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The next day, Marie awoke happy, a smile on her lips. After a while, she checked her phone. When she checked, she noticed some messages—that had been sent while she had been asleep—from the boy to whom she had to say goodbye to the previous night.

cam 🐨
i just landed
in Canada.
i know you're
probably still
asleep, and if
you are, sleep
well. text me
when you can

Marie went downstairs for breakfast, and chatted with her parents and sister for some time. After she ate, she went to the family room and sat on the couch as she went back to her messages.

marie 👼
hi. how's

cam 🐨
it's beautiful.
just like you

marie 👼
hsbdbd Cam

cam 🐨
i wanted to
compliment you

marie 👼
and you did

cam 🐨
thought so 😉

marie 👼
cocky, eh?

cam 🐨
nope. i'm
just missing
my girl

marie 👼
aw 💕 i
miss you,
too, Cam

cam 🐨
💞 i hate
to cut this
short but i'm
going to go
explore. i'll
talk to you
soon 😘

marie 👼
it's okay.
have fun ❤️

Hours later, Marie watched Aladdin. As she did, she smiled. She clearly loved the tale...or maybe she loved the idea that it brought on.

marie 👼
Jasmine and
Aladdin really
are us, Cam

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right? 👀

marie 👼
they didn't
know of each
other and once
they met, they fell
in love. that's us

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and Grace
is Genie

marie 👼
love that 😂

cam 🐨
i thought
you would

marie 👼
i can sense
your cockiness
from miles away

cam 🐨
and i know
you're rolling
your eyes

marie 👼
mind reader 😂

cam 🐨
i prefer

marie 👼
and you
spring it on
me while
miles away,
fantastic 👏

cam 🐨
sarcasm 👀

marie 👼
i'm kidding.
but i'm screaming.
i mean, soulmate.
that's...huge. we
haven't even said
i love you yet

cam 🐨
i know

marie 👼
mind reader,
i swear. even
though i didn't
actually say i
love you...the
reference 👀
guess i'm Leía?

cam 🐨
of course. and
i'm Han Solo

marie 👼
this is love

cam 🐨
👀 using
a reference from
the film of the
mama of Carlos'
girl? i see you,
M. well played

marie 👼

cam 🐨
i just might
surprise you

marie 👼
you're full
of those 👀

cam 🐨
you know it 😉

It was night now, everyone else in the Santiago house asleep; everyone except for Marie. Her mind went over her conversation with Cameron from hours ago. Once he said that he would surprise her, she was left in shock; not doubting him with that but also in shock over the fact of what could be said.

The fact that 'I love you' could be said; that it could pass from his lips, and be meant for her and only her.

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