Chapter 1

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    Blurs of people were frantically running around a house, two people about to leave and two more in the frame of the door.
    "Why do you have to leave?"
    "I'm sorry baby we'll be back as soon as we can."
    "But, I don't want you to leave!"
    "I know baby I don't either, but we have to. Just know that whatever happens to us, we will always love you."
    The two blurs connected, hugging each other as tight as they could. The taller one slowly pulled away from the smaller one, tears in her eyes. She walked over to the other person in the doorway, hugging him as well.
    "Take care of him will you?"
    "Of course."
    The smaller one looked at the other person about to leave. He was a little shorter than the female who hugged him earlier. Something shiny made him wince when the sun hit it. The female put a hand on his shoulder, kissing him on the forehead.
    "I love you my sweet boy."
    "I love you too, mommy."

    Cole woke up to those last words. Grunting, he swung his feet over his bed and rubbed his sleepy eyes. 8:24. Only about 6 hours of sleep.
    He sighed, getting up to go to the bathroom, his head ached from being awake so early last night, and his mind whirled around the strange dream. Looking down at the bracelet Kai found earlier, he twisted it on his wrist to look at the medallion. He didn't know what it was. He's never felt so connected to something like this before.
    "I feel like I've seen this somewhere, a long time ago," Cole said aloud.
    Putting it to the side for now, he opened his bathroom door to brush his teeth and comb his hair. Coming back out, he changed into his gi and walked down the hall to the kitchen. Sniffing the air, he could make out that Zane was cooking eggs and bacon.
"Finally you woke up." said Kai smirking, looking at Cole as he emerged from the hall.
    Zane, noticing Cole was a bit tired to respond to the remark held a plate out at him. "It's okay Cole. I made you some eggs and bacon."
    "Thanks Zane."
    Cole sat down and started eating. He was hungry and the eggs and bacon was of course great since Zane made it.
    "I can see you are enjoying your breakfast?" smiled Zane as he looked at Cole devour the eggs.
    Cole smiled back and nodded.
    "Guys we need to figure out where Sensei Wu is. I don't know what other evidence there is other than that bracelet and Zanes scanning abilities, but we need to get him back." said Lloyd, standing up so everyone could see him.
    "We can project Zanes camera up on the Destiny's Bounty, so everyone can see." suggested Nya also standing up.
    "Okay, is everyone ready to go?" questioned Lloyd, grabbing his curved sword with the green symbols on it.
    "Yup!" they all answered, running out. Cole quickly rinsed his plate, put it in the dishwasher, and ran out with the others.
The summer sun was shining brightly down on them. There was no breeze and it seemed as if it was a hundred degrees at 8:30 in the morning. Cole shielded his eyes as he emerged from the sliding doors, regretting the fact that he was the black ninja.
    Cole ran to the gates following his brothers and sisters to the ship, closing the heavy doors behind him since he was the last one out.
    Nya started the engine as Cole climbed up on the ladder, the water ninja being careful which way she pulled the lever.
    Zane plugged a wire to his head as he scanned the area for Wu's beacon.
    Pixal gasped, pointing at a spot in the middle of the Mountains of Impossible Height, not far from the Monastery.
    "There he is! Near the Samurai X Cave!"
    "Probably didn't get far, knowing how high these mountains are." assumed Kai crossing his arms. He looked over at Cole, who was staring at the medallion again. Kai walked over to Cole, putting his hand on the gi of the black ninja to let him know he was there.
    "Looking at that bracelet again?" asked Kai, peering over Cole's shoulder.
    Cole sighed. "Yeah, I dunno why, but I feel like I've seen this symbol before," he paused, blushing at the warm hand placed on his shoulder. "Do you guys think you could find Wu without me? I need to visit my father."
    Kai looked at the others then looked back. "Sure, I'll tell them. You go ahead"
    "Thanks bro." Cole said as he hugged Kai, afraid the fire ninja could feel his heart pounding.
    Kai was shocked at first, then hugged him back. "No problem. Just be careful."
    Cole let go and ran to the railing.
    "Cole, where are you going?" Zane said, curiosity in his voice.
    "Kai will explain. I'll be back. Just tell me when you need me." With that, he jumped off the deck, summoning his elemental dragon and flying towards Jamanakai Village. The view from the top was amazing; grey, snowy mountains smoothly transitioned into the white, soft snow where Zane found his true potential. On the left side, the mountains stopped abruptly, not being able to pass due to the tall, closely packed trees in the Wildwood Forest.
    Cole thought about his earlier encounter with Kai. He wished he could hug him everyday to show how much he cares for him, not just because Kai's his brother, but because he's something more. Or at least Cole wanted it to be something more. The earth ninja kinda always liked Kai, the way he fights with a passion to protect the people of Ninjago, more importantly, his family. The way he's so confident over everything he does, sometimes stubborn and a hothead, but Cole admired his ways of doing things even if it was sometimes the wrong choice. Brave and never calls quits, always accepting a challenge.
But why would he like me? I'm obviously not worth it.
    Shaking his head, Cole pushed the thought aside for later, focusing on the more important task at hand.
    He couldn't help but to talk about his connection to the bracelet with his only family left. He feels like this symbol is connected to his family somehow, like he saw it before his mother left. Cole's mom apparently left him when he was young, so he knows close to nothing other than she was a singer and her name was Abigail.
    He shortly arrived at his father's house, for dragons were one of the fastest ways of transportation in Ninjago.
    Jumping down from his dragon, he rang the doorbell and waited silently. His father opened the door and engulfed him in a hug, like always.
    "Hello son! What brings you here?" Lou asked, welcoming Cole inside.
    It was much cooler, but it felt nice. His father's house looked the same as it did the last time he came, all those years ago.
    "I wanted to talk to you about this," he held his wrist out so Lou could examine it. "I don't know why but I feel like I'm connected to this somehow, like I've seen it before."
    Lou blinked in surprise at the medallion strung on the bracelet. "Where did you find this?"
    "Last night Sensei Wu was captured by this mysterious person and the kidnapper dropped it. When we went to bed I had a dream that someone was leaving; it was all a blur so I couldn't make the faces out." explained Cole.
    Lou lead his son to sit on the couch and Cole instantly knew his father was going to explain something serious.
    "Son," his father started. "I know I don't talk much about your mother but-"
    "This has to do with Mom?!" exclaimed Cole interrupting his dad.
    Lou sighed. "Yes."
    "Well?" Cole pushed eager to know more.
    "Your mother... she left when you were young, only about four years old. They had received a letter from your cousins who lived in Ninjago City explaining it was urgent and-"
    "What do you mean by 'they'?" Cole questioned, now looking deep into his father's eyes, looking for answers.
    "Cole," Lou paused, returning the stare, "you have a brother."

Woah, shocker ;o; And yayayayay lavashipping is da best! Cole and Kai are my two most favorite characters in all of Ninjago and they're sooo cute!

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