American Soldier--Chapter 2

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Hey!! sorry for the wait! I Hope you like!! ;]]]


Now onto the story!


Danni's P.O.V.

“Hey Danni!” Yells my best friend of six years.

First Lieutenant Jake Wilson. Not only is he my best friend, he’s been my right hand man since the day we met. I met him at the hospital I was staying at forrehabilitation. His helicopter was shot down while he was on a rescue mission insouthern Afghanistan. So, like me, he was bitching and moaning about beingcooped up in this ridiculous hospital bed.

Thanks to our attitude toward hospitals, we were eventually put together as roommates. The fist thing he said to me was “I’m sorry ma’am, but you look like shit.”

My great response was “dude, your right there with me.”

We’ve been attached ever since. He’s become my brother, and I love this boy to death. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be insane by now.

“Sup Jake?”

“We’ve got new recruits man. Your gonna have to show em who’s boss eh?”

“Roger that man”

My names Danni Young.. Better known as Major Young. I’m known for being a hard ass, but I’ve got my reasons for what I do. I’m not surprised I’ve got some new boys, due to the way I work and my personality, the big guys love sending these kids to me. What do I think of that? Well, I love it.

“Lets go then Chief”

“Yeah copy that Wilson”

Just coming over our heads was a helicopter carrying our new recruits. The hurricane force winds coming from the downdraft of the helicopter doesn’t affect me much anymore, same goes with Jake. While everyone around us is hunched over from the brute force, Jake and I are standing straight up, arms crossed, our demeanor oozing waves of authority.

“How many girls do you think we’ve got this time chief?” muses Jake wondrously.

“I’m betting none.” I reply staring straight ahead, watching the recruits step off the heli.

“Your so pessimistic boss.” He jokes, taking his eyes off of the heli and onto me. “Sometimes, I wonder how you get through the day out here.”

“You know what Wilson, I wonder ‘bout the same thing”

I was right. No girls, as per usual. I probably woulda known that before they arrived, but paperwork, I believe, doesn’t come in my job description. I’ve got four boys, all privates, and all at most 19. As they climb off of the helicopter, I can’t help but notice their expressions. Three of the boys are looking around in shock..Which isn’t too surprising, we live in Afghanistan for god sakes. It’s Hell. But the last boy just looks around, as if there’s nothing fucked up about this place.. as if it was nothing to him. His eyes lock onto mine, and all my previous assumptions are washed away. Just the look in his eyes shows how terrified he really is.

“Hello boys’” I say nonchalantly, while sizing them up.

“Major Young” They say together. All I did was laugh. While I’m hunched over and crying from laughing so damn hard, Jake looks at me and rolls his eyes, obviously thinking I’m an idiot. Taking over from where I left off he says

“Sorry bout’ that.. Anyways state your name and age boys.”

“Shouldn’t you guys already know that?” one boy responds, in a ticked off tone.

“Yeah we should, but you should know we of all people don’t go by the book,” Jake says just as ticked off.

My laughing turns into a slight chuckle, and I say “Well let’s get along here shall we? You.” I pointed at the boy picking a fight with Jake. “Your first”

“Names Matt Johnson, I’m 18.” He says. Although I’m 6 years older than him, it doesn’t mean I can find him attractive.

Girls must be all over this boy I chuckle to myself.

He’s got blond hair-cropped short military style-and sapphire blue eyes. His face is lightly freckled, probably from working out in the sun so much. He’s got a strong build, id say around 6’ 2” and has a golden tan. From what I can already tell, he’s cocky, probably a player back at home, and he’s gonna be the newest pain in my ass.

The next boy looks up shyly and says “ I’m Aaron Black, im 17”

You’re probably wondering why he’s in the military when he’s 17. Well now a days, you can join the military at 17 only with your parents consent. Aaron is also pretty attractive. He’s got dark brown hair, also cut short like Matt's, and pretty green eyes, he’s also well built, and tan, but not as tan as Play boy over here. I think I’m gonna like him.

“I’m Lucas Harding Ma’am, and I’m 19” The third one says with a southern slang. With light brown hair and soft brown eyes, he’s just as attractive as the first two. Not very tan though.

Finally I look over to the last boy, the one whose eyes deceive him. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. His expression hard he says “Ryan Jacobs, 20”

Well I was wrong. 20.... wow. He’s definitely the biggest of the four, at maybe 6’4”. He’s going to be the most difficult to get under his shell.

“Well then…” I gesture towards our base” shall we?”

*****A/N I was going to end it there but I’m in a good mood today ;D********

--Jakes P.O.V.

“Well then” Danni says, gesturing towards the base, “Shall we?”

As she and the new recruits head off, I cant help but admire her beauty. Now don’t get me wrong here, I have absolutely no romantic feelings for that woman, she’s my best friend/sister. And I do love her. She has long, dark brown hair, reaching her mid back. Her eyes are what entice me though, They’re hazel, but her left eye is mostly green with small specks of gold and brown, whereas her right eye is mostly a light golden brown with streaks of green and blue in it. It fits well with her. Even though when were working she’s a hard ass, and tries not to express too much emotion, she’s really a very down to earth girl. She’s a strong woman, both emotionally and physically, and her body shows it. She’s got a golden tan, and has some light freckles on her nose. From her appearance, you would never know she’s a marine. Even when she has a tattoo of the Marine Corps insignia on her forearm. Or when you see her dog tags.

No, you’d never know she was a marine.

Not until you see her scars.


Oooooh!!! A bit of a Cliffyyy!!

Hmmm..i wonder what jakes talking about.. Teehee, youll find out next chappy!

Heavenliee ;]

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