「V-live Prank」

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It was the only day Carrie and the boys' got some rest at there dorm, So when Carrie was bored she decided to have a V-live. She got her phone and opened up V-live.

"Oh hello guys." I said then smiled at the camera. "What should i do? Im bored hehe." I told them then looked at the comments.

'Have a dance partyy!'


'Dance for us pleasee💕'

There were so many comments that i almost couldn't see them. I was looking through the comments when i saw one good idea.

'Prank the boys!'

"Omg yessss I'll prank the boys, hopefully none of them are watching this opp's" I said while thinking what prank I should do.

'Pretend that your having a baby!'

'Prank them by fake leaving the group.'

'Tell them that you adopted a child ndksjsnjs.'

"Nah I've already done those pranks." I replied. Aha! "Guys i know what to prank them nowww brhahah." I laughed. "HICKEY PRANK!" I said loudly. Then laughed again.

I got up from my seat then walked over to my vanity, I didn't have alot of makeup since i dont need it so i only took blush, lipstick and concealer. "This gonna be fun."

I made two hickey looking thing at the side of my neck and below my collorbone. "Does this look good?" i said to them then showed them my artwork.

'Omfg Bitch hOw-'

'Why does it look like she's done this before?'

'Wait how do you know what a hickey looks like?'

I laughed at their comments then decided that the hickeys look real. "Ok i think this is good enough." I said then smirked, "Lez do this bkshaha."

I walked downstairs to see if any of the members where there lucky none of them were there. I set up my phone besides a plant near the TV then put my finger on my lip then wispered."shh" to them but then I remembered they can't really make sounds.

I was turning my phone to silent when I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. My eyes widened then i ran over to the couch and I pretended to be waching something on the TV.

I looked at who was going downstairs and saw Chen, Xuimin, Lay and Sehun going towards me. "Hey guys".i said then waved at them. "Oh hello". Xuimin said then sat down besides me then he used his phone. While the others went to the kitchen.

'The fuck is this dude blind how the hell did he not see the hickeys'. I continued to watch the TV as i saw Lay walk out of the kitchen.

"Oh hey Carr- Yo WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Lay exclaimed and pointed at my neck. I looked at them with a confused expression and Xuimin looked at my neck too.

"Why what is i-" Sehun said then he and Chen both looked at my neck again. Chen's eyes widened then he spat out the water that he was drinking on to the floor. 'I ain't gonna clean that shit up'



"NoNnA wHyy, I tHouGhT YoU wEre iNocEnT~"


They said and panicked then stood me up and covered my neck with a blanket. I was still pretending to be confused so that the prank will go well.'im gonna reget doing this do but you know yolo'

"Hey what are you guys doing?"

"What the hell do you guys need? You guys interrupted my beauty sleep." Suho said rubbing his eyes and walked down the stairs.

"What's you're guys problem." Kyungsoo then walked down too. The rest of the boys soon came down with confused expressions.

"WE SAW SOMETHING THAT YOU GUYS NEED TO SEEEE!" Xuimin told them then shook me.

"Well what is it?"

Chen, Lay, Sehun and Xuimin looked at each other then nodded. They removed the blanket from my neck quickly then ran too the boys.

"BANG CARRIE WHAT THE FUCKK DJEGSJBSKD!" They said and got close to me.

"Ya what is it?" I said 'hehe this gonna be the best prank ever' "Why of the hell do you have a hickey on your neck!" I pretended to be suprise then covered my neck.

"Umm what do you guys mean ahah" I said nervously and covered my neck with my hands.

"Don't act like you don't know." Chanyeol said then removed my hands from my neck.

They looked at me sternly and I looked to the ground. 'Well this is akward'

Kai sighed then said "So who is it from?" I looked at him with a disgusted looked "Why do you need to know?".

'Well that sounded rude sksk'

Beakyun looked at me "Well we need to teach him that you are EXO's baby and nobody can have you until you're 50" He said.

"Just tell us his name come on spill the tea." Lay said. "Well it's someone you guys know."

"WhO." They said on the same time. 'Wow this dudes must share the same brain cell'

"Well it's ummm." I looked at them then inocently then smirked.

"AAAHAHHDKDB you guys actually belive i would get a HICKEY without covering it up." I laughed LOUDLY. At first they looked concussed then they faceplamed when they realized what was going on.

"BANG CARRIEEE YOU PUNK I actually though you-" Kyungsoo yelled. I laughed then walked over to my phone and the boys looked at me.

"Ehehe got you guys." I smiled at them then showed them the live.

"Were gonna get our revenge on you Carrie just wait."




𝗲𝘅𝗼 𝟭𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 星 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱 ~Where stories live. Discover now