「concert pain」

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Exo were currently having a concert at Klive when suddenly something happens to Carrie.

Carrie's POV

Me and the boy are dancing to monster everything was going great until it was time for the 3rd chorus. I have trouble dancing right with this part since are move's have to be fast and i also get confused with my leg movement.

[All] I'm creepin' in your heart, babe
Dwijibgo muneoteurigo sam-

The members kept sings as pain shot through my right leg while i was switching places with Chanyeol.
My eyes shut from the pain but I still kept dancing.

[Carrie] Neol mangchyeo noheun geoya.

I sang still limping because of the pain. The boys looked at me and i think some of the fans noticed i was in pain. It was Xuimin's part now and i was next to Chen. "Carrie you okay?" He asked quietly. I nodded and Chen bit his lip then sang his part.

My leg felt like it was burning everytime I stepped. My eys watered as we were changing positions.

It was now time for the outro my eyes had little tears in them. Finally the song finished the fans screamed jumping up and down, that put a smile through my face.

I tried standing up since i was kneeling between the boys, but I didn't remember my foot still hurted. I yelped in pain almost falling when Suho and D.O caught me.

The boys surrendered me while Lay carried me backstage. They laid me down on the couch then i looked at their worried eyes."Yah somebody please get the medic!" Suho yelled at the people behind us."No guys im fine!" I looked at the boys eyes wide.

The medic soon came in and took me to the clinic inside the arena then they laid me down on a patted table like thing and took off my shoes. The boys came in sweaty as hell "Carrie why din't you tell us your foot hurted!" Kyungsoo told me and faceplamed himself while the medic checks my foot."Guys seriously im good, im tough you guys know that." I say sitting up."Not sure about that it looks like you have a small fracture on your ankle." One of the medic told me."Aish i told you Carrie." Xuimin said."Oh im sorry." I said then looked down."Hey it's okay you didn't mean it." Lay told me patting my shoulder.

The medic put two rolls of bandages around my ankle and gave me some pain killers."Just have good rest and don't walk around too much. It will probably heal in about 2 weeks." The medic told me again. "Ne thank you." I smiled at the medic then bowed to him."Noona let's go we need to go back to the dorm." Sehun told me helping me stand up supporting me while walking to the van.

I got in the van and sat next to Kai and Sehun."Guys im sorry." I told them while scratching the back of my neck. "Why are you sorry for? You didn't mean to fracture you ankle it's fine." Beakyun said smiling at me."Hey guys lets have a sleepover tonight." Chanyeol said smiling widely."Do we really have to?" D.O said."Of coure we have to!" We all said smiling at him."Yah fine!" He said again and tried to push us away from him.


Im still salty cause the
Concert tickets are sold out

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