Chapter 4

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Information about this chapter: ghosts in my story cannot freely roam in Ninjago like in the show. They have a short amount of time and energy before they disappear and their soul is sent back to the Departed Realm.

    Jay couldn't believe they were actually gonna bring Cole's mom back. It was a cool idea and all, but opening the Departed Realm didn't seem like the best idea. He didn't feel like dealing with any power crazy ghosts again, even if Morro turned out to be good. The team decided to use a spell from Sensei's library first that temporarily allowed mortals to talk to ghosts. They wanted to make sure Cole's mom was still there, for apparently ghosts disappear completely if they're not remembered. (Well even if she is remembered but ya know better safe than sorry)
    Jay read over the spell again, making sure they had all the items they needed. He looked at the chalk circle that was drawn in the middle of the game room. It was decorated with very detailed and intricate shapes, kinda pretty in a way. Three smaller circles surrounded it, each with an item that Cole's mother possessed: A necklace she always wore, which Ethan kept after she was killed, her wedding ring, and a singing trophy she won. Cole had to fly back to his father's house to retrieve two of the items, so when he finally came back, he was jumping around like a monkey.
    The spell had required at least two strands of hair from their relatives, Cole not being so fond of it, claiming he had a sensitive head and to be careful, while Ethan, not caring one bit.
    The strands were placed in the middle of the larger circle. Nine orange candles were lit in the corners of the room, thanks to Kai.
    "You guys ready?" Lloyd asked picking the book up.
    Jay looked over at Cole, a wide smile upon his face. He was standing next to Ethan, who was also grinning, trying to keep the excitement in.
    "Yup! I can't believe this is actually happening! I mean this is the first time I've met my mother in a while and I can't wait to see her! I bet she's nice and beautiful like me and-"
    "We get it!" shouted Jay interrupting Cole. "Geez, you sound like me now."
    "Guess I learned from the best, Motormouth."
    Jay only chuckled at that comment, remembering all the times Cole had called him that.
    "Okay, now are we ready?" Lloyd asked impatiently.
    Cole cleared his throat. "Yes." he simply responded.
    Lloyd opened his mouth to chant the spell only to be interrupted by Nya.
    "Oh and one more thing. Don't step in the large circle. I did some research and the book said it could be physically painful, resulting in some pretty bad stuff."
    "Like what?" Jay asked with a nervous laugh.
    "Like getting sick and some cuts and stuff. The book said the power being emitted from the ghost is too harsh for a mortal, so yeah, don't go in." Nya concluded.
    "Noted." Kai said with the smallest hint of fear in his voice.
    Lloyd started chanting the ancient language of the ancestors before them. About thirty seconds in, a breeze picked up, that then turned into the howling winds during Christmas. Jay felt Nya grab onto his arm, gripping it tightly as if she was going to be swept away. He pulled her in closer to his chest with his unoccupied arm and squeezed her tight while closing his eyes. Suddenly, the wind stopped, and the candles were blown out. The room was silent. No one moved. Then the candles flickered on as a green glow was seen in the middle of the room. Jay slowly lifted his eyelids. A beautiful woman stood in the middle of the larger circle, wildly looking around at the ninja. Her green emerald eyes showed kindness, but fear clouded her vision. Her hair, pure black, shiny and soft, where it almost looked as if she had dark blue highlights. She was a little taller than Nya, which was pretty short, since Zane was the tallest and Nya was the shortest in our group. Her white dress flowed gracefully with the invisible breeze, showing her elegance and gentle minded soul.
    Jay looked over at Cole, who was staring at his mother, speechless. The lightning ninja could see the resemblance in Cole, Ethan, and the ghost. The black ninja had her emerald green eyes, and Ethan, the pitch black hair. Cole slowly walked up to his mother, almost touching the rim of the circle. The female watched as the earth ninja approached her, the fear slowly draining away.
"Mom... is it really you?" Cole asked looking up into her shining, green eyes. Even if she was a ghost, Jay could see the tears starting to well up in her translucent, but bold orbs.
    "Yes, Cole. It's really me." she responded softly, like the gentle breeze that brushes the pink cherry blossom flowers outside the monastery.
    Jay could feel it in his heart. The urge to step inside the circle and feel the warm embrace of a mother. The feeling that many others but Cole and Zane couldn't feel. The feeling of warmth and protection.
    Jay watched as Ethan came from behind Cole, bear hugging his younger brother.
    The female's eyes shined of happiness seeing her two sons in front of her.
