Chapter 8

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"My question is...where is your mother? Why didn't she come to dinner?"

"My parents are divorced, and my mom lives in Texas with her new husband." I say as the lies come pouring out.I look up to find him squinting at me as if calling my bluff. "What's your favorite show?" I ask trying to lighten the subject

"I don't watch TV very often, but I did like Doctor Who when I was younger."

"Oh My God! You were a nerd!" I say as I laugh

"I was not a nerd!"

"Yes you were. I'm going to tell everyone."

"Nobody would believe you anyways." he says as he prowls closer to me causing me to back against the wall.

"And why not?"

"Because I am Julian Price. And Julian Price is not a nerd."

"Umm. we should get back to the interviews" I say as the lack of space between us becomes to much to handle.

"So you'll answer any question I ask you?"

"If that's how interviews work, then yes."

"Okay, then why were you ignoring me today?" he asks as he slowly pulls away from me.

"I told you, I wasn't ignoring you." He gives me a look as if to say 'cut the crap' and just like that I give in. "Fine I was ignoring you, but I promise I had my reasons."

"Which were?"

"Well, Bethany told me to stay away from you, and she told me that if I didn't she'd make you stay away from me. And, I guess it would be easier to push you away now as opposed to later."

"What could she say that would possibly make me want to stay away from you?"

"You have no idea." I say as I meet his eyes 

"Then, I promise you this. No matter what I hear whether it's true or not, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."

And it was in that moment that I decided to hell with the consequences, maybe a friendship with Julian Price wouldn't be the worst thing on earth. Even if it meant consistent threats from Bethany, then to hell with it all, Because I have a feeling that me and Julian are going to be great friends, even if we are polar opposites

"We can continue the rest of the interview tomorrow," I say as I check the time "but I have one more question."

"Go ahead."

"Downstairs, what did you mean when you said your brother was dead."

"Exactly what it means, he is dead."

"It's completely fine if you don't want to tell me, I'm sorry for intruding." I quietly say as I check the time "I have to go."

"Yeah, okay bye." he quietly responds as he leans back on his bed "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Sure bye."

I rush downstairs, hoping to find my Uncle talking  with Mr. and Mrs. Price, but instead, I am met with the sight of  an empty table. I look around for a bit, calling out for my "dad".

"Have you seen my...Dad?" I ask as I stumble into the living room to find Mr. and Mrs. Price curled up together on the couch watching a soccer game.

"No, he said he was leaving, assumed that he would go get you." Mrs. Price says as she looks away from the T.V "Is something wrong?"

"No everything is perfectly fine." I lie "I should head home now."

"Okay, bye Melody, come back soon."

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