하나 ᵐᵉᵉᵗ ᵘᵖ

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There always was thismall The one of my dreams. In school they laughed about me being gay, I told them liars. A lot of liars. One of them was the one that I had a boyfriend.
I daydreamed about him. How he was stroking my head when I need to cuddle, and how we had our own little adventures.

My daydreams felt like getting real. But I was still lonely nowadays.

«Comeone Hyungwon, I know you called this Koi like your boyfriend but you can't stare at it all day long. We still have visitors.» I sighed.

I was a manager of a underwater museum. It was a dream to work here. I liked the animals here and I made friends with the workers.

The staff here liked the job. It was a dreamy feeling here. All the tunnels and big aquarium made you think you really were underwater. And the animals here were happy.
They had a lot of space and liked the visitors attention.

I've gone far for my only 23 years.

But there was still something missing in my life. An own family.
When I watched the kids over here I started smiling havily. And it even made me sad. I won't ever be like this.

There was no day when I hated me for all the liars. I could have been with Hyungwon or Hyunwoo or even with Changkyun. Now they are taken. All of them, all of the workers. But not me.

I was lonely.

«Jesco we need you at the dolphins.» one of the staff called me by the walkie talkie.
«I'm coming.» I answered.
Quickly I moved there.

And I swear something that never had happened to me was right in front of my eyes. An old man and a young boy. He touched him in a pervert way.

«It will take a second.» I whispered.
«What's wrong?»

I quickly moved towards him.
«Hey you. Just hold your fingers at your body or either I will inform the police.» I glared at the man.
He laughed. «He's ok with that, right Kihyun?»

I turned to face the young boy, realising he wasn't that young. He was my age. But seemed to pretend like being maybe 9 or 10. Or 4?
In a hand he had a small shark plushie and with the other he held a candy pop.
Maybe he was disabled.

«You can always tell if you are not ok with this Kihyun.»
«I-I'm not.» his voice was dadly husky and does not fit his childish looks.
«Are you two related?»

I gave the man a death glare.
«You can go home either I call the police. I will keep care about him.»

The man laughed.
«Keep that slut as a gift.» he left.

Ashamed Kihyun looked up to me.
«Thank you.»
«It's fine. I'm Jesco by the way.»
I took his arm and went through the dolphins in a hurry.

Welcome to candy pops. I hope you will like my story idea. I wanted to do a kihyun story because he is my bias since a few days (*・x・)/ finally after months having them all as bias, that means a lot.

Do you like the idea with Jesco or is it disturbing?

You can be honest :3

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