Who's Going to Win?

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Lucy is going to be using Star Dresses but she will have her own kind of spells that will be in Japanese. The translation will be beside it! Enjoy!!!

Lucy was practicing fighting with Capricorn on the different Star Dresses. Natsu and Lisanna were hanging on sepreated trees, which were anti magic rope. Everybody else decided to spend time outside and they were interested on seeing how far Lucy had gotten. During the fighting session Loke appeared and grabbed Capricorn, who before talking with the leader of the Zodiac's told Lucy to do some excersies.  The two talked before flashing behind Lucy and both went to strike her. Lucy was quicker to react and transformed into her Virgo Star Dress digging a giant hole to avoid both their attacks and drag them down with her. The three of them landed on their feet in the deep crater Lucy made and watched each other looking for an opening. The rest of the group went towards the edge of the crater to watch the fight, except for Natsu and Lisanna who were left in the trees.

Capricorn was the first the strike using his combat skills, "Chikyū no yoroi! (Earth's Armor!)" Lucy shouted as the ground attached to her forming into an armor and fought Capricorn.

Loke jumped at Lucy from behind her and the blonde mage had a pillar made of Earth strike behind her, already sensing the lion going for the strike. It hit Loke in the stomach and he was forced up as the pillar stretched on. Even with Lucy learning hand to hand combat, Virgo's skill wasn't combat and she was struggling against Capricorn, who specialized in close battle versus Virgo's abilities.  When Lucy did manage to land hits on the goat, or when the goat landed hits on her, pieces of Lucy's Earth armor stuck onto Capricorn.

Lucy jumped back and shouted, "Seichō suru chikyū! (Growing Earth!)" The bits of Earth stuck on Capricorn grew in size covering him in a boulder.

Lucy jumped back to avoid Loke's blow from behind when he went to attack her. She transformed into Tarus Star Dress and punched Loke into a wall. She grabbed a stunned Loke with her whip and smashed him into the ground creating a mini crater with Tarus's strength. Capricorn busted from the boulder and punched Lucy from behind knocking her into the wall. Natsu and Lisanna started hissing and growling fighting the ropes.

"Natsu Lisanna! I'm alright! It's just training!" Lucy said crawling out of the wall with some small cuts on her without looking at the two.

"How did she know they were reacting? She didn't see them from there." Levy questioned.

"She must have been able to sense their stress. Which is odd, I wonder if Natsu also chose her as his Alpha?" Freed noted looking at the two then Lucy.

"I thought Natsu would be Alpha over Lucy? I mean Lisanna makes sense but Natsu?" Levy asked looking over the edge still enthralled by Lucy's training.

"I wouldn't exactly say Natsu is Alpha over Lucy or Lucy is Alpha over Natsu." Laxus said as they saw Sagittarius now enter the fight.

Gajeel huffed, "I agree to that."

"What does that even mean?" The rest of the group asked.

"Personally what I have seen is Natsu loves Lucy so much that he isn't willing to have Alpha powers over her. Lucy has always had high respect for Natsu so she wouldnt want to take the title either towards Natsu. They actually share the tittle with a few things left out." Laxus explained.

"What about Lisanna?" Levy asked.

A shocked pain of yelp caught everyones attention and they looked back at the training fight. Lucy was down on her knees holding her head. Immediately Sagittarius disappeared and Capricorn went to pick up Lucy but someone pushed him and held Lucy. Natsu and Lisanna was there growling holding Lucy who was in pain.

"Natsu-San and Lisanna-San it's alright. She just pushed herself too far. We aren't hurting her, her magic depletion is just getting to her." Capricorn gently talked to the two and motioned everyone to stay still.

Lucy gently grabbed Natsu and Lisanna, "Im alright you two. What Capricorn is saying is true. They would never harm me on purpose."

"Luce why are you pushing yourself like this? Have you always done this?" Natsu asked looking at her in concern.

Lucy huffed standing on her own two feet a little wobbly at first but when thew two went to hold her up she smacked their hands away, "Its fine this is how I will get better."

"Better? What do you mean Lucy, you've always been so strong is my eyes." Lissana said in confusion.

"Im still not enough! Im not as strong as everyone else! Im always the weakest and Im always being left behind!" Lucy shouted and she slapped her own hand over mouth.

Everyone watching looked stunned and the two beside her couldn't even look up, especially Natsu. Lucy sighed and went to talk to Capricorn who suggested after her energy was back up to do a little magic stretching. He warned of not pushing it too far and Lucy reassured her spirit. Capricorn left with a bow and a small warning glare at Lucy, who shivered. Lucy walked out the crater leaving the stunned group outside as she marched back into the mansion.

Flare walked up after a little bit and since she saw the whole thing she spoke up shocking the group back into attention, "She's been like that for awhile, I cant change her mind either. Blondie grew so hard on herself it was unbelievable. She blames herself for a lot of things and I could never get her to tell me all of what she blamed herself for. I dont know why she's holding so many things against herself but I wish she would at least listen to someone when they tell her it wasnt her fault."

"What exactly does she blame herself for?" Levy asked quietly.

"Aquarius," Everyone flinched at that," Her future self dying and being kidnapped. She blames herself for more but I can't get her to speak up about it. I think she blames herself for losing twice in the Grand Magic Games though our fight was my teammates fault. She wouldve won that if he didnt take her magic away." Flare said recounting the few things Lucy told her.

"You know when we got the guild back together. Lucy had sights of everyone, detalied notes and a whole map. I realized how much alone she felt and I was determined to bring everyone together. She felt so distant ever since that year since I first saw her again and I still feel that barrier." Natsu quietly spoke up.

Everyone sat the crater in silence until an older man came huffing, "Miss Flare! Theres trouble on the upper right of the grounds!"

Flare looked stunned and the guild looked worried, "What do you mean trouble?"

"Its a monster! I dont know why it entered the grounds but at the path its going its heading for the mansion! Luckily all of the houses and quarters have been untouched but the direction its heading..... Lucy-Sama worked so hard!" The man cried tearfully.

"Its alright we'll take care of it instead of Lucy!" Levy shouted and Gajeel nodded as they headed off towards the direction of the monster.

"I agree Lucys done so much taking care of us, we're taking it down before it can reach the estate!" MiraJane switched to Satan Soul while Freed cast wings and Laxus zoomed by lightning.

"Lets go I dont want Lucy crying anymore." Natsu said and Lisanna nodded, as they joined the others.

"Ill warn Lucy and we're head there together." Flare told the older man.

The man nodded, "I already used the alret system for everybody. When the mansion didnt respond I rushed her as fast as I could!"

Flare nodded amd ran inside to find and alert Lucy.

So yaaaaaaay! *coughs awkardly* Uhm yeah I'm back! Hopefully for a while I had been taking a lot of therapy and meds options trying to get a grasp on things. I think I may have found the right med pattern. So hopefully ill stay for awhile. Well I think thats it so Chow Chow Fairun Roseabell out!

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