「midnight snacks」

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It was 11:46 pm right now we were all in the living room since we decided to have a slumber party. "Hey guys im hungry." I told them. " Yeah me to." Kai said. Suho sighed and walked over to the kitchen i soon followed him and saw him looking at our frige."There's nothing to eat." He said then sat down on a chair.

"Let's just go out and buy snacks." Chanyeol said. I nodded and looked at Suho if he'd allow us to buy snacks. "Yeah sure Whaaa~" Suho said then yawned."Yeheyy." I said quietly and did a small victory dance. The members laughed at me.

"But im too lazy to go out~" Xuimin said stretching his arms out."Yeah me to." Sehun said too."Let's play rock,papers scissors then. Then the five losers will go buy the snacks." Lay told us then he stood up. We all got up and made a circle.

"Rock, Papers, Scissors shot!" We all yelled. Me, Beakyun , Soo and Kai were rocks and while the other members were paper. "Ahhsii~" I groaned while pouting. "Why do i have to go with these pabo's." Soo said rubbing his eyes. "Hey you guys better take care of Carrie out there." Lay said pointing the the guys."Ne we will." They said. "But im old enoughhhhhhhh." I whined.

"Come on put on your guys jackets it's cold outside." Soo said then when to his room. I grabed my jacket from the stand next to the door."Carrie-ah get something thicker it's too cold outside." Kai said walking over to me. He was wearing a sweater and a hoodie."But all my jackets are in the washing machine." I told him with pleading eye."Yah okay okay do whatever you want." Kai said patting my head.

Beakyun and Kyungsoo then walked over to us then we went to the ground floor of the building. Luckily there were no fans outside so we didn't need to take the car, the store was only a few blocks away but i was freezing from the cold.

I hugged myself shaking from the cold."See i told you Carrie you sould've worn something warmer." Kai said taking of his hoddie and making me wear it. Ksoo and Chan saw what he did and they smirked, they ran to us then Ksoo put his padded jacket on me then Chan gave me his scarf. "Yah! Guys stop i look like a caterpillar right now." I said wiggling my body. They laughed at me then rolled there eyes.

Finally we made it to the store we then ran inside and went straight to the chips section. We got about 20 bags of chips and looked for more snacks. While we were looking me and Chan saw lightsaber at the toys section.(just pretend the store has a toy section (^:)

I looked at him then glared.'He knows what im thinking.' I tough. "1,2,3 goooooooo!" I yelled and we both raced to the lightsabers."Guys nooo." Ksoo said and faceplamed.

I grabbed the red lightsaber (cause dark side forever). Then Chan took the blue one."I see you want to challenge me my friend." I said seriously and glared at him. He smirked then said."You are right about that young Carrie,may the best jedi win." We circled eachother "1,2,3!" I counted and charged at him. We were hitting each other with the lightsaber laughing so much.

Ksoo and Kai ran to us with bags full of snacks."Guys it's time to go."Kai said. Suddenly the guard walked up to us "Excuse me sir and mamm but we have to kick you out of the store." He said sternly.

"Yah let's go. Were so sorry sir." Ksoo said to us and the guard. We went outside then Ksoo and Kai looked at Me and Chan."Hehe opps'?" I said rubbing the back of my neck."You guys know Suho will get mad at you." Kyung said looking at me then started to walk, I followed them and said."Yeah i know but atleast we got snacks." I said happily.

at the dorm

"What took you guys so long?" Suho asked. "Ask that to Carrie and Chanyeol." Kai said. The members looked at me then realized what i was wearing and they giggled. "So Carrie What happened." Beakyun said. "Me and Chan found lightsabers at the store the fought." I said nervously. "And i think I won't be able to go to that store again hehe." I told them. "Yah Carrie!!" Suho said then I laughed.


im so sorry for not updating yet
im going through writters block
right now :^)


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