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A/N: Catarangs...I'm pimp like that (๑>◡<๑).


Recovery is about progression, not perfection.

After a few hours of mindlessly messing with latex material for the suit, you decided to call it a quits for the night. Tomorrow you'd finish and afterwards you'd solely focus on training for the next few months. Considering the fact that it was summer, it'd only be a matter of time until you attended Gotham University.
And yet, even when your academics worried you, so did your brother, Dick.
Thinking about training, made you sigh. Even school couldn't compare to the torture. Having been absent from the activity for so long, made it even more vigorous than you remembered. Maybe it was just the mixed martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, and acrobatics Dick added in, (since he had nothing better to do). Not only this but, your training also consisted of some moves Lady Shiva had shown you,-ones you were quite rusty at now-. Thinking about the world's greatest martial artist was enough to make you remember how you started...

It was around that period when you naively became the new Batgirl.

After discovering your resistance to a toxin Poison Ivy exposed you to, Bruce decided to run a few emergency tests and make sure you were okay.

In that exact moment, you each discovered you were immune to several toxins and diseases humans would typically succumb to.

After a certain male witnessed your athletic capabilities in action, it was also obvious you had abilities not even Batman himself had. It was highly possible your DNA was spliced with another beings. Although you had your suspicions that you were a bit different than everyone else, you didn't want to make assumptions on something you truly weren't sure of. Though, your father somehow made it worse as he never elaborated on your background, or even spoke about it again. All you were ever told was that you had capabilities, equivalent to that of a superhuman.

For years, you tried to get the one and only caped crusader to explain where your 'gifts' came from. All he ever mentioned was that someday, your mother would reveal the rest to you. From there on, was where Lady Shiva began teaching you and training you to use your skills to the best of your ability.


You sucked in your teeth, shaking the memory off.
If your mother never showed up to begin with, what makes him think she'll show up now? Maybe it was just your father's excuse to stop you from learning anything anymore than what he revealed. He knew damn well you would never go look for her. Not with how you felt.
An abrupt noise shook you, forcing you to look up. You gradually relaxed, familiar with the presence in the room,
"Going to bed so soon miss (Y/N)?", Alfred inquired sarcastically, an innocent expression plastered on his face as he stepped down the stairs. You sighed, lazily laying your gadgets on the table, "Unfortunately", rounding the bat computers, you made your way to the stairs, only to be stopped by the butler, who held a cup of hot tea your way. He gave you a soft smile, one which managed to calm the tension in your limbs,

"This may be just a bit random- but, I wanted you to know that I am proud of you, miss (Y/n). I am proud of how you are improving yourself", his eyes trailed to your unfinished project on the metallic table, almost as if to hint at what he meant before he looked back at you. You grinned at him, offering open arms. He leaned forward, offering his embrace in return,

"Thank you so much for that, Alfred", you placed your chin snuggly on his shoulder, patting him gently on the back, just as he did to you when you were a child. He chuckled, pulling away to set down the tray in which he presented your tea on,

"No need to thank me, it is the truth",

Just as he turned back to you, he found himself alone in the Batcave, with the additionally small squeaks of Bats.

𝗥𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗦𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗻𝘅 (UNDER EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now