Chapter 5

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    Cole woke feeling dizzy and nauseous. He sleepily rubbed his eyes, finally opening them to stare at the white ceiling. Skimming his hands over the soft bed sheets, he realized he wasn't in his own bed. Instead it was bright red. Turning his head, he saw Kai cleaning his room, putting the scattered, thrown clothes that were on the floor in his laundry basket, and straightening up a bit. He did recognize Kai was a bit of a slob, but every once and a while he'd clean his room. On the other hand, Cole was the complete opposite. He hated a single thing out of place. His room was always organized; everything has a place. Books rested neatly on his bookshelves, clothes folded perfectly in his dresser, and his bed neatly made each morning.
    "Morning Kai." Cole said suddenly, interrupting his brother from folding his clean clothes thrown on his dresser.
    "Oh hey Sleeping Beauty. How ya feeling?" Kai finished folding a red shirt and walked over to sit next to Cole on his bed.
    "Uh, still kinda dizzy. Did all that stuff from last night really happen?"
    "Like my mom possessing me and all."
    "And um, thanks for carrying me to bed." he awkwardly added. Cole hoped Kai didn't see the slight shade of pink dusting his cheeks.
    He got up and walked to his bathroom door.
    "I'm gonna take a shower. If the guys and girls are eating breakfast, just tell them I'll be out in a little bit."
    "K'. Don't take too long on that hair of yours." Cole smirked.
    Kai rolled his eyes with a small smile across his face. "Yeah, yeah. I don't take that long."
    "Mhm, sure."
    Cole walked down the hallway to the kitchen. Laughter and conversations filled the dining room meaning he guys and girls were already awake. The team said 'good morning' when Cole walked in, taking a spot next to Lloyd.
    The team decided Zane should make their food for now on, Cole's brothers and sisters glad the earth ninja didn't feed them poison. Zane placed a plate of neatly stacked pancakes with blueberries and strawberries, a small dolly of homemade whipped cream on top in front of Cole before leaving to sit next to Pixal.
    "Thanks Zane! Looks delicious!"
    The titanium nindroid smiled in response.
    "So Cole, where's Kai?" Jay asked wiggling his eyebrows. Cole glared at his best friend telling him not to make it obvious, but the others didn't seem to notice. He had recently told Jay he had a crush on Kai, deciding it was the best option he could go for: Lloyd was too young, mentally, Nya would be awkward, Sensei didn't like meddling in relationships, Pixal and Zane wouldn't understand, Ethan he barely knows at the moment, and Misako was too busy studying scrolls to redirect her focus. Jay was his best friend after all, but he shouldn't be trusted in keeping secrets.
    "Taking a shower. He'll be out in a little bit."
    And as if on cue, Kai walked in. He took the pancakes that was waiting for him on the counter and sat next to Cole. The team said their good mornings once again before the conversations started up again. Lloyd asked if Cole was able to talk to his mom. To be honest, he never thought he would be able to talk to a ghost while they possessed a mortal body.
    "Cause' I remember I was able to talk to Morro when he possessed me, like in my mind. I could obviously take control of his body but it was really hard, since he restrained me. I'm sure if you talk it out with your mom, she'll let you switch in between bodies." Lloyd stated. Cole didn't mind that, he wanted to get to know his mom more.
    "Okay I'll try."
    He shut his eyes, concentrating on the words forming in his mind. He made sure to make each word clear and easy to understand, for he's never done this before.
    Mom, are you there?
    His mind went silent until she responded.
    Yes. Thank you again for letting me do this.
    A smile touched Cole's lips.
    No problem. Uh can I ask you something?
    Of course baby what is it?
    The conversation didn't feel weird. Her words reappeared in Cole's mind.
    Even if she was aware of the situation outside her son's body, she couldn't speak out loud. It was only if she was possessing him and taking over his body.
    You wouldn't mind if I had my body most of the time? And I would let you take over once and a while when you need to?
    Of course, as long as it's comfortable with you.
    Thanks mom.
    Cole opened his eyes. The others eyed him curiously.
    "So what'd she say?" Kai asked, his whisper sounding as if it was a lot louder than normal.
    "She said it's okay with her." Cole replied, looking at Lloyd. "I just don't know how to do it."
    "I'm assuming you drift away from your mind, and think about nothing, like your mediating. It's probably more peaceful for you, since you didn't have to deal with a ghost constantly pushing you back." Lloyd explained.
    "Okay, can't be that hard, can it?" Cole closed his eyes once again and concentrated. He slowly felt his mind drift away from himself, like he wasn't in control anymore. He could see everyone but in a tunnel vision. After which felt like ages, the Green Ninja spoke up.
    "Cole, are you still there or..." Lloyd trailed off from across the table.
    The earth ninja opened his eyes.
    "No, it's Cole's mom. You must be Lloyd." she smiled kindly. He smiled back.
    "Yes. Looks like Cole did it."
    "So Mrs. Brookstone, is it weird being in another person's body?" Nya elbowed Jay in the ribs.
    "Oh please call me Abigail. And no, I'm just glad I could finally meet my family, and my sons' family."
    "What about we introduce ourselves in more detail this time." Ethan suggested smiling at his mother.
    The room became much louder and full of energy, like old times. Times when the ninja had simpler lives, the good days. The times when they'd have food fights, laughing and smiling. Times when Cole didn't have to deal with ghosts and becoming one, now having to go back to the Departed Realm. He'd do anything to get those days back, but it'll be worth it in the end, having his mom home, having a full family again. He can't back down from the future, it's inevitable, and full of surprises. Some bad, some good. All he can do is wait to see what it has in store for him, and live in the present moment.

