#4 Kelinah Trouble

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Dinah's  pov 
When I got home Kehlani was on the couch with empty bottles of beer around her I gently shook her "Lani, Can I go over to Mani's?" I asked as she opened her eyes and looked at me "No! your staying here and give me another beer" she said and slapped my ass and all I could do is node and I went to the fridge and got the last beer and gave it to her the doorbell kept ringing and ringing "Can't you here the fucking bell go open it come on hurry up fucking bitch" she screamed at me and I just nodded and Ally  and Lauren where standing their "Guys I can't go she said I couldn't" I said looking down Lauren's expression changed from happy to mad and walked right into the leaving room and punched Lani "What the fuck Dinah!" Lani screamed and I didn't move "You fucking bitch" she said and yanked me towards the couch and was about to hit me when a strong hand stopped him and I looked to the owner of the hand and Camila was standing right their "When did you guys get here" I asked as I looked at Camila, Mani, and Ariana "Some minutes ago" Mani shrugged and Camila pushed Kehlani back making him fly to the wall on the opposite side and slide down leaving a big dent on the wall "You again?" Kehlani spat and got up and tried to hit her but she grabbed her hand and turned it around to his back and his face was against the wall "What now your a cop and your gonna arrest me" she said laughing only receiving a punch to the face and she spit out blood "No but you should learn to never hit any woman for no reason" she said and pushed her back on the ground, she fell next to a can of beer that was still closed she shook it and poked a whole and sprayed it at Camila's face her not being bothered by it and when the beer was empty she just rubbed her eyes and grabbed him by the collar of her shirt and pushed her again the wall until he stopped fighting back then she dropped him and turned towards Ariana and Ariana had a paniced look on her face and handed Camila a pair of Sunglasses and then Camila excused herself and washed her hands leaving us all shoocked because you would never think that a small girl like her would be able to do all that to a girl twice her size when she came back she had her glasses on and her hands now clean I looked at Lani and she was having trouble breathing "Dj Dump her your gonna be free from her" Lauren said and I nodded my head and that's exactly what I did I dumped her and got all my stuff from his apartment and now all my stuff are in Camila's and Lauren's Trucks we Made it to Normani's house and her parents let me stay with them I would've gone with my parents but they disowned me since they didn't like Kehlani being older than me and I still moved in with her but it was for their own good but now I don't have parents but Mani's  parents have always been my second parents so am glad I have them.
Once I was settled down in their guest room their new house is bigger than their old one and let me tell you Camila 'the hottie' is gonna be also my neighbor to be honest she turned me on when she was beating Lani up it was hawt, also her house is pretty and big I think it's a mansion or something like that because it has a big driveway and a big garage and a hugeeeee house but am thankful for her or else I would still be in trouble with Kehlani and she would've maybe even hit Lauren.

When Lauren and Ally had to go Mila, Ari, and Mani of course help me finish while Mani and Ari went to get the last stuff Mila was Fixing some stuff and there was comfortable silence "Thanks" I said "For What?" She looked up confused "For hitting her and not letting her hit me" I went to hug her "It's fine" she said and wrapped her arms around me we stayed like the for a while until the others came into the room "Cami we gtg, hurry our old man's r calling" Ariana said I am starting to wonder if they have a moms and not only dad's. She nodded and kissed my forehead and then went to hug Mani and they both left "Soooo, You and Mila,  huh?" Mani said teasingly and I just shrugged. "I mean yeah she's cute and umm cool but right now am not sure bout any relationships" I said "mmhmm" she said and nodded.
Camila's pov
"Back to reality" Ari said as I opened the front door "Ari, Mila Come down here" My dad said and we did as told when we got there they had their notes out and now we find out everything that the thing they injected in us did to us that we are different but most of the time it doesn't do much, but this time when we finished we found out many things. I found out that I can fly and that when I breath in and quickly breath out I can freeze stuff with my breath and also that I am like some metal when things come fast and hit me they break but when their slow it's normal.
Ari found out she can also fly and some other crazy stuff, but we found out we have some epic super powers and like in comic books about spiderman we can fight evil with them and our dad's are finally happy with their investment that they said we are no longer their test subjects so yay but that they will do one more thing for me which is that my skin hardness softens because I can hurt people like that and maybe others will find out. YAY WE ARE FREE!!" Ari screamed dancing and I join her wierd dance moves and with that our smile was the biggest and nothing could take our smiles away until we thought.

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