Chapter 7

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I walk into the kitchen to find my Uncle sitting at the dining table staring into space. I slowly walk towards him.

"The new neighbors invited us over for dinner at 8." I say as I try to get his attention.

"What new neighbors?" he asks as he shifts his gaze to me

"I think they moved in yesterday."

"Okay, then go get ready" he checks his phone and adds " It's 7:30."

I quickly leave the kitchen trying to avoid a prolonged conversation with my Uncle as I rush upstairs. After a few minutes of looking through my closet, and finding nothing I resort to the next best option.

"Karlie I need help!" I scream into the phone

"What do you want this time?"

"I need to find something to wear for the dinner with Julian's family."

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot. Is it formal or casual?"

"Umm... I'm not sure."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that, I didn't ask him if it was formal or not."

"Okay that's totally fine, we'll just have to work with what we have." she says as she takes a deep breath "You need to find something formasual"

"Formasual?" I ask absolutely puzzled

"You know formal and casual,but like at the same time."

"Yeah, right. So what do I wear?"

"Do you still have that white blouse that I got you for your birthday?"

"The one with the ruffles?"

"Yeah, so wear that with ripped jeans, and there you have it. Formasual." She says as I go to my closet and pick out the clothes.

"Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver."

"Yeah, I know. Tell me how it goes," she says as she hangs up leaving me to get ready

I quickly tug on my clothes and look in the mirror. Surprisingly I don't look terrible. I put on mascara and lip-gloss as I grab my backpack and rush downstairs to find my uncle already dressed and waiting at the door clad in a dress shirt and jeans.

"It's 7:57 we should start heading over," I say trying to keep the conversation as short as possible.

"I'm sorry about yesterday."

"You always apologize, and then you continue on with the same self-destructive behavior." I say as I try not to cry "It's a vicious cycle."

"I'm trying to be better."

"I know that." I sigh "But I really think you need help. You've relied on alcohol for too long, and you're using it as a crutch."

"I'm trying to be better" he whispers again as he opens the door and walks outside.

"And if they ask, you're my dad, and you and mom are divorced."

"Why lie?"

"Because, I don't think I could handle more people asking questions about Mom and Dad." I say as I ring the doorbell.

I look up as the door is opened to find Julian standing there wearing his usual leather jacket, a white shirt and jeans.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Julian Price." he says as he extends his hand to my uncle.

"Please, call me, Arthur."

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," he says as he ushers us in

"I brought my backpack so that we can work on the interview," I say as I step into his warm and welcoming home.

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