Chapter 3

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Every single night I see their face. Every night I watch over and over again as the drunk driver  crashes into the  car, and all I can do is scream for help. No one comes, nobody even bats an eye as a 14 year old girl begged and pleaded for someone to save her. As my screams die out and I slowly begin to lose hope, someone finally comes. I can distantly feel as someone grabs my arms and pulls me out through the window, but my mind is on one thing and one thing only. My Parents. I struggle out of the person's grip and try to find my parents. The instant my foot hits the ground, I let out a sharp cry of pain. I feel the warm hands on me once again, just as I hear the sirens coming closer. I scream again and again for my parents. A series of broken sobs leave my mouth as I pray that my parents are alright. I continue my pointless sobs as my body is hauled onto a stretcher.

For a majority of the ride tot he hospital, my mind goes to a dark place of "what ifs." What if they didn't make it out? What if they are worried about me? As these thoughts swarm my head, I remember what Mom always told me, That no matter where I was and who I was with, that she was always with me, but where was she now. As these thoughts begin swarming, the ambulance pulls to a stop. Just as the ambulance doors open, black dots begin to cloud my vision. I try to sit up, but a pain shoots through my arm as I crash back onto the stretcher and black out.

I slowly peel my eyes open, as I distant beeping pulls me from my sleep. My eyes adjust to the bright light in the room just as a figure in a white lab coat struts through the door. I try to move, but my body remains unresponsive. I try to talk, but my tongue is like lead in my mouth. The doctor walks to my hospital bed as she slowly tells me that my leg is broken, after a minute of looking at me with sadness in her eyes, she slowly tells me that my parents are dead. And in that moment I realized that I was completely alone in my grief. The flowers would still bloom, the earth would still rotate, and no matter what my parents were still dead, and they would never get to see their only daughter graduate high school. As the full crushing realization dawned upon me, I let out a sob conveying every single ounce of brokenness that I felt. And just like that I woke up.

I sit up in my sweat-soaked bed as broken sobs slip out of my throat. As tears threaten to spill, and my throat begins to burn, I try to remind myself that it was just a dream, and that it was all in the past. And the thing about the past is that the memories will always stay with you. But the worst part about my situation that the pain never goes away, and now I'm forced to live a life without the two people I loved most in the world.

After a moment of crying, and silently hoping that one day I will be reunited with my parents, I spring from my bed when I hear an obnoxiously loud honk coming from outside. I curse quietly to myself as I check the time. It's 7:30! Which means I've been wallowing in my own self pity for 2 hours. I quickly grab my phone and text Karlie that I'll be down in a minute. I change clothe and tug on the first thing that I see which is my oversized striped sweater and a pair of leggings.

I grab my phone, backpack, and glasses as I rush down the stairs. I quickly grab a banana and head out the door.

"What took you so long?!" Karlie screams from the window of her car

"Umm.. I woke up late." I lie as I get in to the passengers seat

" You do realize that I know when your lying? After all I am your best friend."

"Just start the car."  

" I thought you said they stopped." she says as she starts the car

"they did... kind of"

" you stopped taking your meds didn't you?"

"There's no point in taking them anyway. they don't do anything."

" Well what did your doctor say?" she asks as we stop at a red light

" It doesn't matter."

" Fine, but you know this conversation isn't over." she glances at me and adds, "And why are you wearing a sweater in this 90 degree weather."

" Well, as my wise friend SpongeBob said, 'the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time" I respond as I begin to laugh.

" This isn't even funny anymore, you really need to stop with your SpongeBob references." she says as she turns the radio on to tune out my laughter.

As the car begins to move, Karlie starts screaming along to Panic at the Disco, and after a few minutes of trying to ignore her, I begin singing too. We pull up into the school parking lot jamming out to  Brendon Urie. We immediately stop singing as the school bell rings and all of the students start making their way inside. I hop out of the car deciding that I don't want to be late on my first day of school. I quickly wave goodbye to Karlie as I run inside and head to my locker.

Without wasting anytime, I grab my books and head to first period, which is AP English. I rush inside alongside many other late students, and take my seat in the back away form everyone else. As the morning announcements go on I pull out my phone and text Karlie that I'm in class.

Just as the morning announcement conclude, Mrs. Harrison quickly starts taking attendance. She goes through the list, pronouncing almost everyone's name wrong in the process. She gets to my name, and somehow she finds a way to pronounce my name wrong (some English teacher). Everyone goes silent just as the door is flung open and a familiar boy wearing all black struts into the classroom.

"And who might you be?" Mrs. Harrison asks with wide eyes

"The names Price. Julian Price." he says in his delicate accent as he strides to the front of the classroom.

Who does this guy think he is... James Bond?

"Well then, take a seat Mr.Price."

I mentally facepalm as I realize that the only seat available is right next to me. He walks through the aisle slowly like a predator stalking it's prey. I quietly shrink in my seat as he sits down right next to me. All of the girls in the class shoot me glares, causing my social anxiety to skyrocket. This day couldn't get any worse I tell myself.

"All right class, settle down." she says as she glances at me apologetically. " Since today is your first day, let's start with some icebreakers. Everyone get in to pairs." I quickly stand up as a stampede of girls comes marching towards my table. I watch in shock as every girl in the class crowds around Julian.

"Hey, do you want to be my partner." a boy with sandy blond hair asks as he walk towards me.

"Yeah, sure... I guess"

" I'm Jaxon, but you can call be Jax "

" I'm Melody."

"Everyone! have a seat next to your partner." Mrs. Harrison says as she looks pointedly at the group of girls crowded around Julian. " For today's class, you will have to go around the class and interact with at least 2 different classmates. The point of this exercise is to expand your horizons, and get you out of your comfort zone. You may begin."

"Um... So what do you like to do?" Jax asks awkwardly

" I mainly like to read."

" Cool, me too! what's your favorite genre?"

" It really depends on my mood, but I prefer fantasy," I say nervously

"That's cool, though I must say dystopian is the best," he says matter of factly

"Well, I beg to differ."

"Then I'd like to propose a deal. I read your favorite fantasy book, and you read my favorite dystopian book, and at the end we discuss our opinions." he says as he holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Deal." I respond as I shake his hand, and get ready to find my next partner

"Would you like to be my partner." a familiar voice asks from behind me, and imagine my shock when I turn around to find Julian Price towering over me.

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