#3 We meet again neighbor

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Normani's  pov
As my friends and I get into school we see to girls their already looking for stuff in their lockers but they look familiar "Ariana, Camila?!" I scream and they both turn around but before Camila looks Ariana tells her something and then she looks around in her backpack and puts on sunglasses and hands a pair to Ariana "Hey, Mani" they both say and walk towards me and my group of friends I guess they did decide to call me my nickname, "Wanna hang out with me and my friends?" I ask them and Ariana had a paniced look and looked at Camila "Um, sure let's just get something we will be right back" they got back to their lockers and I turn to my friends Lauren looks uncomfortable "What's wrong,Lo?" She just looks at Camila "Umm, she's kinda my ex" she whispered "Oh, sorry" I said feeling like am gonna force them to hang out "It's fine we stayed on good notes, but, we haven't s peeked since maybe a year or two ago" she said and I just gave her  sympathy look "K, we're back" Ari said and I smiled at them and they smiled back and we walked to the bleachers and the football players were practicing and one of them came over and whistled to get our antenting "Hey, Camilla" he said and then Camila turned to look at him and glared at him "It's CamEEla" she said and rolled her eyes and he winked at her and came up to her all of us just whatching them "Whatever babe, Do you wanna go out or somethin?" Ugh fuck boys hate them "Nope, not intrested" she said and by this time Ariana was dying of laughter for some reason she even fell down making all of us laugh "Aww c ' mon baby" he kept on begin for Camila to go out with him and Camila kept saying no while Ariana was dying of laughter and Lauren was just reading ignoring them while Ally,Dinah, and I were just like awkward "Dude, just leave you don't have a chance with her" Ariana  finally spoke up from her laughter "Why not shorty" with this Ariana got angry and you could tell se was going to slap him but Camila hold her back "She's G-A-Y, GAY" Ariana said and took deep breaths "And I can make her straighter than a line" he said cocky much "Don't think you can" she said "Bet you I can do her better than you can" he said and she looked disgusted "She like my freaking Sister you ass" she said annoyed and pushed him he stumbled backwards Camila just getting ready to throw the punch "Than that's even hotter can I get a front row seat?" he said smirk and we all said Eww "That's it" Ariana and Camila said at the same time but Ariana holder Camila's arm "Not you you will kill him and get sent to jail maybe when you learn how to...." Ariana whispered and with that Camila sat down and just let her hand drop with a thump leaving a dent in the seat next to her on the right leaving all of us in even Lauren shocked and Ariana approached The guy and punched him right on the jaw and then on the nose making his nose bleed so he had to go to the nurse "Bye Dorrito" Ariana said and waved then came back to us like nothing happened "Also am not gay am bi, how many times do I have to rem7nd you" Camila mummbled and then we all continued our talk but Dinah just looked at Camila and Camila just rubbed her eyes and looked at Ariana and Ariana back at Camila and then they both turned to Lauren and it looked like the three of them were having their on conversation through their eyes if that makes sence "Guys, we have to go, sorry bout Dorrito and I was nice seeing you Lauren and Mani and meeting you Ally and Dinah" Ariana said and Camila nodded and putted on her sunglasses and once they were out of sight we all looked at Lauren and she putted her hands up in defence "So your ex is hot, should I be scared you might dump me to get back with her?" Ally said all of a sudden and Lauren shook her head "No, Mila and I were in the past and now am with you and I love you and no one else" Lauren said and I looked at Dinah "So I saw the way you were looking at Camila, what was that about, maybe getting a little crushy?" I asked teasingly she blushed a bit and pushed me "Oh its just that yesterday I bumped into her but her eyes looked different they looked blueish and now their brown" Dinah said "Oh, I also noticed that yesterday when she was going to her car" we both looked at Lauren "What color are her eyes?" She looked around and shrugged "Ain't sayn  nothing, but Dinah you would look hot with her" Lauren smirked "I mean she is hot but am with Kehlani" she looked down "You still with her, Dinah she hurts you break up with her" Ally said making Lauren and I nodd in agreement "I can't, she was my first everything and also she said she would kill my parents and I can't leave my siblings without parents" she said and I hugged her "It will get better Dj" Ally said and rubbed her knee.
At lunch we saw Camila and Ariana looked like they were in a deep conversation because Camila was waving her hands in the air annoyingly like trying to explain or something so we just followed Lauren who headed to their table and when they maybe noticed us getting closer they stopped talking and turned to us and smiled Camila looked wierd though but I ignored it, I want to know why they communicate with the eyes with eachother and Lauren when they can just say whatever out loud "Sorry if we interrupted something " I said they just shrugged it off "It's fine" they said at the same time "Guess you guys still like your dads" Lauren said making the rest except for them qurious "It's some things yeah, others...." Camila stopped and looked at Ariana for help "Not so much, you get us?" Ariana finished and Lauren nodded "how's your dad?" Ariana asked Lauren and Ally looked at Lauren like da fuq since she hasn't let Ally meet her dad yet "Um his good what about big J and papa C?" Lauren said giggling  "Sorry the nicknames stuck with me" she said "It's fine their... good you know doing their crazy stuff" Camila said and looked a bit sad at the end but quickly covered it with  small smile "So, why do you have sunglasses on inside a school?" Ally asked a rudly  making Lauren elbow her "Ally wth" Lauren whispered "It's fine Lo" Ariana said and took off her sunglasses and her eyes were a chocolate brown "Yeah Lolo, don't worry, and to answer your question, Ally, bright lights have been irritating my eyes and makes them ichy so yeah" Camila said "Good job handling that" Ariana whispered bearly moving her mouth Ally just nodded and looked at Camila suspeciously "Well do you guys want to hang out at my place After school?" I asked and all nodded except Dinah "Can't, Lani" she said guilty "well to bad cause your going with us" Ally said and then she nodded and the bell rang so we all went different was except for Camila, Ariana, and Lauren.

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