucy was quick to sidestep with Flare and dodge the angry girl. Flare's hair rised and she was ready to fight.

"LISANNA STOP THIS INSTANCE!" Lucy voice came out strong and demanding.

Lisanna instantly froze and her body went limp but she was still standing, "What the?! What did you do?!" MiraJane asked stunned.

"Uh I'm not sure actually." Lucy said puzzled and Flare let her hair down slowly seeing Lisanna not even twitch.

"Miss Lucy is letting out her dominant side or her Alpha side. She has more control over Miss Lisanna because Miss Lisanna is quick to react to what Miss Lucy wants. That gives Miss Lucy the dominant ability." Freed explained and everyone nodded.

Lucy looked over at Natsu, who still hadn't looked up from the ground or spoken. Lucy felt bad for doing this to Lisanna, but she ordered her to follow her MiraJane. Everyone followed Flare inside and Lucy asked her spirits to go also.

"Natsu." Lucy softly spoke and he still didn't look up. "Natsu hey what's wrong?"

She bended down and sat on her knees to look Natsu in the face. She was heartbroken at the silent tears that went down his face. She held his face in her hands and stroked his cheeks filled with tears.

"Natsu what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Lucy spoke so softly and gently.

"L-Lucy?" Natsu asked his soft cries heard in his voice.

"Yes Natsu?" Lucy said looking up at him with such care.

"I-I'M SORRY!" Natsu sobbed out and he launched himself at her snuggling his face into her neck.

"Natsu what are yo-?" Lucy started asking hugging him close but he yanked his head up to look at her in the face.

"I LEFT YOU ALONE! I-I didn't realize Fairy Tail disbanded even if they didn't I still left you alone. I- I should've known the sacrifice you made for us!" Natsu shouted crying.

"What do you mea-?" Natsu cut her off again.

"AQUARIUS! We found out that you broke her key to summon the Celestial King. You choose us over her a-a-and I ABANDONED YOU TO DEAL WITH THAT ALONE!" Lucy froze at what he said, "I know EXACTLY how that feels to be dealing with so much and you lost such an important figure in your life only to be IGNORED! You were always there for me! You didn't laugh at me for saying Dragons existed when we met, instead you scolded us for thinking a Dragon could be in such a cramped town! You held me everytime I was feeling down! You caught me even when you barely had any strength! When I was pinned under boulders, you refused to leave me alone and got beaten for it!"

"Natsu..." Lucy said softly crying herself and she tugged him down into her chest holding him tightly, "It's okay Natsu I was never mad at you. I was sad I was left behind but that didn't stop me from believing you would come back."

Natsu continued to cry and Lucy soothed him. Natsu held her so tightly and they both calmed down. Natsu looked up to see Lucy had fallen asleep. Natsu smiled at her sleeping face and whipped away any tears on her beautiful face. He picked her up in his arms and held her so close to himself. Capricorn was waiting at the door for them and quietly led the two to an anxious Lisanna. Lisanna perked up when she saw the two and growled when she saw Lucy in Natsu's arms. Natsu ignored Lisanna and laid Lucy down on her bed cuddling to Lucy's left side. Lisanna ran to Lucy's right side and hugged Lucy but Natsu just made more space for Lisanna.

Lisanna looked at him baffled, "I don't want her to cry anymore." Natsu mumbled which Lisanna heard perfectly.

Lisanna didn't make another noise and fell asleep on Lucy. Natsu laid his head on top of Lucy's and fell asleep, consumed by Lucy's scent.

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