Chapter One

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Author's Note:
Hey guys! It's Jamie. I'm not sure if you've read this before, but I am currently in the middle of fixing it up a bit. If this is your first time reading, I hope you enjoy! If not, I'd like to let you know that I changed the name of the book from Jail Pals to Sky's the Limit and I am no longer stopping at 20 chapters and starting on the sequel. It makes more sense to just keep updating this story until all my plot holes are filled in. So I will upload chapter 21 shortly! I love you all and please vote and comment on my chapters because I'd love to hear from you.


PG 13 due to mild language. Copyright all rights reserved.

Chapter One

"Pleeeeeaaaase?!" I wailed for the hundredth time, clutching onto the policeman's knees.

He only stood there, just like the prick he is, smirking down at me.

"I told you, Sky. You're not allowed to have doughnuts," the tall man with a clean-shaved beard replied.

Officer Carl Wells. I, personally prefered to call him Swankey. Just something I came up with one of the many days I've spent locked up behind bars. He had a square chin, looked to be in his mid-twenties, and had short, chocolate brown hair. He was one of the deputies in our small town. I knew everyone and everyone knew me, but that doesn't mean I got along with them all.

So, here I was, begging a cop for a single doughnut, mostly because I was bored. The others watched in amusement, while the sheriff (who was also a good friend of mine) was out patrolling the town.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a felon or anything. It's just that whenever someone pisses me off, I trash their yard, and I'm charged with breaking and entering. Most of the time, I'm left in jail for days on end because my no-good parents think it'll 'teach me a lesson.' I also get arrested for doing good deeds illegally. For instance, this time I was in for fixing the fountain in the park. How was that illegal, you might ask? It was in the middle of the night so I was tresspassing. As a result, I've had a lot of time to talk to all the officers, and they've grown to like me, because they know I always have a good reason for getting thrown in jail.

I like to get caught, too. Not without running, first, though. I'm just obsessed with the adrenaline rush, but in the end I let them catch me, because I like spending time here. It's better than my non-existent friends, or hanging around at home with my abusive parents.

Yeah, I'm pretty screwed up, huh?

"Oh, come on, Swankey! Just one? You know how bad jail food is!" It was then that I broke out the puppy dog eyes. The sherriff was the only one who could resist the puppy dog eyes, and even that was rare.

The other deputies started to laugh and ooh, as they noticed he was giving in. There was Frank, Dave, and Albert, who we all called Almond, because I came up with the name, and they all love me like a little sister.

I began to nervously rub at my wrists, where there were permanent indentions of handcuffs, as I felt my smolder start to waver. Just as I was sure I was failing, Carl handed me a doughnut.

I grinned from ear to ear. "Thanks Swankey! I love you!" I said the last part with a mouth full of doughnut so it sounded like I said 'Iwuvshoo.'

All the guys burst out laughing, as I continued to eat happily. Carl aka Swankey slumped, defeated, against the bars of my cell. There was literally NEVER anyone else in jail, since our town was so small, and the slightly worse side of town had their own jail. This one would probably be shut down, had it not been for how many times I get arrested on a weekly basis. This was basically my home.

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