    "So many years have passed, but I wasn't there to watch you grow." Cole's mother said, dropping her gaze.
    "No, mom, it wasn't your fault." Ethan said trying to reassure his mother.
    "Yeah, all that matters now is that we're back together again, well sort of." Cole jumped in.
    Lou's wife looked up at Cole and Ethan smiling once again.
    "Thank you for understanding."
    Cole looked around the room, clearly forgetting he had forgotten to do something.
    "Oh! And mom, these are best friends, which I refer to as brothers, and sisters since we've been together for so long," Jay noticed he paused for a brief moment, taking in the fact he could finally say 'mom'. Cole continued. "That's Lloyd, the green ninja, Kai, the fire ninja, Zane the ice ninja and nindroid, Nya the water ninja, also Kai's biological sister, Pixal, which stands for..."
    Zane noticing the earth ninja struggling to remember what it stood for finished Cole's sentence for him.
    "Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Life-form." he said proudly, slinging an arm around his soulmate.
    Cole's mother smiled, her rosy pink lips curving gently.
    "Uh, yeah, sorry Pixal." Cole apologized.
    "No need to worry." she responded, not offended.
    "And that's Motormouth, the lightning ninja." Cole concluded with a smirk.
    Jay crossed his arms at Cole, sticking his tongue out at him.
    "It's Jay." he corrected, getting a friendly smile from Cole's mom while her son, stuck his tongue out back at Jay.
    "It's a pleasure to meet you all. But may I ask, why did you summon me?" her voice rang throughout the room, quiet and soft as silk, but clearly heard.
    Jay was tensing not knowing why.
Must be the silence in this room.
    Ethan finally responded. "Mom, we really want to bring you back. Cole, dad, and I. It was unfair the way you passed, and we really miss you."
    Jay noticed the tears starting to form in the older teen's dark chocolate eyes.
    "That would be amazing, but I am afraid there is nothing you can do. I am in the Departed Realm, and you cannot take me out until the next eclipse."
    "Well, when's that?" Cole asked.
    "According to this years calendar, the next eclipse won't be till' October." Zane stated, frowning at Cole.
    Ethan sighed in disappointment. "Guess we'll hafta wait, June just started."
    "Well we can't just leave her in that horrible place." Kai finally spoke from the back of the room.
    "Yeah, and the only way to do that is to possess someone but it's not fun." Jay looked over at Lloyd who was looking down. He patted him on the back.
    "It's okay bud, Morro won't ever do that again."
    Lloyd returned a small smile.
    Cole seemed to be debating something in his mind, muttering small comments Jay couldn't hear.
    "Then possess me. I know it might be dangerous but I'd do anything to bring you back. And plus, you're not evil like Morro was," Cole said trying to convince his mother.
    Kai walked over to Cole from the back of the room, clearly disapproved.
    "No, we're not gonna let you do that. What if something really bad happens?"
    "Well I mean nothing really that bad happened to me, other than life lasting nightmares and feeling tired." Lloyd added.
    "Okay, I'm fine with that. Please mom just do it." the earth master was pleading.
    The ghost looked reluctant, not knowing what would happen to her son if she did possess him. After an eternity of her mind battling between emotions and the results, so looked up at Cole. "If you insist." she gently stepped out of the circle and floated her way towards Cole, her glowing green and white dress flowing gracefully. She whispered something that only her son could hear, then moved closer to possess him. Cole let out a groan and fell limp. Before he could hit the hard wooden floor, Kai caught him in his arms, frowning at his brother. Jay felt sick. He didn't want to see Cole like that. Even if it wasn't an evil spirit possessing him, it was still too much for his body.
    "We should get some rest, its getting late." Nya said breaking the silence.
    Kai carried Cole bridal style out the game room.
    "I'll stay with Cole tonight, just in case he wakes up in the middle of the night or something." Kai announced, worriedly looking at Cole's exhausted state.
    The ninja all walked out of the game room, except for Nya and Jay who volunteered to clean the mess. Jay picked up the spell book, reading the detailed directions on closing the summon. He carefully took the three items out of the circle, placing them on the T.V. console table, while Nya blew the candles out. Both exhausted, Jay collapsed on the couch, Nya falling into his lap. He wrapped his arm around her, his eyes slowly shutting, his busy mind finally relaxing after a long day. A minute passed, and both were in a deep slumber on the couch, huddled close.

Yay another chapter finished. I really do wish the writers could explain why Cole doesn't have a mom. The most they got to was when he said he was tired of losing people in his life. Oh well ¯\_()_/¯

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