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"Y/N! Time to go to the dance studio with mommy today!" Joe says to his daughter.

"Coming!" She says and tries her best to not fall down the stairs as she couldn't contain her excitement. Going to the dance studio with her mother was always her favorite thing to do. Joe helped get Y/N strapped in her car seat and even kiss Dianne bye. Telling them both to be safe.

"Well while we are driving...I might as well tell you more about Joe and Dianne or as they would be known as Joanne" Y/N says.

Well joe arrives at the place strictly said would be used for training. Well that's when he saw his friend Dianne. Joe goes up behind her and covers her eyes.

"Guess who!" Joe exclaims happily. Dianne removed Joe's hands and turned to face him. She bursts out into tears, hugging joe wrapping her legs around his waist. Joe holds her very close not letting her go. Dianne just sobbed, that's when other people started looking at eachother weirdly. Except the people who was going to figure out who would be partnered with who, they instantly wanted Joe and Dianne together.

Well after they trained and got to know everyone. Joe invites dianne to stay at his house, so that they could get to catch up on times they missed, Dianne agreed.

As Joe and Dianne was heading home, paparazzi followed and was taking photos, that's when the rumors started. Of course joe and Dianne didn't know anything about the paparazzi.

Well joe and Dianne finally arrive home, joe helped dianne unpack and even showed her around. Joe and Dianne went out on the terrace the final stop of Joe's tour of his house. They looked up at the night sky.

Joe had the idea to go and celebrate them both joining strictly so he leaves Dianne on the terrace to get the champagne. As joe goes inside, dianne sees a shooting star.

"I wish Joe and I would become a couple" she begs and puts her hands together and put them on her heart.

Little did dianne know, that joe looked at the time and saw it was 11:11pm.

"I wish Dianne and I would become a couple...I love her" joe says to himself as he grabs the champagne and goes outside to meet Dianne. Dianne and Joe celebrated until midnight, that's when they went to bed. Neither of them telling eachother what they wished for.

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