Chapter 45- A New Life

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Three months later

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I shut it off and got up quickly. I went to the washroom and took a shower and then dried myself up. I dressed myself in grey shirt and black pants and put on my dress shoes. I quickly made breakfast for myself in the small kitchen attached to the room and then sat on the single chair that was there in the room beside a small table. Once done I grabbed my carrier bag and took my phone and wallet and locked the studio apartment I was living in since last two months.

I had been released from the hospital two months ago. My parents had insisted me to come back to New Zealand with them, they were still cold towards the Sharkeys. As usual I had remained silent through all their pleas. When they did not give up and kept pestering me I had finally broken my silence and spoke to them for the first time. I had asked them to simply give me time and space and I had no desire to go back, not yet. They had been shocked for a while hearing me speak. Their jaws were dropped and to a normal person the scene would have looked hilarious. After they came back to their senses they expressed their happiness in finally hearing me speak but later agreed to my decision if that made me satisfied. They had left after that with a promise to check and call me every single day which they had been doing. I answered their calls but just replied with 'yes' and 'nos' during the conversation.

The Sharkeys wanted me to come back to the Sharkey Mansion but I had no intention of going back there. I still remained quiet during all the jabble that occurred on the day of my release as the triplets begged and pleaded for me to come back to the Sharkey mansion. When Mr. Sharkey had seen the uncomfortable and pained look on my face he had thrown his sons out of the room. He had sat on the bed lovingly caressing my hair and then asked me about what I wanted. That was the first time I talked to him and told him about my wish to move away from the city. I told him about the offer of job that Mr. Smith had told me about their new branch in Philadelphia and expressed my desire to go there. He understood my wish and agreed to do so only after I promised to have him arrange my stay and other things and also allowing him to visit me from time to time. I also told me that I did not wish to remain in contact with his sons and I saw hurt and pain on his face but he smiled at me telling me to do whatever made me happy. I was really grateful for that and now here I was in a studio apartment, since I did not wish to have a lavish lifestyle.

I sighed when I saw the bouquet of purple hyacinth laying beside the door along with a White Rose. There was a package beside the flowers as well. This had been a daily practice since I came here. I knew from whom were these deliveries from. The triplets had somehow tracked my whereabouts even when their father had not told them as per my request. Pat was sending purple hyacinths daily and Adrian the White rose with a note. David was sending a small children's book every day. How did he even get a different book was beyond my understanding.

Initially I had ignored the things lying at the door but my neighbours pointed out about those and hence I picked those up and kept inside my room. I threw away the flowers when they dried, a fresh assortment was obviously delivered the next day. The books were a totally different story. I was already having very small space and now I have to cope up with the ever piling books. I decided to take the books and donate those to the children's library in the city.

I picked up the things and unlocked the door and put them inside and then locked my room again and went to work. I was going to office daily now and I sort of have come to like the routine. I had stayed away from making any friends though but I talked to people if required and was unavoidable.

In the evening I had to go to my daily physiotherapy sessions since I still had some difficulty with movement especially my fingers. The physiotherapist was hired by Mr. Sharkey and despite my reluctance, he was taking care of all my medical expenses.

Over the past two months I had blended into this routine. Mr. Sharkey visited me over the weekends and I wondered how he got time from his busy schedule to drive here even though it was 1.5 hour drive away. The triplets never called me, they knew I won't answer. But, they had resorted to sending me those flowers and book each morning.

It would be our first wedding anniversary in few days if the marriage still remained valid. We had not officially divorced, though I had been thinking about bringing the matter to Mr. Sharkey. I knew he would be greatly hurt, he was the one who deeply wanted me to be a part of his sons' life but I had to think about myself for once. I could not remain bound to this sham of a marriage, not anymore. I had filled my part of bargain, the shares would get transferred to the Sharkeys now so they had nothing to worry about.

I thought about my future, whether I would stay here in America or go back home to New Zealand. I now had become independent for the first time in my life, out of the clutches of my parents , out of the hold from Sharkeys. I had a decent job now and I was able to pay my bills. I am on the road to recovery and healing physically and maybe emotionally as well. I am not the naïve Evan Reynolds I was a few months ago. All the ordeals of the past have transformed me into a different person. I am now an independent man devoid of any emotions , desires and feelings. A good thing if I may say since I did not feel the pain, not anymore since I was numb....

Numb to the core.


I am finally spreading my wings for first time in my life starting a new life.


Hey loves,

I think I won't stop updating, until the end. 

Do you think the story should end here? It seems appropriate for Evan to move on and think for himself.

How about Evan's decision to have a new life?

Any other thoughts?

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