Why Her #7

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Camila's pov
I followed my parents inside when we all made it in I felt like if someone had punched me repeatedly until I couldn't breathe anymore.

I was frozen, I felt empty, I couldn't do anything just stare at her until my vision went black and the room was freezing cold I could hear people around me but I couldn't see nor open my eyes and that's when I felt myself fall backwards and hit the floor with a loud *thump*

I woke up in a room like where I had seen demi but this time it was like we switched places because she was standing by my legs "Demi your ok" I said and three myself at her but instead of being in her arms I ended up in Selena's arms "Demi is dead" she said and laughed then let me go and I fell and everything went black again'

"Mila are you okey?" I heard a voice in the dark Ness and then it was all quiet and instead I was seeing white now "Demi?" I screamed as a forest started to form "Mila, ur up?" she said and hugged me "Selena told me you were dead" I said hugging her tighter and then she let go of me and she was dressed in all white while I had blue denim shorts and a purple shirt with a light brown cardigan that was hers and some boots that were also hers "Why do I have your favorite Cardigan and boots on?" she smiled sadly  and a tear escaped her eye I wiped it away "What's wrong?" I asked confused "I was only granted one wish before I completely lhave to leave and that was to be able to say a proper goodbye to my best friend, my soul mate, and my everything, I love you it hurts to have to say bye to you I aill always love you and your my favorite person in the whole world, your the best thing that has ever happened to me I hope you will miss me as much as I will miss you, always be the singer you and I wanted to be or at least be the superhero you are in my dreams and help people out please don't fall into the wrong group of friends either you like boys or girls please remember that whoever it is I will always be happy for you, I love you always" and after we were both in tears she kissed my forehead "I love you more I will never forget you, you are the number one person in my heart now and always, I am going to miss you alot but if it's the best for you I will eventually have to let you go" I said as I understood what was happening we smiled sadly at each other as our tears fell from both of our faces we just hugged each other tighter "Now I have to go they are going to wake you up any minute now but I love you way to much to even describe it" she told me and started walking into the now darkening forest "I love you more than you love me!" I screamed she turned around and smiled "I love you too and tell mom and dad I love them too" she said until she disappeared and with that I was left alone into the now dark again place "One two three, go" I heard and a shock went through my body and I was engulfed into a big hug by everyone that was into the room and I broke down crying "Mom, dad, Demi said she loved us all" I said and we all cried, "Mom how did Demi died?" I asked my mom "Well we saw the cámaras and Sel had thrown her out the window from the second floor tied her up and threz her out into the road and a car didn't see her and ran over her" and we both cried even more

         ***Flashback to the present***
Still Camila's pov
We all were in tears and hugging each other "I remember when you woke up, your eyes puffy red that it even hurt me" Ari said I nodded at her because I also remember the door slammed open "Girls your soppoused to be home its already five you guys had to leave two hours ago" the coach said "Shut up!" Ally screamed the coach laughed "Oh hey Cabello, how's your sister, oh wait she's dead" she said and left laughing while I just wanted to kill her so I got up and punches the locker with all my strength and it even went through the wall "Mila, I think we should go" Ari said and dragged Ma out of school and into the passenger side of my car and with that we left and went home and locked our selves into our room

I cried writing this, sorry am an emotional person but I hope it was a good chapter to add to the story

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