Late night snack

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It's 3 AM and you can not fall asleep thinking of all delicious food in this world ,what you have tried and what you haven't and how would it taste in your mouth .

You start drooling thinking about all these things, Looking at b/n you think to yourself ...

*maybe I should wake him up...,
Yeah and we can order delivery and enjoy delicious food*

You couldn't do anything but to wake him up
"B/n" you whisper waiting for him to wakeup
"B/n" you whisper shaking him a bit.
"Hmmm..." he groans while he is still sleeping.
"B/n...wakeup i need to tell you something really very important .."
You say whispering.

"Hmmm what is it y/n?..." he says still closing his eyes

"Look ,you might find it weird but i'm hungry ..." you say
"Hungry ...for what?" he  asks.

"For food what else could it be.!.." you say confused by his question.

"Y/n go back to sleep and can you please wait until the morning ? And i promise you we will have a very beautiful breakfast ,okay?" B/n says turning his back to you.

You try to wait until the morning so you can eat but you couldn't, you look at your phone just 5 minuets have passed * HOW AM I GOING TO WAIT UNTIL THE MORNING  ...i'm hungry* you think as you hear the sound of your stomach ,you look at b/n and move slightly to his hand biting it .

He wakes up in a shock and tries to throw whatever is biting him away *he was too strong* that you fell on the ground .

He quickly jumped out of bed looking at you , your face was on the ground "y/n are you okay? I'm really very sorry i didn't mean to..."
He stops talking as you started laughing like a fool about what just happened he smiles and sit beside you .

"What do you want to eat?" He asks
"I don't know ...i'm just so hungry " you reply

You two go sit on the couch ordering food as you two sit watching something waiting for the delivery.

"Today it didn't stop raining all night!" You say to b/n

"Really !that's cool!! Why would i care? " he says you know that he was making fun about what you just said , you grab his hands and drag him with you to the front door.
"Wait where are you going?" He asks
"We are going to play outside" you say smiling and pushing him to go outside.

"No wait we will catch cold" he says trying not to go outside the door

"But it will be fun believe me! And we are going to wear coats so don't worry" you say .

"Y/n don't you remember the last time you got out to play with snow "
"Yes ,i remember come on  "
"Okay okay ,fine"he says groaning

You two go outside the ground is full of water .

You two walk to a nearby park .

You look and find a small rain on the ground "b/n !!let's jump in it!!" You say as he groans "are you serious y/n?" He smiles "let's go!"

"Wait i'll jump first " you say jumping in one .

He follows you jumping   in another one and it was bigger .

You run in a shock to b/n He got stock on the ground OH MY GOD it was a very deep one fill with water .
You run towards him "b/n!!" As you grab his hands trying to get him out of there he didn't talk or do a thing *of course he was more shocked than you of what just happened to him* as he climbed out of there, he falls on the ground as there was a silent for a moment.

Then you two started laughing so hard that you couldn't breath.

"I was sleeping in a very peaceful mood when did this happen ?" He says laughing so hard.

You help him standup cuz he got all wet and he was wearing a coat .

You two continued walking back home as you opened the front door "remind me not to listen to any weird idea you suggest " he says regretting all what he did.

You meet the delivery guy in front of your door "is this apartment number ..." b/n interrupts the delivery man "yes it is thank you" he grabs his wallet from his pocket it was all wet "oh shit my money..."
He says ."wait i'll pay" you go inside the house you grab the money and give it to the delivery guy "thank you " you say as he gives you the bag and leave .

B/n  immediatly goes to the bathroom to take a shower and you changed your outfit .

You go to the bathroom to wash your hair.

You open the door to see b/n in the tub "what are you doing here!!"

"I'm gonna wash my hair and get out don't worry" you say grabbing the shampoo and start washing your hair .

"Well if you wanna stay i don't have a problem HAHA" he says blowing the bubbles from his hands.

You ignore his words as you finished  and got out "hurry up or the food will get cold ." You say to him.
"Okaayyy" he says getting out of the tub as you immediately get out blushing so haaard ...*you didn't see anything by the way*

You hear the bathroom door close he comes to you giving a towel to you "won't you dry my hair ?" He asks

You grab the towel from his hands and smile as you try to reach his head without tippy toeing , he smiles and bows his head so you can reach his hair , as you finished you take off the towel to see him looking into your eyes . You were too close to him you immediately take a step back because your heart was about to explode .

He grabs your waist pulling you closer to him as you felt his breath on your skin he was too close , close enough to make your heart explode .
As he leans in and start kissing you passionately you felt butterflies all over your stomach as he pulls back whispering " I'm sorry y/n I love you" he says smiling "I love you too" you say giving him another kiss.

As you two sat in the balcony watching the sunrise aaaand EATING DOUBLE CHICKEN CHEESE  BURGER WITH ALOT OF FRENCH FRIES  You two enjoyed the food together and the scene as well


I Didn't know how to end this besides i'm too hungry right now , hope you enjoyed it
Love you 💜

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