Play the Hand You're Dealt

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A/N  I'd love to give a special shout out to @splashinginthesea for finding the vlog where Zoë absolutely slated Joe for not having emotions. I've almost quoted that verbatim. @hd1606 has been a star at sorting me out too. On a sad note, this is the penultimate one-shot of this series.

"Dianne!!!" I engulfed her in a huge hug. "So good to see you again!"

"Zoë! It's good to see you too. You too, Tracey." Dianne hugged my mum as well. I really like Dianne. She just fit right into our family, as if she had always been there. And I'll forever be grateful for what she's done to Joe. He used to be a little on the insecure side, but he's really become more confident now, and that was due to Dianne and her encouragement.

I was a little worried previously because I've felt that he kind of doesn't have a lot of emotions. Not like crying at a film, but more like if I came to him crying, he wouldn't know what to do. He can't handle emotions. If anyone comes to him even extremely happy but especially extremely sad, he'd completely shut down, maybe leave the room.

Otherwise he'd mask that kind of thing with humour. I've said before, even to his face, that he isn't a very empathetic person. I think he even agreed with that, but Dianne has completely changed that about him. He does feel her pain, and that's because he's sad that she's sad. When she's really happy, he's really happy. If no one else, he cares about her feelings, because he's in love with her. I'm so glad he can emotionally connect with Dianne because she brings out the absolute best in him. She's made him a better person.

I mean, don't get me wrong. He still pranks her, laughs at her and makes her jump, but she can give as good as she gets.

"Have I got something on my face, Zo?" And she has the same sense of humour as Joe.

I think Joe brings out the best in Dianne as well. Because the more I got to know Dianne, the more apparent it became that she was insecure too. Not shy, no, but she didn't really know how much she was worth. But now, slowly but surely, she's getting an idea of it.

"No, just thinking about you and Joe. You're honestly so similar."

"And perfectly suited to each other too," Mum said. I hummed in agreement.

"Awww, thanks guys. Anyway, enough seriousness, let's go and explore."

"I really fancy an ice cream."

"Where do you want to go, Tracey?"

"There's a lovely place near Brighton pier that does a whole load of ice cream and gelato. It's usually quite busy, but food is nice."

"I know what you're going to get, Mum."

"It's my favourite. It's like the ice cream you get from an ice cream van. You can't go wrong with a Mr. Whippy."

"I love that one." Dianne said. "With or without the flake?"

"Definitely with."

"Mmm. I'm the opposite. I like it without because it just seems to get in the way of the main attraction for me."

"I like seeing what's on offer," I said.

"And then you buy the lemon sorbet."

I laughed, knowing Mum was right. "Then after that we're going to a place I've booked called the Upside Down House. It's literally surreal. Especially when you take pictures the right way up, or down."

"Sounds intriguing."

"It is," Mum said. "And they don't have the same decorations every year. They change things up each season. But why are we not leaving? Let's go!"


"Hold on. Let's take a picture for instagram." Seems like Joe is rubbing off on her. "Goodness. That's something Joe would say too..." Mum and I laughed.

"I was thinking that just now... Done!"

"Mmm. I've forgotten how good this ice cream tastes," Dianne mumbled.

"Oh that's right. You don't get the ice cream van where you live, do you?" She shook her head. "They predominantly go to areas where there are loads of kids."

"Shame, cos there are plenty of big kids around." Mum hummed in agreement.

"There aren't many children around where I live, and I haven't had this in a while, so that's why I'm craving it so much." We went quiet for a while then Mum asked, "What time have you booked us in for the upside down house?"

"I've booked us in for 2:15, and it's around 1 right now. So we've got another hour or so to go."

"We've still got time then. Dianne, have you eaten anything?"

"Yeah. Just some pasta before I left, so I'm fairly full. Shall we waste some time in that area before then?"

"Sounds good. We'll need to find a parking space as well."

After exploring the house and taking plenty of pictures, the three of us sat outside and chatted about her tour and how she's coping with being on the road so much.

"It's a little... strange I guess. I've never actually had a tour of my own. Like I'm a main character, as opposed to a tag along or as part of a group. And it's great being with Amy and Chloe as the other main characters. But then it's strange dancing with Patrice instead of Joe." Mum and I both laughed at her choice of name. "I mean he has been my partner for the last six months."

"You really miss him, don't you?" She nodded and let out a small sob.

"Oh sweetheart." Mum sat down next to her and took her into her arms. Mummy cuddles. "It's OK. You'll see him soon." She looked over at me and blinked as if to say, She's a keeper, isn't she?

I nodded discreetly. My mind went back to the time when Mum and Dad told me they were getting divorced; the resignation on their faces. They just said they didn't love each other the way they used to. Seems like they just grew apart. No longer cared about what the other was doing. They didn't speak to each other, didn't spend time together, didn't want to spend time together. It wasn't as if they had been constantly arguing, so that's why it was such a blow. Mum reached over and squeezed my hand. I've got to admit though, both of them have been a lot happier apart than they had been together, so they did make the right decision. Joe and Dianne weren't in the same situation as my parents, so I was hoping the same wouldn't happen to them. I guess you've just got to play the hand you're dealt.

Dianne breathed out and collected herself before saying, "Thanks for that, Tracey. It's nice to feel loved in a family kind of way."

"Of course. I've said it before, you're a wonderful addition to the family. I think of you as a daughter just as I see Alfie as a son."

"Awww, thanks Trace. It's just what I need when I don't have my family closeby. At least I get to see Joseph tonight on FaceTime."

"You two are seriously cute when you vlog yourselves doing that. The first time he told me he did that, I absolutely melted." We all just smiled.

"Shall we get you going now, luv? You must need to get back and get ready for your next show," Mum said.

"That'd be nice, thank you. Thanks for taking me out today. It's been nice spending time with people who aren't dancers for a change." Dianne stood up and opened up her arms to me. I pulled her in for a hug and rocked her from side to side.

"Thank you for bringing out the best in Joe," I whispered. She pulled away and grinned at me.

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