No Fighting?!

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Lucy was going to slice everyone's heads off! Okay, maybe she won't but she will threaten to! Lucy groaned as she pushed Natsu and Lisanna away from each other. She changes her mind, maybe she'll just jump out of the train! Lucy looked at one of the open windows with desperation. Yes, jumping out the window sounded very nice.

"Lu-Chan, I know that look. You're not jumping out the window." Levy said watching her female best friend.

Lucy sighed, "It looks so tempting though."

"Luce is going to do WHAT?!" Natsu shouted finally looking away from Lisanna.

"I'M GOING TO JUMP OUT THE WINDOW! SO I CAN GET AWAY FROM THIS FATE OR WHATEVER!" Lucy screeched and both Natsu and Lisanna held her tightly but growled when they saw each other do the same thing.

"OH FOR MAVIS SAKE CAN YOU TWO CHILL FOR LIKE FOREVER?!" Lucy yelled as she started squirming to get out of their grip.

They both managed to pin Lucy's arms down and she couldn't pull her arms out. Lucy felt like crying, she really did feel like crying. Natsu sensed distress in Lucy so he started rubbing his head against the side of her throat. Lisanna smacked his head and hissed at him. Natsu growled back in response.

"Geez I'm so sorry Lucy. I don't know how long those two are going to continue to hate each other like they currently do." MiraJane said, sighing with pity.

"I'm never going to stop hating Lasagna!" Natsu replied and Lisanna furiously nodded in agreement.

"IT'S LISANNA, YOU PEA BRAIN!" MiraJane yelled switching to Satan Soul.

"MiraJane please don't add to it." Lucy said wearily.

MiraJane calmed down and switched back to her normal attire, "Sorry Lucy."

Lucy gave her a appreciative look and she started feeling sleepy. It had been a long day. First she learns she is tied with two people. Now those two people won't stop trying to kill the other! Lucky Lucy Heartfilla her ass! Natsu and Lisanna suddenly started being quiet and gently let go off Lucy. Lucy opened her eyes in confusion but Lisanna closed her eyes. Lucy frowned at what Lisanna was doing and opened her eyes. Lisanna closed Lucy's eyes once again so Lucy just kept her eyes closed. Natsu leaned his head against her left shoulder and started quietly humming to where Lucy would only hear. Lucy felt herself drifting off into dream land and right before she did, she felt another head on her right shoulder.


Once Lucy fell asleep, Natsu and Lisanna avoided looking at each other and staying on Lucy. Everyone else in the train was surprised. Apparently when it came to Lucy they could agree on one thing, to let her sleep. Lisanna stroked Lucy's right hand gently around her guild mark. Natsu held Lucy's left hand and passed his warmth off to Lucy.

"Huh so they can work together." Levy mumbled and looked down at her book again.

Freed tapped on Levy and pointed at one of her books. Levy nodded and handed Freed the book and the green haired male cheerfully read the book. Everyone was trying to stay quiet because they didn't want to wake up the stressed blond. They also knew the two beside her, wouldn't be too happy. After two hours of complete silence and Lucy's gentle breathing, bright lights appeared at the right side of Lucy, Natsu, and Lisanna. Loke showed up and was about to start talking when Natsu, who was the closest to him, immediately hushed him. Loke looked confused but saw the sleeping Lucy and started talking in a lower voice.

"Look we know the situation that you eight are having. Frankly, none of Lucy's spirits are happy with this development." Loke sighed and looked at his key bearer, "We want to make this easier on the all of you, so we decided to help out. The Celestial King has offered about three of Lucy's spirits to help out without pulling a lot of her magic. Naturally, Lucy will have two spirits helping her out with the two barbarians since she is our key bearer and she has the most trouble. It hasn't even been a full day yet and you've already exhausted her to the point she fell asleep." Loke said glaring at the two beside Lucy.

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