Chapter 5

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"Is this seat taken?"


"no" Karlie says at the same time as me as I look up to find Julian staring at me expectantly  with his beautiful deep green eyes. "Nope, the seat isn't taken, Right Melody?' she asks as she kicks me from under the table.

"Yup, of course you can sit here." I say as I force a smile trying to ignore the pain shooting through my leg.

" Oh and I'm Karlie by the way, Melody's best friend." Karlie says as she smiles at Julian brightly 

"I'm Julian, though you probably already know that" he says too cockily for my liking, as he turns to me  "So Melody, I was thinking that we could work on our English Interview today since you are coming to my house for dinner anyways."

"you know actually--" I stop, and try to think of a believable lie as I feel another kick from under the table, I turn to Karlie and instantly regret it when I see the look on her face "Actually tomorrow is perfect."

"Hey, class, today we are going to be learning all about the ecology of Protists" Mr. Wilson says earning groans from the entire class.

my phone buzzes, and I pull it out to find a text from Karlie.

K:this is so boring

M: pay attention

K: You know what would make this class a lot more interesting?

M: No, What?

K: If you talked to Julian.

M: why would I do that?

K: 'cause he is  staring at you right now.

I look up from my phone, and turn to my left to find Julian staring at me with a puzzled look on his face. I offer him a tight smile and then look away.

K: I told you so.

M: That doesn't mean anything.

K: I'm pretty sure that means he wants to talk to you.

M: or maybe that he's a weird stalker

K: talk to him right now.

M: Why?

K: I'll buy you a book

M: two books and we have a deal

K: 1 and a half books

M:  that doesn't even make sense

K: Fine I'll buy you two books if you talk to him

M: Deal

I quickly put away my phone before the teacher can catch me. Summoning up the courage to talk to him I take a deep breath.

"So... Nice weather we're having."  I quietly ask as I turn to Julian meeting his green eyes.

"Yeah, well at least compared to where I am from."

"Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm from Solva, it's a small village in Wales." he says with a hint of sadness

"Do you speak Welsh?"

"Yeah, it was my first language."

" Can you say something in Welsh?" I ask with genuine interest

"Credaf eich bod yn hollol brydferth" he says pronouncing every word carefully

"What does that mean."

"Umm... It means that I am hungry."

I pull out my phone as it buzzes again to find another text from Karlie

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