Chapter 2

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"So are you ready for your first high school party"

"I'm not just ready, I'm ready Freddy" I say as I laugh to myself

"I swear to God, you'll never find a man if you don't stop it with your Spongebob jokes."

"I'm completely fine with that, men are overrated."

"That may be true, but they are extremely—"


"Fine, but I wasn't going to say anything bad." Karlie says as she laughs to herself

"We both know that was a lie."

"Yeah you right." She says as we pull into a crowded street

"How do you even know where Spencer lives anyway?"

"Well, let's just say I spent a majority of Junior year in his bed" she says with a devilish smirk on her face

"I could have spent the rest of my life without hearing that" I groan

"Then you shouldn't have asked." She says as we pull up in front of a large house.

"Let's go have some fun!"

As we step out of the car and head toward the large house, I stop to take notice of the many... many people making out on the front lawn. I shudder and continue to walk side by side with Karlie. We walk inside as the blaring music greets us.

Karlie takes my hand, and leads me through the endless stream of people. After a few minutes of being pushed around by grinding bodies, we finally end up in the kitchen. Rows upon rows of alcohol are lined up along a large table against the wall.

"I thought we agreed that we weren't drinking." I say as she leads me towards the table.

"One drink wouldn't hurt."

"Fine" I say as I grab a shot glass "here's to living' like Larry"

As the alcohol burns it's way down my throat, I flash back to those nights I spent during freshman year getting drunk after my parents died. I quickly tell Karlie that I'm going to the bathroom as I stalk to a quiet empty corner. I watch as the party rages on and more people stalk through the open doors. After a while of watching drunken idiots dance and make out with each other, I begin to grow tired.

"What happened to your glasses?" A familiar accented voice asks

"I'm wearing contacts." I dryly say as I look up to find neighbor boy staring at me

"What are you doing here? You don't really seem like a party girl to me."

"I just needed to live a little."

"Well how's that working out for you?"

"Honestly I just want to go home." I say as I look up to find Karlie tugging Spencer upstairs "and there goes my ride."

"I can drive you home if you like."

"How do I know you aren't going to take me somewhere and kill me?"

"Although that does sound tempting, if I were going to kill you, I probably would have done it sooner."

"And yet for some reason that doesn't reassure me."

"Fine, I promise I won't kill you" he dramatically sighs

"Yay! Then let's go." I say with a bright smile on my face.

I follow him out the door as we struggle past all of the clustered bodies. Once we are outside he takes my hand as we walk past a group of boys passing around a cigarette. As we pass them I feel neighbor boy's hand tighten around mine. We walk hand in hand for a few blocks until we arrive at a black luxurious car.

"Nice car." I say as he unlocks the door

"Is that really all you have to say?" He scoffs "This is a 2017 Ashton Martin Rapide S"


"Just get in the car."

"You know, you never told me your name." I say as I slide into the passenger seat

"The names Price. Julian Price." He replies with a swoon-worthy smirk on his face.

He turns on the car as Panic! At the Disco starts blaring from the radio. I cover my ears as he struggles to turn off the radio.

"Why is it so loud?"

"Cause it's my car, so I'll have the music as loud as I want." He says as he begins to drive away

As we drive down the street, and the music becomes  just a low murmur in the distance, I slowly lean back against the head rest as I stare out the window, and it dawns at me that I have school tomorrow.  Perhaps tomorrow won't be that bad, and maybe, just maybe my senior year at Lonecrest High will be my greatest year yet.

"Umm... we're here." He says pulling me from my state of reverie.

"Okay. Thanks for the ride."

As soon as I get out of the car, I rush to my front door, grab the spare key from inside of the flower pot, and I head inside. I lean against the door as I try to collect myself. My blood runs cold as I hear heavy footsteps thud down the stairs

"Melody, where the hell were you!?!" He yells as he stumbles down the hallway and towards me.

"I was catching up with Karlie."

"You'll only make this worse for yourself if you lie." He says as his anger transforms his face

"Fine, the truth is that I went to a party." I say deciding against lying.

"You see, it wasn't that hard" he says as he stalks closer to me. As the distance became shorter, and his steps grew louder, I quietly prayed that whatever he is about to do will be quick and painless . Anticipating what was about to happen I shut my eyes just as a sharp searing pain shot it's way through my cheek. "N—look at me when I am talking to you!" Trying to ignore the pain in my cheek I look up to meet his bloodshot eyes as he gives me a mocking smile. "Next time, when you want to go to a party and dress like a slut, make sure you get my permission first." He sneers as he pushes me out of his way and stalks out the door.

As tears threaten to spill, I quickly rush to the freezer and grab an ice pack, and gently place it on my cheek. 'How much more of this can I take?' I think to myself. I am at my breaking point! I just might be able to survive high school, but surviving my Uncle is a completely different story.

As these thoughts swarm my head, I rush upstairs to my room and quickly change in to something more comfortable. Once my contacts are off I grab my glasses and then grab my book from earlier. For as long as I can remember books have always been my safe place. After my parents died I turned to reading as an escape.

After a while of reading silently on my floor, I am interrupted by a tapping sound. I survey the room trying to distinguish where the noise is coming from. I soon realize the noise is coming from my window. Since I'm not stupid, I grab a bat and open the window.

And imagine my shock when I find Julian Price standing in his room shirtless with a pile of rocks in his hand. I quickly use my hair to cover my cheek, so he doesn't ask questions about the hand print on my face.

"Are you alright? I heard screaming." He says with his sultry accent as he looks me up and down

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just my... TV." I say, speaking  of the first thing that came to mind.

"Okay, then Goodnight."

"Yeah, 'night" I say as I shut my window and get ready for bed. Before I turn off my lights, I silently pray to whoever is listening that tomorrow turns out better.

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