More Start Speaking!

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Been really depressed and stressed it's why I stopped writing for a long while. I'm sorry everyone please understand.

Lucy groaned when she felt fingers poking at her face. She shifted away from only to run into something hard. She felt a harsh tug at her back and she landed on something soft but she didn't really care she just wanted to sleep more. Then her arms started being pulled away from whatever was holding her from the back. Now she was waking up and she was pissed. Can't she just get some PEACEFUL sleep for once in her damn life?!

"ALRIGHT WHOEVER IS DOING WHAT, BACK THE FUCK OFF!!" Lucy snapped as she yanked herself out of whoever was holding her and kicked both bodies out of the bed.

Lucy rubbed her eyes and looked at both sides to see two tearful mages. Natsu and Lisanna crawled back on the bed slowly and rubbed their heads against her shoulders.

"No, off! I can't even sleep in peace without my body almost being torn in two!!" She pushed their heads away from her and they both whined.

"Hime shall I punish them?" Virgo asked popping up from the covers and Lucy screamed.

"Oh my Lucy. I feel like this is almost a daily thing you're going to have to start dealing with until this all calms down." MiraJane said as she peaked her head into the doorway with Laxus and Freed grimacing behind her.

Levy's head appeared on the other side of the open doorway, "If I wasn't glad about only having Gajeel to deal with before, now I definitely am glad it's only Gajeel."

"What's that mean, shorty?" Gajeel grumbled and everyone at the doorway looked at him shocked.

"GAJEEL CAN SPEAK?!" Levy, MiraJane, and Freed shouted.

"HOW ABOUT WE MARVEL OVER THAT LATER AND HELP ME OUT OVER HERE?!" Lucy screamed as she used all her limbs to keep the three, on the bed with her, separated from each other.

"Sorry Lu-Chan I kinda forgot about them. Solid Script: Sleepy Mist!" Levy targeted at Natsu and Lisanna and they both slowly went to sleep but they're was still holding very tightly to Lucy. She couldn't escape.

Freed sweat dropped watching the blonde woman looking ready to cry, "Maybe you can just head back to sleep?"

"You can't leave them either even if you could escape. Best option is to fall back asleep." MiraJane said her voice full of pity.

"Even if I do, I'll end up woken up again by these two trying to cause the most gruesome murder scene for the other." Lucy groaned.

Levy chuckled, "Gomen Gomen Lucy but you just sounded like a Mystery author there."

Freed looked excitedly at Lucy, "A Murder Mystery from Miss Lucy would sound amazing."

Levy grinned, "Did you know that she's wri-" She froze mid sentence seeing a malevolent Lucy, "A-ah nevermind."

"Blondie are you alright in here?" Flare asked as she scared everybody since she seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"I'm fine Flare, just have you ever thought of how jumping off a cliff would feel like?" Everyone sweat dropped at Lucy's wistful tearful look as the sun gave her a dramatic lighting.

A piece of Flare's hair smacked her on the back of her head, "No, now stop thinking like that. You guys are notorious for getting out of the most werid and messed up things. Though I think this tops the cake Blondie."

"You don't say." Lucy sighed as she laid back down, "I'm just going to sleep. I can sense Capricorn is in the house so can you please send him here and drag Virgo out? I'd rather have him watch us then Virgo."

Virgo had passed out from excitement because of "Lucy's Feet Punishment" and she giggled manically as she slept away. MiraJane shook her head, picked Virgo up, and took her out of the room with Laxus and Freed following her. Capricorn appeared seconds later and the last two left to go do something else inside the large mansion. Lucy drifted back to sleep with Capricorn watching over them.

MiraJane, Laxus, and Freed

The boys followed the eldest Strauss sibling as she toured the house. Freed went to heaven when they found the mansions library so they decided to stay there. MiraJane got interested in a few books herself and she sat beside Freed on the table in the Library. Laxus sat to the left of MiraJane while Freed was to her right.

"Hey Freed?" MiraJane called out as she out her book down and both boys turned to her.


"Why did you two choose me to be with you guys?" Freed and Laxus were shocked.

"MiraJane even if we weren't connected by fate I would still choose you two. You both are lights in my life. Freed makes me feel better about myself as a leader and brings me confidence. You make me rethink my whole mind, always showing me kindness but being strict when it's needed. Fate knew I needed the both of you to think straight and I couldn't agree anymore. I have no regrets that we three are bound together." Laxus said staring at the white haired woman.

"Mira-San, he couldn't have said it any better. You looked right into my soul and knew I didn't want to fight the guild during the Fantasia event. You stopped fighting me an opener my heart instead. You supported me while I struggled when Laxus was expelled and you were the first to greet him back. All of that meant a lot to me." Laxus and Freed each grabbed one of her hands and squeezed her hands gently.

When they got no response they looked at her face and saw that she was overly red. She passed out her head about to hit the table but both males caught her head.

Laxus carried her gently, "I guess we should also let her rest."

"At least we aren't putting stress on Mira-San like poor Miss Lucy is going through." Freed said sympathetic and even Laxus flinched.

"Honestly it gives me excuse to finally kill Natsu." Laxus grumbled and Freed burst into laughter as they left the library.

"Somehow Miss Lucy got the shortest straw possible in this kind of situation." Freed said shaking his head.

"That blonde chick is always getting in trouble I think MiraJane is going to tear her own hair from worry." Laxus said.

"Mira-San sees Miss Lucy as a sister that's for sure." Freed said as he lead the way towards the room they were assigned.

"Who doesn't? Honestly we have to thank her for a few things too. That girl is impossible to not look towards to seeing, in some sort of way."

"If you think about it, just her coming to Fairy Tail altered things in one of the largest adventures. If she didn't snap the guild into focusing on a moral goal, no one would have been able to stop you. Even tho Mira-San is older, she even looks to Miss Lucy as a model of Fairy Tail." Freed said opening the door.

Laxus laid MiraJane on the bed, "Do you think she will help us out with MiraJane?"

"I have no doubt in my mind that Miss Lucy just wants the best for everyone and would help us even while she's strangling Natsu."

Laxus chuckled, "I really wish that would happen."

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