열다섯 ᵘⁿᵘˢᵘᵃˡˡʸ ᵘˢᵘᵃˡ

29 2 1

«As I told you they both died when I was young.» he spoke quietly.
«Would you mind telling me the full story?»

He sighed, then nodded shyly.
«When I was young I used to beg for everything I wanted to have until I got it. So I got in trouble with my parents one time. They told me they havent got enough money for that and I went crazy. I told them I hated them and trew sharky in the teash can telling them I was too old for it and they had to buy me this thing else I wont be their son anymore.» he started sobbing and paused for a few seconds. «Dad tried to calm me and told me as soon as they had money they would go to get it. So a week later I still was mad and they didnt know how to handle it and wanted to drive into town to buy it. They never came back....» he closed.

«But this wasnt your fault Ki.» I tried to calm him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
«I could have been a better son for them.» he sobbed again.
«We all do mistakes Kiki, its good that you know what you did wrong and you changed yourself to a good person. I think that your parents will forgive you too.»

He pressed his head into my shoulder and started crying loudly. I just stroke his hair softly.
It hurted hearing that he hates hisself and hearing the sounds of his crying.

I let go of him.
«I need to serve the food Ki.»

«Do you really think they will forgive me?»
«Sure. Will you forgive yourself too?»
He shrugged off.
«So you may think about that. Its gonna be important.»

We ate our food in silence. It wasnt bad but I didnt like the expression on his face was like.
«Wont you like to be at my side today at work? I will keep care of you.»
He simply replied with a nod.

The whole Minhyuk thing still stayed in my head until now. He didnt seem to like Kihyun but what he did was kinda unusual for him.
Maybe I would need to ask him about that once.

Ki seemed not too excited for work.
He wanted to leave sharky at home because he tought about loosing it again. This were unusual thoughts. Before he would have carried it around and searced for it if he had lost it.

When we started work it was very peaceful. I showed Kihyun around a bit and explained the fishes to him. Some guests joined us and listened to what I said.

The blue light that was reflecting in the water let the whole museum look like a dreamland.

I looked after the Kois, which seemed to have grown a lot in rhe last few days.
They were big, colorful and healty.

I loved my job in this dreamy athmosphere.
Kihyun was amazed too. He liked going trough the tunnel in which the fishes were all around you and the small sharks could swim above you.

Today work was like usual and I was really happy about that.
Kihyun stayed with me the whole day.
But unfortunately Minhyuk got involved into thr whole thing.....

What do you think is wrong with minhyuk?

Im back after a long time^^ I hope u enjoyed the chapter

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