American Soldier--Chapter 3

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Hey Guys!!

I hope ALL of you have had a wonderful holiday break! And tomorrows the new year!! WOO!! Have you guys figured out your new years resolutions yet??

So i FINALLY finished this chapter!! yay!  IM SOOOO SORRY I DIDNT UPLOAD SOONER!! Life's been pretty hectic around here, being swamped with school work and being on the Junior Olympic Ski Team, i've had almost zero time to myself. And when i did have some time, i had a horrible case of Writers Block. I promise from now on i'll be uploading at least once a week! And you can trust me on this, its one of my new years resolutions!!

Oh and by the way, i need your guy's help!

im thinking of changing the title of my story. i like the title American Soldier, but as many of my friends have said, the title really doesn't pull them in. So if you peoples have any ideas let me know! its greatly appreciated!!

This chappy has pic's of Dannis House, Shadow, and Nanuk!! yay!

Dont forget to Vote Comment and Fan!!

Love you guys!


-3 Weeks Later-

Days left in rotation: 1


Danni's P.O.V.

Todays our last day. I've been here for three years, never going home once. And for some goddamn stupid reason they wont let me stay for another rotation. There really is no reason for me to go home, its not like anyone is waiting for me. I just don't know how to function as a normal citizen.

So why wont they let me stay?

They think its not good for my mental health to be here too long.

i have two words for that.



I've watched my friends die. I kill people for cryin out loud. Im pretty sure if that doesn't make my mental health go awol then nothing will. What else could possibly make me more "mentally unstable"? 

Doc says that their real reason is because of when i was a captive of the Taliban. Around 3 years ago was when it happened. My unit was ambushed, and since i was the highest ranking officer of the group, they took me to get information. I wont get into the gory details, but i will tell you it was the worst six months of my life. After that, they had put me into rehabilitation for another 6 months. That wasn't much fun either. i was a major insomniac for one. I was so used to not sleeping, it was hard to let my guard down and actually let myself sleep. Anyways, they were reluctant in the first place to let me come back into this two year rotation, So Doc says i need to respect their decision to send me home.

I doubt it will help though.

I tell them all the time, me being here and working helps me forget about what happened. Keeps me out of my head. Though that works well for me during the day, it doesn't help much when I try to sleep. I think the last time I actually slept was about 6 days ago. why? because i have really ridiculous nightmares. 

Another reason to send me home. It's fucking stupid if you ask me.

Well, I thought, i should probably start getting my stuff together.

I started picking up my things and throwing them into my pack. My favorite book, Dear John, is one of them. I've read this book countless times, thats how much i love it. I chuckle at the memory of my unit making fun of my love for romance stories. They never let it go.

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