I - lucky guy

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tw: domestic abuse.

"Dude, I seriously can't deal with that teacher," I walked out of my science lesson pissed off, to say the least. "she's such a bitch!"

"She's not that bad." Mikey shrugged back as we left the school building and headed towards our other friends.

Mikey was my best friend since middle school. We would always do everything together. His family lived in the same street, so we were always at each other's houses after school and on weekends. As we got older, we drifted a bit but luckily, we were in the same classes so we could still hang out at school. At least we weren't both complete loners anymore; I had a girlfriend and we both had other friends, so we didn't really rely on one another as much.

"Hey babe!" Jamia called as we joined the rest of the group with her pretty, lip-gloss smile spreading across her face. I was a really lucky guy. I had an average group of friends, a best friend I'd known since childhood and an amazing girlfriend. What more could I ask for?

I pressed a kiss to her cheek as the rest of the guys, Brendon and Dallon, started a conversation about what girls were going to be at some party or whatever.

Soon enough, Jamia's friends joined us and all the girls started talking about what they were going to wear to said party. You know, like what girls do. I could never understand why they put so much thought into all that stuff. They looked fine without all the excessive makeup and skimpy clothes. Us guys would just throw on whatever and hope for the best, yet we never got any complaints.

"What about you, Frank?" Brendon asked, pulling me back from my train of thoughts.

"Huh? What about me?"

"I asked if you're going to Pete's party on Friday. The one we've been discussing for the past fifteen minutes?"

Parties were never really my thing. I wasn't antisocial or anything, but I was definitely an introvert. Somehow, massive groups of drunk, sweaty teenagers didn't seem that fun to me. Despite that, I nodded to clarify that I'd go.

Jamia spun her head around so fast I'm surprised she didn't get whiplash. She shot me a judgemental stare before asking "So you go to parties now?"

"Uhh... I guess? It's just one party."

"And that's one chance for you to cheat on me. I'm going with you." She demanded.

"Jesus Christ, relax. I'm not like that." I rolled my eyes. Yes, I cared about her, but she could be so clingy sometimes. It would get really annoying at times like these.

"Oh, so you don't want me around, then? Fine." She scoffed before walking off.

I sat there, genuinely shocked at what had just happened. Then again, it wasn't as bad as last time. We were arguing more and more, but usually it ended in screaming. I'd always give in because she'd threaten to leave or tell our friend group things that were personal. It was a lot to deal with, but I had to manage. We'd been together for six months; I couldn't risk losing her.

Her friends, Alicia and Lindsey, left with her, but the guys all stayed. None of us really knew what to say. After we all processed what had happened, Dallon was the first to speak up.

"Bro, your girlfriend's insane." He simply stated. He was the most confident and honest out of our whole friend group, so he rarely had a filter. I just shrugged.

"Yeah, that's not really healthy." Brendon agreed. I shrugged again.

"You don't seem too happy, why don't you come over later? We can get beer and pizza and we can watch horror movies." Mikey suggested. There was a reason he was my best friend, after all.

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