Chapter 31 - Long Drive

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A week had passed since my so called break-up if you even consider it such with Adrian. I had not seen him around since that day. I had stopped sleeping in my room, not that I believed that Adrian might come to me at night but I just did not want to sleep in that bed anymore. I had taken refuge on David's sofa every night and David never asked the reason for not sleeping in my own bed. He had offered me to sleep on his bed while he took the couch but I had refused. I could not take away the comfort of sleeping in his own bed from him.

It just started casually, no questions asked when I remained in his room as he took care of my sick self. I still went to my room in the morning and only came to his room to sleep. David had been very nice and patient with me these days. To think someone with a temperament like that could be so caring and understanding was hard to believe but I was experiencing it first hand. He never asked or pressured me about telling him anything. He was there when I needed the most and I was really grateful for that.

My body had healed physically ; my fever and cold was cured but what about my heart. It remained broken and kept on bleeding with every breath I took. I looked fine on the outside but inside my gummy bears were crying continuously. I hadn't cried since the time I broke down in front of David but there were times when my throat got constricted and I had to blink back my tears.

I knew the way I was acting was pathetic. What was there to cry for? There was not even an ongoing relationship in the first place, just two people fucking each other. My heart failed to understand this concept and kept on aching. I tried to engage myself more in work to forget about what happened. It was no big deal actually. I would have to eventually leave when the contract ended, if it ended ; so it was better not to have any attachments with anyone here. All relationships should be no strings attached. But I was way too attached to everyone here so the pain was inevitable.

Could the things have turned out differently between me and Adrian ? Was there a way I could turn back time and change anything that caused all that? But what was there to change I could not figure out. I had run every single line of conversation that occurred between us on that day hundred of times but nothing came out that triggered Adrian to act like that.

"There you are kid", came David's voice bringing me back from my thoughts. I was sitting on the dining table playing with my fork, my breakfast untouched.

"Hi", I muttered.

Now that's another thing, I was not talking to anyone these days. Pat was still not back and I was avoiding his calls and messages. David himself was not much of a talker just like Adrian but he still tried to make conversation to which I gave short answers.

" I can see that you are not eating. Do you want me to feed you", he asked.

"No thanks, I am not hungry and I can feed myself", I informed him politely.

" I see, then why don't you finish this up and get ready".

"Ready for what", I asked quietly.

"Ready to stop sulking around and come with me".

"Where?", my voice still small.

"Just here and there. Now finish the food", he told me seriously.

"I am not hungry", I muttered again.

I heard him sighing as he pulled out the chair near me and sat there.

"Five minutes, I want this food down your throat or else you know I have my means", he threatened.

I gulped remembering the past experiences I had with David when he tried to force feed me. I knew he was being very kind with me still he was the Lion at the end of day and his basic nature is to hunt and devour its prey.

I quietly picked the fork and finished the breakfast. He patted my head like a child.

"Now go get ready and meet me here in 10 minutes", he told me and then got up and went to his room.

I had nothing important to do and it was better to go out than to sulk and wallow in self-pity and hence I got up and after cleaning the dishes went to my room to get ready .

I dressed in a maroon-black checkered shirt and black jeans and put my Nikes on.

I went downstairs and found David on the sofa talking to someone on the phone. He gestured me to wait while on call.

I silently waited and he ended the call in five minutes.

I saw him give me an appreciative look and then he came near me and fixed my collar.

"There now let's go", he said and left . I followed him.

He pulled out his car from the garage and I sat on the passenger seat.

He turned on the radio and What's the matter was getting played at that station.

I closed my eyes and revelled in the soothing lyrics though they somehow matched my current situation.

What's the matter?
What's the matter with you lately?
What's the matter?
What's the matter with you lately?

Oh, your love
Is never good enough
Oh, your love is lost on me
You don't know
You don't know
Oh, your love is lost on me

"You alright", I heard David's voice laced with concern.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Yeah".

"You are crying", he stated as he looked on the road.

I touched my cheeks and found wetness there. I indeed was crying silently. I quickly rubbed my face with the sleeves of my shirt. How much pathetic can I turn to be I asked myself.

David turned off the radio and I was glad somehow. Hearing that song felt painful. The lyrics directly cut to my soul and I was in no condition to bear anymore pain.

"Uhm, so do you want to go somewhere in particular", he asked me.

"I thought you were already taking me somewhere", I asked a bit puzzled.

"Well, I did not have any particular place in mind. Long drive then?', he asked.

"Umm.. yeah long drive is good", I told him trying to sound cheerful.

"Long drive it is".

We sat there in silence as he drove around the city. He drove to multiple places without stopping at any and I was amazed at different structures and buildings that we came across.

It was now that I realized I had not explored New York yet since I came here four months ago. I better remedy this before I pack my bags and leave home to New Zealand.


Hello Lovelies,

So are you still upset about the past sad chapters?

Hope you enjoy the update.



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