Not a holiday

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Y/n :your name
B/n :boyfriend name
And there is more but i'll wait for the right time💜
Today ,you woke up from the sound
of your alarm  "it's 8 am" you grab your phone looking at it, you quickly jump out of bed *you are late for school*

you go to your bathroom wash your face , didn't even do your skincare routine because it was already too late and you had exams. you wear your uniform and go down stairs  calling your boyfriend (b/n)

To make sure that he woke up because he doesn't wake up until you call him ,you wear your shoes as quick as possible . He doesn't answer your call so you rush to his house you call him again and again

 *sigh* "why isn't he picking up his phone?" You say to yourself and call again.

When you reached his house you knocked on the door there is no response you start to worry about him. Then you remember that his parents are on a job trip and he is home alone so you call him again and knock on the door more loudly so that he can hear it.

Finally You hear someone unlocking the door and hear his voice saying "okay okay_ " you sigh in a relief he opens the door and sees you . Looking at you with his puffy eyes and face .

 "(B/n) why didn't you answer my call i_" he interrupts you saying with his sleepy husky voice "y/n why are you wearing your uniform.. ?" He ask you .

You paus for a moment and then you reply saying "b/n today we have an exam remember? and i'm late but still came to you because I was worried that you will miss the exam and you are asking me what am I doing here this early !?"

His eyes widened  running to his room wearing his uniform as quickly as possible, you follow him to his room . Then he grabs his phone and looks at it as he was wearing his shoes he then stopped .

"What's wrong?" You ask him "there is no time b/n" he then starts laughing very hard that he falls on ground "...! what's wrong with you, you have to hurry up!"

 He crosses his arms saying" I'm not going to the exam y/n " .

"wh..what?" You then say "fine i'm going alone i wasted enough time on you " you say angrily walking to the front door before you open it he grabs you from your wrist

 "you idiot, it's Saturday there is no school today " he says and holds his laugh in. you froze silent and then you start laughing so hard  that your stomach hurts from laughing< you both laugh together from this stupid situation

 "i'm sorry I made you wake you up this early b/n" you say . "It's okay it was funny.  Actually i didn't have any plans for today so i was just gonna stay home and I think it was gonna be boring _but there you are, " he says smiling at you .

You smile back t him.

 you stay silent for a moment and then he says "I guess you have no choice but to spend the day with me huh?" He smirks at you.

"i guess so_Do you think it's okay? how about my parents_?" you ask . 

"I'll make sure they keep you with me today I have my own ways" he winks at you.

 you giggle and smile at him. You follow him to his room, he gives you one of his hoodies.

you look at him then the hoodie he was wearing.

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