#6 Oops

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Ariana's pov
When I woke up all the girls and I where scattered around the room, Lauren was curled into ball, Mani and I were cuddled, and Dinah was the big spoon with Mila being the little spoon. I got up and started waking the others so we could all get ready for school, today was finally Friday. We got in Mila's car or truck whatever and went to pick Ally up from her house and then left to the school as always we got there a early maybe ten or twelve minutes earlier, the girls had to get to a class early so Mila and I went to our lockers and got our stuff for the first three periods then we went to the music class and and we played the piano and guitar while singing different songs. When the bell rang we left music class and went to first period.
Lunch time
"Mila, can we go to the music room instead of the cafeteria?" I said interwing our arms together "Sure" and with that we went to the music room.  As soon as we got there she went directly to the guitar while I went to the piano we have always shared music it's our favorite thing to do. We sang If I were a boy by Beyoncé, when we finished the door opened so we put everything down and then the girls came in "HI, we weren't sure if you guys were going to come" I said getting up and giving them hugs and Camila just gave them a small wave and Lauren went to hug her and Ally just glared at Mila "You guys still sing great, and Ari damn those high notes girl" Lauren said with a wide smile "Do you still sing and play the drums?" Camila asked as Lauren went to sit down next to her and messed around with the keys "I wish, but 'y dad told me that I had to stop, because it reminds him of my mom" she shrugged and continued to press random keys and'Mila rubbed her shoulder "I learned to play them a year ago, if you want I can reteach you?" Mila said Lauren nodded "Why do all the talks we get with you guys make my Laur sad?" the small goblin said I shrugged and went to the instrument closet and got out an extra guitar and two drums and gave the drums to Lauren and Camila and I sat in the bench on the side and tuned the guitar" Do you girls play any instruments? " Camila asked "Nope, But we dance, lol" Mani said "nice" I said and then the door opened again and this time it was Our principal "Cabello and Ms. Grande" he said making Camila and me roll out eyes "Does the problems ever finish with you two?" he said with an irritaded voice making me chuckle "Unfortunately, I guess not" I sad and putted the guitar down and walked towards him "So what we do?" Camila asked and he rubbed his forehead "Is it true that you guys punched Austin?" he asked and looked at Mila "Yes but it was his fault" I shrugged and went back to sitting but sat next to Mani he nodded "What did he do?, this time?" "the usual" he nodded and left I laid my head on Mani's shoulder and Camila went back to playing the drums with Lauren who would eventually mess up, Ally glaring at Mila, Dinah just looking around and Mani scrolling through her phone "What time is it?" I asked Mani "12:22" she said I went to the bored and started writing lyrics that came to my mind and by the time I knew it the little section I was writing on was full with lyrics "Wow, that would be a good song" Mani said from behind me and I erased some words and added some new ones and removed some we read it over and it sounded good but the bell rang so we erased it and we all left to our classes.
Camila's pov
Finally p.e my favorite class. As Ari and I got in the lockers we saw that the girls were already dressed waiting for us "How late are we?" was the first things that came out of my mouth Ally looked up from her phone "Five minutes, now hurry up am not running an extra lap because of you late asses" she said and got up leaving the room, she left all of us shocked because of her use of words "Wop" Ariana said and opened her locker and started to change "I'll go check on her" Lauren got up and went to look for Ally, I turned around and opened my locker and took of my shirt and shorts and folded them neatly then got my gym clothes, we usually don't change infront of others but I mean their both hot and our friends and eventually they might know, as I got my shirt I felt eyes on me so I turned around and Normani was focused on Ari who was putting her clothes away and Dinah was just biting her bottom lip while looking my body up and when our eyes met she blushed making me smile because it's so cute
Dinah's pov
After Lauren ran off after Ally and Camila was changing I just couldn't look away she's just so hot was she removed her shirt her back muscles pooped and damn I felt my knees get weak, her ass is so big and it just looks perfect she turned around and I felt my legs turn into jelly as I looked her up until I made the worst decision of looking up into her eyes when I k noticed she was looking at me while I was biting my bottom lip she smiled and I couldn't help but blush because I got caught and what the hell am I even thinking "We will wait outside" Mani said and her and Ari left the locker room leaving Mila and I alone in the locker room her practically naked, exposed to me, I wanted to get up but my legs felt glued to the bench she just smiled at me while I felt hypnotized by her beauty, her body, and her gorgeous smile "We should hurry up" I said once I finally found my voice she nodded and slipped on her clothes and tied her shoelaces and with that she got up and extended her hand towards me and of course I grabbed it and she locked our fingers and everything was perfect until the new coach, coach Gomez screamed at us for being late and made us run five more laps than the rest.
We where back at the lockers "Am so tierd" I said plopping down on the bench the rest were changing "Same" Ally said drinking from her water bottle "Mila you good" Ari asked Camila she had been silent since the coach screamed at us she looked spaced out "Karla!" Ariana screamed making Camila turn to her and glare "What Big? " she said closing her locker gently "What's wrong?" Ariana said rubbing her shoulder I felt jealous because They have such a close relationship "It's Demi..." she said leaving all of us confused looking at each other Ariana looked in deep thought "Ooh" Lauren screamed "As in Demi, Demi, your... S-sister?" she said looking down "Yeah" Mila said and sat next to where now I was sitting "You have a sister?" Normani said "Had" She whispered Mani and I looked at each other and I hugged Camila "What happened to her" Ally said "Ally!" I said sternly she shrugged "It's fine"

Camila's pov
"Demi mommy said we could play outside" 6 year old Camila said "am sorry Mila but I already have plans" 10 year old demi said  I pouted and she gave me a small smile "I promise that when I come back, we can play all day and night, ok?" she said making me smile "Promise?" I asked she nodded and putted her hand on top of her heart "I promise, but now I have to go I don't want to be late love you  Karla" she said kissing my forehead and I kissed her cheek and then she left I watched her leave with my mom who was going to drop her off for a sleep over at her best friend Selena's house my dad rubbed my shoulder "You want to play for a bit?" he asked I just nodded. After playing for five minutes my mom came back we were one the sofa watching SpongeBob square pants when my mom got a phone call, when they hanged up she fell crying my dad and I looked at each other and went to hug her" What's wrong, mommy?" I asked" D-D-De-m-mii" was all that came out of her mouth and burst ed out crying leaving me confused they were both crying and I felt hurt, alone, betrayed, all my feelings felt built up so I curled with them while we cried until my dad got a phone call and then we were all in the car, we parked outside of the hospital and as fast as we got on the car we were out and in the hospital as I saw many people crying I started to worry whe reached a place were Selena and her parents were at Selena was smiling widely while her parents looked real concerned I heard a doctor say family of Demitria Cabello I looked up and ran towards him but before I caught up with him I fell and got up as fast as I could and followed my parents the only thing I want is to hug my sister and her telling me that everything is fine. We stopped their was a big wooden door, I followed my parents inside when we all made it in I felt like if someone had punched me repeatedly until I couldn't breathe anymore.

Oof cliff hanger

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