    Cole bent over his toilet seat as he threw up again for the forty-millionth time tonight. He was in control of his body this time, but his mom was worried sick. (haha see what I did there ;)) The earth ninja slumped back against the bathroom wall.
    Mom, I feel so sick. Do you think it's because of you possessing me?
    Probably. Why did you let me do this?
    Cole closed his eyes. He had an overwhelming headache and he was hungry, but he didn't have enough energy to get up.     Besides, he was afraid that he'd throw up again after eating cake or something.
    Well one, Lloyd never said he'd get sick, just tired. And two, you're my mom, I couldn't leave you in that horrible place, now     that there's good and bad ghosts in the Departed Realm.
    Cole heard his mother sigh.
    There will always be good and bad spirits.
    I know. Cole responded with a sigh.
    I hate to see you like this baby. Maybe, I should have just... stayed until you came.
    No mom, we could really use you when we go to get you. I don't know how long you've lived there, but you sure do know more than we do.
    Okay honey, just, take care of yourself.
    Sure thing. Cole sighed again only to feel another urge to vomit.
    Just then, Kai opened Cole's bathroom door. He gasped at Cole's state and sat down next to him.
    "Oh my gosh, Cole! What happened?" Kai had put his arm around Cole, letting him rest on his shoulder.
    "Just started feeling sick like an hour after training. I dunno what happened but I think it has to do with my mom possessing me."
    Kai frowned at Cole. He tightened his grip on his shoulder and pulled him closer. Cole was in too much pain to realize the butterflies flying around in his stomach.
    "We just had dinner. I got worried cause' you weren't coming outta your room so I came to check on you. Why didn't you let us know?"
    "My head hurts too much."
    Kai sighed. "C'mon, let's get you some water." the red ninja helped him up.
    They staggered down the hall and into the living room. Kai carefully set Cole down on the couch and went to the kitchen to get medicine, a cup of water, and an ice pack. Cole made himself, or tried to make himself comfortable on the couch.
    The monastery was silent, for the ninja went their separate ways for the night. Kai came back and handed Cole a glass of water and ibuprofen. He normally lets the pain go away naturally, without the use of medicine, but it was too much to bear. After swallowing the pill, Kai felt Cole's forehead with the back of his hand.
    "Sorry man, but you've got a slight fever."
     See, this was a bad idea. Cole's mom spoke in his head.
    Cole waved his hand off as Kai sat next to him. "I'm sure it'll pass. Just a lot of water and some of Zanes soup and I should be fine." Cole felt another urge to vomit so Kai sped off towards the kitchen to get a bowl. He didn't need it after all, but the fire ninja set it next to Cole anyways, just in case.
    "Do you need anything else?" Kai asked eyeing Cole with a worried expression.
    "Uh, nah, I should be fine. Just go get some rest."
    "K'. Goodnight."
    Before Kai left through the doorway, Cole stopped him by calling his name. He turned around, one arm on the frame.
    "Thanks, for taking care of me."
    The hot-head smiled.
    "Yeah, sure dude." And walked off to bed.
    Your teammates are nice. How long have you guys known each other? Cole's mom asked curiously.
    For a while. Since I was like thirteen or something. Sensei Wu found me climbing the mountain and recruited me as a ninja.
    That's nice. I see you are fond of a certain red ninja.
    Wha- how did yo- I-I mean yes- I mean no.
    She giggled.
    It's alright son. I understand.
    So you don't mind that I'm...
    No. It's okay.
    Cole let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
    Go to bed sweetie. You need to get better.
    Yeah, Goodnight.
    Goodnight my sweet boy.

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