Everyone has Daddy issues

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Peep my vampire boys, 🤤👏🏾, season two about to be special. As for Kaeden I'll decide to keep him as the original, for now, unless you ladies, gentlemen and however you self identify say otherwise ☺️, but onto the story.

Kaeden's POV

First spring break ever. That's all I have to say about it. Back home we didn't have spring break, we had Easter holiday, I guess it's the same but different. Like three quarters of the school was packing up and ready to head off while some where just lazing around because they weren't leaving.

Just Incase your curious, I wasn't leaving. My mom thought I was best for me to stay, and my dad, if you can call him that, didn't even seem to bother or notice that I was here at the Salvatore School. Plus I was looking forward to spend free time with Hope and the twins but like the universe deciding to be a 'rear end' , Dr S apparently got slugged after the talent show and he threw the damn urn in the river. I wanted to go with them to go find it but Hope guaranteed they'll be fine on their own.

Hope and Lizzie trapped in a moving vehicle for a few hours can only be good for no ones sanity. But according to Dr Saltzman,

"The world isn't as welcoming as it may seem, I'll explain when we get back but for now I need you to stay behind at the school and look out for the kids staying here over the break," he tells be before morning assembly

"Why me, some of the teachers are staying behind right?" I asked back

"Yes, but I would prefer that the school's second most powerful being stay where he can be most useful and most protected," he said as he continued to pack things from his office

Him, Mr.Williams, Ms.Tig, Hope, Josie, Lizzie and Kaleb (for some reason) are leaving the school after assembly, so he's currently packing for the trip

"Fine I guess I'll stay and be on guard duty," I told him with an eye roll,

"Good and remember tonight's a full moon, so watch out for the vampires that decide to take a stroll in the moonlight, and also for the wolves specially," he said as I was walking out his office

The wolves. Jed, Devin, Matthew, the others and Rafael. I groaned at the thought of having to be around him. I mean a part of me is happy that he likes me, but another part thinks it's weird and I don't know which side to listen to,

He had a girlfriend, so he's straight, right? But he and I have been really close, but I'm close with Mg as well, so this is weird to me. A straight boy crushing on a gay boy, just what this supernatural mess, aka, me, needed in his life.

I walked towards the hall to see people entering and filling the seats, so I decide to sit in the front row, because I don't want a certain someone to be in my field of vision. As I sat there while people came in I saw Mg reading something on a piece of paper, so as the best friend I am, I magically snatched it from him,

"What, Kaeden!" He shouted as he sped over to me,

"Dopest, coldest, spring break ever!?" I say as I looked at him, "explain,"

"I'm in charge off the Holiday committee, we help to entertain the kids that stay behind," he told me and I nodded,

He went over to the podium to wait for Dr S and I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked back to see Kaleb, he called me over and I followed him,

"Sup?" I asked

"I need to do me a favor and watch Mg," he say plainly

"Why do I need to watch him?" I asked concerned

"Whenever there breaks he doesn't go home, his mom doesn't let him come home, so I need you to watch him for me," Kaleb said as his eye drifted between me and Mg

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