Chapter 5

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After a quick lunch of toasted cheese and Vegemite sandwiches (yes, I fed Justice Crew toasted sandwiches for lunch. I told you I wasn't a cook!), the boys said that Keira had mentioned my pool and to bring their swimwear and they wanted to put it to good use. So before they went to get their boardies from their car, I assigned them all bathrooms to get changed in (we have six:

downstairs, upstairs main, plus one adjoining to each bedroom). When they came back with their swim gear I showed them to their bathrooms and reminded Len not to come out of his until I said so. Len was using my bathroom and I was getting changed in my bedroom. 

As I was tying up the straps at the back of my purple bikini I heard a wolf-whistle behind me. 

"LEN!! I told you to wait until I was changed!" I exclaimed. 

"Well, you're changed, aren't you?" He had a good point. 

"How would you have known that? For all you knew I was dancing around my bedroom naked!! Which I wasn't of course…"

Lenny laughed and helped me gather towels for everyone from the linen cupboard and we made our way out to the pool. 

By the time I had put everyone's towels down, the boys were all sitting on the far edge of the pool with their legs in the water, facing me. Yum. 

Lukas chuckled. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" 

I smiled and cannonballed into the pool (I'm a big kid at heart), splashing Lukas for what he said. He pretended to freak out and squealed saying "OMG! My designer bathing things!! They're ruined!!!" which made us all laugh. 

After a few slow games of marco polo we climbed out to sit on the deck chairs. I had no idea why Tylah and I had so many deck chairs, but good thing we did! 

As I was tanning, also known as falling asleep in a bikini on a deck chair, I felt someone's hand underneath my back and others grab my legs, upper back and shoulders. 

By the time I could be bothered to open my eyes, Justice Crew had successfully held me, lying down, across all their hands holding me securely over their heads. 

When I saw them walk towards the pool, I panicked but knew that I was no match for their strength.   

They chucked me into the pool on Samson's count of three and I resurfaced, spluttering and wiping water out my eyes. 

The boys were pissing themselves laughing and eventually Lukas let slip that it was Keira's idea, as payback from yesterday.

"That BITCH!! You ASSHOLES!!" I yelled but they just laughed and handed me a towel as I hauled myself out of the pool. 

After everyone had calmed down, I suggested that we do that twitcam. Paulie tweeted "Twitcam in 10mins. See you there!!" and we all went to get changed using the same bathroom arrangements as before. 

However I was scared that Len would walk in on me getting changed like before so I just chucked on a summer dress over my bikini and headed downstairs to set up for the twitcam with the boys.

"Hey, wassup guys! We're JUSTICE CREW!" the boys said in unison. 

"Today we have a special guest helping with our twitcam today..." Lukas smiled and gestured for me to come into the frame with the rest of them. 

"Hi everyone!" I said "I'm Tori and am lucky enough to be spending the arvo with the totally fab JC!" I giggled and slung my arms around Samson and Paulie's shoulders. 

"Although in the two hours since I've met them they've thanked me with their mouths full, made me watch The Wiggles, walked in on me getting changed and thrown me into my own pool!" I said, glaring at them all jokingly and trying to keep the laughter in. 

Lenny's POV

"…walked in on me getting changed and thrown me into my own pool!" Tori counted off our faults on her fingers to all the JCeazers and she glared at us all. Feeling guilty, we bowed our heads and muttered an apology. She chuckled and ruffled Paulie's hair. 

"Awww, it's okay! Just joking guys!!" 

We all looked up and smiled before we started the shout outs and answering questions from twitter. 

"Mary asks, so, who's the one dating Tori?" John read from the screen. 

Tori laughed. 

"I'm not going out with any of the guys, I'm just their friend!" she explained and Paulie fake pouted. 

"Awww, why not" he said jokingly and Tori replied with an announcement of a tickle war. Dammit! I'm ridiculously ticklish! Thank god we decided for boys vs girls, also known as everyone vs Tori! 

As Tori squealed with laugher and gasped for breath, she managed, god knows how, to pull one hand out of Samson's grasp and began tickling the closest thing in reach. Which just happened to be me. Shit. 

She found my weak spot (left side of stomach) and I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard. The boys were no help whatsoever and just filmed Tori and I on their phones for blackmailing me because I was being tickled to death by a girl I met two hours ago!

Not to mention the fact that we had a couple thousand JCeazers also watching this! God, this'll be all over social media by 3 o'clock!

When Tori finally stopped tickling me, she came across a request tweet from a JCeazer:

@Harper_lovesJC: Hey didn't you guys mention a pool earlier? Why not do the twitcam out there! It's frikkin boiling right now!!

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