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Takes place after Season 10 and the Kailor ship does not exist. Lavashipping and a little Jaya. I know not all the facts in my fanfiction are true according to the show but I hope you enjoy it otherwise! :) This is my first major fanfiction so please don't hate if the punctuation and grammar is wrong. Requests are open for future chapters! I own the photo. And yes I can't draw rocks.

The warm summer wind stirred on an early Saturday morning. The trees danced gracefully in the breeze and the stars glowed bright above the Monastery of Spinjitzu. An owl perched on a branch of the Japanese Cherry Blossom outside the walls slept peacefully, being cradled asleep by the night breeze.
    It was 2:31 a.m. and all the ninja were fast asleep in their own rooms. Nothing stirred on this peaceful night, not even Jay playing his video games early in the morning.
    Suddenly, a shadow flashed by the door to the Monastery. With quick, careful movements, the shadow whisked past the walls, as if it was never there. Its feet lightly glided on the wooden floor boards, getting closer to Sensei Wu's bedroom...
    As it turned the corner, the double doors to the master's bedroom came in sight down the hall. In a flash, the shadow was there at the doorknob, putting its hand on the smooth, copper surface. But as it stepped forward, it bumped a small decorative table on the leg, causing an antique vase to tip. Before it hit the ground, the mysterious figure quickly caught it, relief settling their mind.
    Holding a bag in its left hand, the shadow quietly opened the door, grateful that the Monastery was just rebuilt, for there would be no creaking doors.
    Once they were fully in, they shut the door behind them, walking slowly towards the victim in the bed.
    Kai was jolted awake from the sound of his sensei's scream.
    "What was that?" he asked himself, immediately getting out of bed. As he ran towards his door, he tripped on one of his red sweatshirts that was thrown to the ground and fell face first on the wooden planks. Glad none of his other brothers and sisters were there, he quickly got up and opened his door, leaving it wide open. Sliding the front doors open, he only saw the top of the intruder's head disappear as it vanished behind the roof of the courtyard walls. Climbing on top, he stared out into the mountains, hoping he'd spot some sort of movement. Nothing.
Sighing with disappointment, he looked down to climb back into bed. A shiny metal thing caught his eye before he went to continue the rest of the night in peace. It was a bracelet with the symbol of a rock mountain on a steel medallion. The two ends were connected by a string of lava rock beads, alternating in size. As Kai turned around, the rest of his teammates sleepily walked out, rubbing their eyes.
"Ugh Kai, what are you doing awake this early? On the roof of all places?" asked Lloyd, rubbing his right eye.
"I heard Sensei Wu scream and I ran out to see what happened. I think someone kidnapped him because I saw the top of someone's head slinging a bag over their shoulder." reasoned Kai, looking at the nicely crafted bracelet in his hands.
"Someone captured Sensei Wu? Well we hafta go after them!"said Jay with concern in his voice.
Cole sighed. "Based off of Kai's encounter, I think we're too late, we'll have to wait till' tomorrow."
"But what if-"
"Look Jay I want to find him as much as you do but we can't, it'll be better off tomorrow when we're well rested and can think properly. Hopefully nothing bad happens while he's away." Cole reassured Jay, squeezing his shoulder as a sign of affection.
"Should I try to scan his beacon?" asked Zane, trying to offer more to the situation.
Nya came over to Zane and put her hand on his shoulder. "No it's alright Zane, we should get some rest and prepare for tomorrow. Plus we can hook your camera up to the screen on the Destiny's Bounty so we can all see."
Zane nodded.
"Whatcha' looking at Kai?" asked Lloyd, noticing Kai had been staring at something in his hands for a while.
"I don't know, some medallion bracelet of some sort the intruder dropped," said Kai jumping down from the roof. "There's this mountain on it. It looks like someone hand-made it."
"Can I see?" asked Cole, coming over to Kai.
Cole took the bracelet out of Kai's hands, their fingers lightly brushing. Cole felt his cheeks warm up. Kai's hands were surprisingly soft, but he pushed the idea aside and examined the bracelet. He felt as if it looked familiar, like he's seen the symbol before.
"Can I keep it? I mean I feel some sort of connection to it. I don't know why." admitted Cole looking into Kai's amber-brown eyes.
"Whatever. As long as you don't lose it. It could lead us to Wu somehow," explained Kai, walking towards the sliding doors to get back in bed. "good night."
"Yes, Pixal and I will go to bed now." said Zane, putting his arm around her shoulders guiding her back to their shared bedroom.
Cole yawned walking back to the front doors.
"You two love birds coming?" teased Cole, looking at Jay and Nya who were cuddled close to each other sitting while looking up at the stars.
"No we're gonna stay out here for a little bit. After all, it's such a nice evening, or morning." reasoned Nya, lacing her fingers in between Jay's, who blushed at the sudden action.
"K' don't stay up too late. Goodnight."
Jay and Nya starred up at the shining stars for a while, enjoying each other's company. Jay turned to look at Nya who was resting her head on his shoulders.
"You know I love you right? A lot?"
Nya looked up lovingly at Jay. "Of course, that's why you asked me to be your yang. And I love you, too, more than anything in the world," replied Nya.
Jay, not knowing what to say next wrapped his arms around Nya, closing his eyes and smelling the sweet scent of her hair. He felt her soft hands run through his fluffy, brown strands, hugging him tighter.
It was silent for a while until Nya broke the silence. She loosened her hug and looked up at Jay.
"What are we gonna do about Sensei Wu?" she asked, looking into his blue and amber eyes, the blue coming out of the center like the lightning inside him.
"I don't know, to be honest. I'm just worried about him, considering this is his second time getting lost." said Jay pointing out the fact, looking back into her shining, deep blue, ocean orbs.
Nya sighed. She buried her face in Jay's chest. "Me too."
Jay slipped his fingers in between hers. "We should go to bed now, it's pretty early. It'd be a good idea if we'd get some sleep so we have enough energy to look for Sensei Wu."
Nya nodded as she and Jay held hands back to their bedroom, the worry and concern edged in their mind, but the sweet, loving warmth of their palms pressed together.

Yay done with the first part. The story may start off slow but I promise it'll only get better :)

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