Chapter 6

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I tear my eyes away from Julian's as my phone buzzes. I realize that we are still holding hands, so I let go of his hand as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

K: omg, I saw everything, that was so cute.

M: So, are you stalking me now?

K: It's not considered stalking if we are best friends.

M: I'm pretty sure it still is

I put my phone away, and adjust my glasses as I refocus my attention on Julian who is scarfing down his food. Maybe being friends with him won't be such a bad thing. He finishes up his food just as the bell rings. I quickly stand up and grab my bag trying not to be late.

"What's your next class?" Julian asks me as he grabs his stuff

"I have World History with Mrs. Banks."

"So do I."

"Great, then let's go." I say as I offer him a bright smile.

We walk out of  the cafeteria together side by side, somehow managing to make it through the bustling crowd of students. As, we make our way through the crowd, we receive many stares, some envious, and others outraged. Julian manages to stay calm through it all as he offers everyone a mocking smile. We walk through the door, and I take my usual seat in the back.

"You can sit next to your other friends you know?"

"I don't have other friends here." he says matter-of-factly

"Why? You're Julian Price, everyone wants to be your friend

"Everyone here just seems so fake here. It's like they try so hard to fit in."

"and what about me?' I say as I turn to him "Am I not like other girls?" I ask jokingly

"You're just you, You stand out," he says as he runs his hands through his thick black curls  "and there's also the fact that you and Karlie are pretty much the only girls who haven't tried to hit on me."

"What's so wrong with that? At least people actually like you."

"That's what bother's me the most, they like what they see, but none of them have even taken a chance to get to know me"

"Wow, so I'm the only one here who as actually talked to you, that must suck."

"Why would that suck?" he ask with a confused expression on his face

"Well, because I'm just Melody, there's nothing special about me."

"Considering that you are one of the only girls that I like here, I think you are pretty special." he says just as the bell rings and Mrs. Banks walks into the class everyone takes a seat, and I was shocked to say the least, when someone sat right beside me, but shock quickly became utter disappointment, as I turned to find Bethany smiling at me with a look that promised pure hell.

"I thought I told you to stay way from him." she whispers as Mrs. Banks begins her lecture

"Why? I already told you that I don't like him."

"I can't take any chances. He. Is. Mine."

"He's not an object, he doesn't belong to anyone. And we are just friends." I say trying to reason with her.

"I suggest you stay away from him if you know what's good for you."

"And if I don't?" 

"Then, I will make him stay away from you." she says with a menacing smile.\

I sense of uneasiness washes over me, as I try to figure out what exactly she means by 'I will make him stay away from you' I am snapped out of my thoughts when I feel someone nudge my shoulder, I turn to find Julian starring at me with a worried expression, as he hands me a note. I slowly unfold it to read what he wrote in his perfect scrawling handwriting 'are you okay' My hands were too shaky to write a response, so instead I just turned back to him and gave him a curt nod, alongside what I hoped was a reassuring smile trying to ignore the overwhelming feeling of dread.

I continue to imagine, how many ways she could possibly ruin my life, but nothing comes to mind. I've seen what she can do, and let me tell you it's not pretty. I vividly remember after my parents died, when I was a freshman, she made it her personal mission to  make my life a living hell. Overtime, her words stopped getting to me, then eventually she grew bored of me. Although I'm not scared of her anymore, she still left her mark, and now thanks to her I am overly insecure, and socially awkward. I shiver runs down my spine, as I recall the many things she put me through.

"Melody. Melody." I am once again pulled out of my reverie by the steadying voice of Julian Price


"Class ended like five minutes ago"  he looks me up and down and added "What's wrong?"

"What makes you think something is wrong?" I ask trying to sound convincing  

"You usually run out of class as soon as the bell rings, and you also seem lost in thought."

"Nothing is wrong." I say as I stand up, grab my stuff, and storm out of the classroom trying to keep my distance.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asks as he strides after me.

I ignore him as continue the long walk to my locker. I quickly open my locker and place my books inside. I quickly text Karlie to get the car ready.

"You can't ignore me forever."

"I'm not ignoring you."

"Then why won't you talk to me?"

"I am talking to you." I say trying to change the topic

"You know what I mean." he sighs

"Sorry I  have to go. What time is the dinner?"

"It's at 8'oclock"

"K, then I'll see you there." I quickly reply as I dash out of the school doors and run to Karlie's car.

I hop into Karlie's air conditioned BMW  as she looks at me as if I've grown two heads. Instead of asking me endless questions, when we finally reach a red light, that's when the questions start pouring out .

"What happened? Did he kiss you? Are you guys dating? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I say as I relax in my seat, and Karlie being the amazing friend that she is immediately stops asking questions as she turns on the radio.

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