Miss Spetto

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Yes once again I have crawled back. I have a job now which has been tough on me in many ways. I feel into a depression hole (again. thats the wonders of having disorders) and I am trying to resurface. Anyways I hold this TRUTH to my heart, the picture above.

"Lucy-Sama," Someone gently shook Lucy and Natsu growled and smacked them away, "Natsu-Sama she has a visitor who really misses her and Lucy-Sama will be livid if you make her miss this chance."

Natsu woke up quickly at the goats words and gently shook Lucy awake, while pushing Lisanna off to also wake her up. Lucy woke up confused and mumbled incoherently for a bit before siting up completely. Lisanna sprang up and hissed at the Fire Dragon Slayer, who pretended she wasn't there.

"Natsu, Capricorn, Lisanna? What's going on?" The tired blond mage asked.

"Lucy-Sama, Spetto-San asks for your appearance." Capricorn announced and the blonde woman immediately started getting out of bed.

"Is she alright?! Did her condition worsen?" Lucy asked worriedly to her faithful spirit with Natsu rubbing her arm and Lissana looking confused.

"No she hasn't worsened but she does wish to see you before she takes her meds. She's refusing to take them since she knows she'll fall asleep not shortly afterwards." Lucy sighed in relief at the goats words and smiled at him.

"Of course. I'll quickly get ready. Virgo!" Virgo appeared by the Celestial Mages side in mere seconds.

"Yes Hime?" Virgo asked, scaring Lisanna.

"May you please get our clothes for me? I want us to look presentable for Miss Spetto-San." Lucy asked kindly.

"Of course Hime." Virgo said and she faded away but in a few seconds she reappeared in golden lights to hand Lucy her suitcase, along with Natsu and Lisanna's.

"The others already have there's Lucy-Sama." Capricorn informed her and Lucy smiled thankfully at her spirits.

Lucy rushed to the restroom and ordered her two "mates" to wait outside the door. She quickly rinsed and changed before making the other two do the same, separately of course. The three followed Capricorn to a separate room in the house that the old maid was staying in. Flare opened door for them and gave Lucy a relived look.

"Miss Spetto-San, Blo- I mean Lucy is here to see you." Flare announced as the four walked in.

The old lady gave her a happy smile, "Oh Lucy I'm so glad to finally see you after a long while!"

Lucy shared a kind smile, "Me too Miss Spetto-San."

The two caught up and Lucy helped Flare to get her to take her medicine after the two had a long talk. Miss Spetto knocked out seconds later and Lucy stroked the woman's head.

"L-Lucy who is she?" Lissana spoke and all jumped in surprise not expecting her to suddenly talk.

"She was one of the maids that took care of me the most when I used to live here under my father. She taught me how to make an Ongiri for my father and tried to cheer me up afterwards when he rejected it. She always made sure to spend the most she could with me before and after my mother died. When I was packing to leave this place, she saw me and quietly helped me escape. I was hoping I could give her the best before her time was up which was one of the main reasons I got the mansion back and asked Flare to watch her for me. Thank you Flare for watching her by the way." Lucy smiled sadly at the group.

Flare shook her head, "I'm more grateful to you Blondie. You gave me a place after I got back from my hometown and helped me meet a wise, stubborn, kind, old woman."

Lucy chuckled, "Yes she can be stubborn a lot."

"GODDAMMIT GAJEEL!" A voice shouted throughout the mansion and everyone sweat dropped.

They went to the Library to see what happened, since it was Levy who screamed, and saw him keeping a bunch of books away from her. The short blue haired woman grumbled and shouted at the man.

"GAJEEL I JUST WANNA READ!" Levy shouted as she continued to try and grab the books.

Gajeel scoffed, "You've been reading enough Shrimp."

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY MASTERPIECES ARE HERE?! NO I HAVEN'T READ ENOUGH!" Levy shouted again and instead started hitting the Dragon Slayers chest.

"Gajeel," Both mages froze, "Just give her the books." Lucy sighed out.

"But Bunny Girl, she's been reading non-stop all day. It's boring!" Gajeel grumbled crossing his arms.

Natsu chuckled to himself and his fellow Dragon Slayer glared at him, "Levy-Chan how about you spend a little time with him so he stops being jealous over books." Lucy said face palming.


Natsu and Lisanna thought for a second and gave the books a glare, "THEY'RE JUST BOOKS!" Lucy and Levy shouted together.

"Has this happened before?" Flare asked stunned by the events inspiring in front of her.

"No Levy-Chan always reads and he hasn't reacted this way before, at least to my knowledge." Lucy said shrugging.

"It is Mating Season. The ones going through it are more prone to be clingy. They can be jealous over anything." Capricorn replied and the three mages going under Mating Season blushed.

"I should've known that with this two attached to my hip." Lucy grumbled to herself sighing which Gajeel heard.

"Why am I being scolded anyways? Those two are the worst out of everyone here." Gajeel scoffed.

"WELL MAYBE IF THIS WRENCH DIDNT DECIDE TO ATTACH TO MY MATE IT WOULD GO MUCH MORE SMOOTHER!" Natsu growled at the youngest Strauss and the two butted heads.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A WRENCH DRAGNELL?! THATS MY SISTER!" MiraJane came marching in looking livid with two unhappy mates behind her.

"Lucy-San, I see it's another uneventful day for you?" A displeased Freed said.

"Ah Blondie is about to snap." Laxus noted.

Felling a deadly aura beside them, Lisanna and Natsu paled, "A-ah sweet Lucy please don't kill me just Natsu dying is fine." Lisanna said shrinking back and the latest three were surprised at her talking.

"I. Have. Had. It." Lucy showed no mercy as she transformed into her Taurus Star Dress and smashed their heads together. The two groaned collapsing and passing out.

"My apologies Mira." Lucy seethed out and dragged the two to another area.

MiraJane sweat dropped, "They had it coming anyways."

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