It's cold

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B/n has been outside hanging with his friends since morning  .

It's now 11:30 PM he is very late

You've been waiting for him and felt really bored without him you miss him already .

You decided to call him.

B/n: hey y/n !

Y/n: hey b/n ... how are you?

B/n: i'm fine I'm having a really fun time with my friends ... but ... I feel there is something missing y/n ...

Y/n : what is it ?

B/n: it's you y/n i miss you.

Y/n: i miss you too. When are you coming home ?

B/n : I'm coming now i'll say goodbye to them and come.

Y/n: okay i'm waiting for you.

End of call

You go to your bedroom set on the bed waiting for him.

As you were waiting you fell asleep

You then wakeup at the sound of the rain outside .

Oh my god it's raining ! ...wait b/n doesn't have his umbrella with him!.

You started to get nervous as it was raining really very hard.

In the other side

B/n said goodbye to his friends and started walking to find a taxi but there wasn't any *his car was being fixed due to some malfunction*

He then decided that he would just walk till he reach home it was far but not "that" far actually .

While b/n was in his way back home it started raining really hard

"Shit i didn't bring my umbrella"
B/n says walking faster like if he won't get wet if he walked faster 👌

He reaches home unlocking the door to see you infront of him worried about him .

You rush to him "oh my god b/n i told you to take your umbrella i knew this would happen are you okay? You didn't catch cold didn't you!" You say worried grabbing a towel and drying his hair .

"I'm okay y/n don't worry  i have a Strong immunity " he says chuckling .

"Yeah right" you say rolling your eyes playfully .

You two go to the bathroom "here take a warm shower and wear this"  you say to him

"Okay *nickname* " he say as you get out of the bathroom to leave him take the warm shower so that he won't catch cold .

When b/n finished showering and it's already 1 AM .

He comes to the bedroom with a towel around his nick with his black hoodie that you love to wear so much.

"I missed you y/n " he says setting beside you on the bed.

" i missed you too" you say as he puts his hand on your shoulder and you lean on his chest.

"Sorry i made you wait for so long"
He says kissing your forehead.

"I'm happy that you had a nice time with your friends" you say to him.

"Yeah... anyways let's sleep because i'm so tired of running all the way to here" he says

"Wait... your hair is still wet you have to dry it first" you say to b/n

" aaahh... but i'm really tired and lazy to dry it ... could you do it for me?" He says whining

"Do it for yourself b/n..." you say coldly

"Aaah please y/nnn!!" He says pouting and holding your hands together

"Geez ... fine" you say grabbing the towel and start drying his hair to make sure he won't catch cold or wet the pillow .

You finished drying his hair as he pecks your lips "thank you" he says

"You're welcome ... now let's go to sleep?" You say blushing

You two laid down on your bed and fell asleep hugging each other with the sound of the rain outside hitting the ceiling.

After one hour

B/n pov

I woke up feeling uncomfortable as i felt a very bad headache i tried to ignore the pain for afew minuets but it kept getting worse .

I feel a sore throat and a pain in the bones and it kept getting worse.
*did i catch cold...! Noway i was so careful with it ... i hate this feeling*

I try to move myself away from y/n to make sure she won't catch cold from me but I can't i start sweating like crazy feeling so cold.

My body starts shivering from the coldness i'm feeling , that made y/n wakeup looking at me

"B/n are you okay? Why are you shivering like that" y/n then puts her hand on my forehead "oh my god b/n you are so hot!" She say worried about me i never saw that expression on her face before i needed to calm her down abit not to worry so much "I know i am babe" i say with my tired voice that made her worry much more than before.

"B/n! I'm serious right now!" She say rushing to the kitchen to make something warm for me.

I try to rest myself but the pain kept hitting my head and my body.

No one's pov

You rush to the kitchen to prepare something warm for him to drink it when you finished preparing it you went to the bedroom to see that he is not in the bed

"B/n!" You call for him as you put the glass on the bedroom's counter

You hear noises coming from the bathroom you open the door to see that b/n was on the ground holding into the toilet's seat .

You rush to him helping him to stand up his legs were shaken.

You held him to the bed helping him to slowly lay down on the bed.

A tear skipped from your eye seeing him like this you felt really worried about him.

He smiles to you "Don't worry it's just a cold y/n!" He says comforting you

You then gave him the warm drink watching him drinking it you got up to turn off the lights so that he could sleep.

Going to set beside him "y/n..." he says with his raspy voice


"Can you sleep with me ?" He say

Without replying you go lay down beside him he hugs you tightly " it's cold" he say putting his head  on the crook of your neck "it's cold without you" he says hugging you tightly .

You hug him back as you were patting his back you hear his soft snores and his warm breath hitting your neck.

You now know that he fell asleep you can sleep too. * i see that you have a strong immunity* you think to yourself as you fell asleep.

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