Chapter 3

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    Cole was in shock. He had no idea he had a brother. All these years thinking he only had his dad, Cole had never stopped to think he wasn't an only child.
    "So what happened?" Cole prompted his father to explain as much as he could.
    "That's about it son. I can't tell the rest only because I was never there. I assumed your mother and your brother were dead because they never came back."
    Cole lowered his head in sadness. Then, completely forgetting about the bracelet, his head perked up.
    "Wait! But then shortly after Kai found the bracelet, I had this dream that people were leaving. It must have been a long lost memory of mine."
    "Hmm, interesting." Cole's father said stroking his chin.
    "And one person that was leaving wore a shiny bracelet that caught my eye."
    Cole's eyes widened as he pieced the events together.
The person that kidnapped Sensei Wu can't be my brother, could he?
    Just then the doorbell rang, making Lou and Cole snap out of their deep thought.     Cole walked over to the door and opened it. He wasn't surprised to see the whole ninja gang at his father's doorstep.     "Oh! Hi guys."
    "Hey Cole! We found Sensei and uh, someone else." Jay said, not knowing what his best friend's reaction would be.
    The ninja parted revealing the earth ninja's brother, shyly looking down on the doorstep he left so many years ago. Lou came behind Cole, putting his hand on his shoulder.     "Ethan, is that you?" Lou asked wide-eyed.
    Ethan looked up at his father and brother, a small smile starting to grow on his face.
    "Yeah, that's me." he sheepishly said, afraid of what his father would say for leaving him to suffer for so long. Instead, the older teen felt a warm set of arms wrap around him, something he hadn't felt in a long time.    "Oh Ethan, I never thought I would ever see you again. I thought I lost you."    They parted and Cole stared at his older brother. He looked exactly like him, just older. At first, he didn't know what to say or do, considering he just met his brother he never knew existed. Then a moment later he felt himself hugging him as tight as he could, tears pouring down his cheeks. Cole sobbed in the warmth of Ethan, never wanting to let go. The relative was shocked at first but hugged back, a happy smile growing bigger on his face. Cole felt his brother's hands stroke his long, black hair.
    "I'm glad you came back, even if I don't know your name," Cole sobbed in his brother's chest.
    He felt the older teen shake from chuckling a little.
    "It's Ethan little bro." he said smiling pulling away.
    Cole's eyes were red from rubbing his tears away on Ethan's clothes. He looked up at his newfound brother.
    "Mine's Cole." the earth ninja said smiling back.
    Ethan ruffled Cole's hair, receiving a fit of laughter from the younger earth master.
    "I know you names Cole silly. I wouldn't forget about you."
    "H-hey s-stop that!" Cole said between giggles. He was so happy he actually had a family. He never knew he'd finally be able to meet them, but to be honest, he was glad Sensei was taken, for he wouldn't have found his brother.
    "Oh my two lovely sons, come here." Lou said as he walked over to squeeze them in another hug.
    Nya smiled and slid her hand into Jay's, walking him back to the Bounty.
    "C'mon guys, let them have their moment," she paused and looked back. "We'll be waiting for you up on the Bounty, Cole. Your brother can come along if he wants."
    Cole looked up from burying his face in Ethan's arm.
    "K. Thanks Nya."
    She nodded and turned around.
    The three reunited family members parted.
    "Sons, thank you for coming back. I've never been so happy in my life." Lou said looking at his two sons smiling.
    Cole smiled. He thought of the bracelet and took it off.
    "Oh, and here's your bracelet by the way."     Ethan looked at his brother's palm and smiled.     "It's okay, you can keep it."
    Cole was surprised. He figured it come from somewhere super important.
    "You sure? I mean didn't you keep it all those years for a reason?" Cole asked thinking back to his dream.
    "Yeah, mom gave it to me. Now I'm giving it to you."
    Cole's brother smiled warmly. He loved that about him. He loved how safe he felt around his older brother. He'd never felt so complete.
    Lou put a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Son, if you were alive the entire time, how come you never came back?"
    Ethan explained the whole story of being captured with his mom.
    "And once the ninja went through the portal using their dragons, I quickly jumped through before it closed. After that, I went searching through all of Ninjago for answers to resurrecting mom, but I never found anything." Ethan explained finishing his story.
    Cole could understand. He really missed his mother, too, and maybe there was a possibility of bringing her back...
    Cole looked up at his brother, who was at least a good two inches taller.
    "I'm sure Sensei Wu has some sort of tea or spell to connect to the Departed Realm." Cole stated.
    Ethan looked at Cole with wide eyes.
    "You really think so?"
    "Yeah. Let's head back to the Bounty. I want to talk to the others about this." Cole said walking to his father to give him a hug.     Ethan mirrored the black ninja and they joined in for a group hug.
    "Be careful sons. Come back as soon as you can."    With that, the two brothers smiled and left, running back to the Bounty to tell the others.

I love nice family relationships.

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