S2) Landon the Virgin

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Okay so after last night let me say, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saltzman, is an absolute queen 👸🏼🤩
Mg, Sebastian and Kaleb are an ionic trio 😭😂🤣
Landon please stay a virgin 😭😂😂
Raf and Hope getting 20 seconds of screen time and still killing it 🐺💞
Penelope coming in clutch from the across the ocean 🙌🏾🙌🏾‼️
And Josie sweetie what re you doing to Freya?! But still I love you 🙌🏾😩

Also a lil reminder of what our protagonist looks like and I found this edit of Hope and Rafael and it hella cute, BIG ENDGAME ENERGY 🤤❤️‼️


I opened my door to see, Alyssa Chang standing at my door way with a bright smile and an overpowering sense of self,

"Sup Chang," I said looking at her from head to toe, as I began to wonder why the girls at this school would decide to wear plaid,

"Oh just being a shining star as per usual wolf boy," she said with a hair flip, she was radiating high esteem which made me gag internally, the girl is full of herself, "this came for you,"

She holds out a big brown box with a white bow on it, that I didn't see until I realize she was making it float next to her,

"Really?" I ask taking it from her,

"Yea, it was in the office so, headmaster Vardemus asked me to bring it to you," she said and without another words she turns and walks off, swaying her hips as she leaves,

"Okay," I say closing my door and heading to my desk to open the box,

I pull the white bow until it came undone and I opened the box to see an old yet familiar suit inside, the suit and pants were dark blue in colour, they seemed old yet they were adjusted, almost like they were my size. The fabric felt the same, even smelt the same and it made "IT" seem so close and so real,

I took the suit out off of the box and my head flashed to the memories that I tried to repress,

'Why,' I thought to myself as the memories flash through my head,

Under the suit, were a pair of black dress shoes and a letter, I took out the letter and placed the suit back inside, and it read,

Dear son,
Your time is drawing near and you must do this. For the pack and for your family, it's in your blood.

- Dad

I took a deep breath and closed the lid of box and decided to hide it, and right now the bottom of my closet seemed the best place to put it.

"Outta sight, outta mind," I say closing the closet door,

So after hiding the box, I took the letter and placed it in the bottom of one of my draws, underneath my underwear,

"No ones gonna go looking thru there," I say closing the draw, "hopefully,"

It was Saturday and also the day of the decade dance. Apparently this year the theme was the 80s, Josie was leading the charge to decorate the school for the party.

My outfit for the day, a pair of black Adidas track pants (close fit), my white sneakers, a white vest, and Rafael's grey hoodie, that I should definitely return before too long,

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