「1st interview」

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Today we were doing my first interview so i was pretty nervous I fiddled with my hands while sitting down.

"Please introduce yourself." The MC said.

"We are one,EXO imnida" We said then bowed.

"Hello everyone my name is Hyejin i will be the MC for today." Hyejin smiled and bowede too.We smiled back to her.

"So i heard there is a new member which i can tell is very beautiful! Wow Carrie how does it feel to be the new member of exo?"She asked me. I blushed at her compliment.

"Oh thank you, I feel excited and also nervous being new i know it can be tiring to be a k-pop idol but i can do it because of my members." I told her and i saw the members smiling at me.

"As you can see she's the kindest memeber hha." Xuimin said to Hyejin. "But she can also be the scariest." Beakyun told her.

"Yah! Did you need to say that!" I yell at him then flicked his forehead. "Ouch! See told you." Beakyun said and rubbed his firehead. Then everyone laughed

The interview went on joke's were made since they only had 40 minutes because they have to practice later.

"Ok before you guys go one last question, What would you guys want to happen in the future?" Hyejin asked us.

"Well i would want us to get on more tours loving fan's and be together forever" I said smiling."I agree with her." The members said also smiling.

And it did happen they got to go on more tours got more loving fan's and they will forever be friends.

𝗲𝘅𝗼 𝟭𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 星 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱 ~Where stories live. Discover now