Chapter Two

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My room is usually semi-neat. I rarely have it dirty. But today, man this place is a mess! It looked like a guy lived in here or somthin! I don't even think I remember it being this dirty when I left. I slowly walk over to my bed which was covered in clothes. A lot of it wasn't even mine, and that kinda pissed me off.

"Ma!? What's goin on with my room!?"I yell out the door. I pick up a huge bra that's sitting on my pillow. Gross! I know I wasn't around but...really!? She peeks her head in.

"What you say?" She says. She looks down at the floor and gasps. "Lord have mercy this place is a pigsty!" She's says. I shake my head at her.

"You haven't been in here since I left?" I ask.

"Now, does that really matter? I think that I should just help you clean up all this mess." She says doing a bad job at lying.

"Ma, most of this is your clothes! I don't even see any of T-bones stuff in here."

"Now don't you raise your voice at me! I'm still the adult in this house. You might have had a bad thing happen to you, but I still run the show here!" She says. I sigh and push all her clothes off the bed.

"Ma, I'm real tired and I don't want to argue or nothin. Can you just get your clothes so I can go to bed?" I say. Her face gets real sympathetic and she kisses my forehead. I watch her as she takes away her clothes and leaves my room. I sigh loudly and drop myself on my bed. Life sucks...

My mom keeps telling me that I got to go back to school. Yeah I understand why she would want to be in school, but I'm just so emotionally outta wack. It wouldn't be the same goin back to school. And then I'd have to see Alex's face everyday. I sigh and look over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 10:56, I gotta get some sleep.

I woke up the next morning to Timmy jumping on my bed.

"Ava! Ava!" He says. I playfully push him off of me and pull my blankets off of me. He runs out the room and into the kitchen. I get up and walk over to the bathroom.

I start school again today. I'm kinda nervous, but I'm more terrified than anything else. I did everything slow since I got up this morning. I'm not fully back into the normality of school. If it was up to me, I would've dropped out like Keith and Cara. I grab my bag and head out to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Timmy was sitting at the table, scarfing down what was left of the waffles.

"Mornin', Imma need you to pick up some eggs and cheese at the store on ya way home from school." My ma said. I walk over to the fridge to get some OJ and there isn't any left...

"We need juice too..." I say.

"Well, I don't got enough money for juice." She says. I sigh and put two slices of toast in the toaster. Timmy keeps annoyingly singing that stupid song by Rebecka Black, over and over again! And it's not even Friday!

"Pay isn't as good for some reason. And I can't pull a late shift cus I gotta be home with T' after daycare." She says. She sighs and tells Timmy to hurry up. I watch her walk out the room.

"Ma? I don't think I can get a ride after school today!" I yell.

"Friday! Friday!" Timmy screams.

"What!? What you said?" She says.

"Partyin, Yeah!!" Timmy yells again.

"I need a ride after school!" I yell over him. She walks into the kitchen then with a confused look.

"Huh? You said somethin bout' fried eggs after school? After school I'm not cookin until dinner!" She says.

"Fun fun fun fun!!!" TImmy says.

"T-bone, shut up!!" I yell. He shuts up real fast and pouts.

"Don't talk to him like that.." She says.

"Sorry...but I was saying that I can't get a ride after school today." I tell her. She puts her hands on her hips and looks at me suspiciously.

"And why not?"

"Because my ride got pregnant and is living a happy life with her new family!" I say. My moms expression softens and she looks real sympathetic. I fold my arms and grunt.

"Can we just go?" I say. She nods her head and tells Timmy to get in the car. He obeys and I follow them out the door, locking it behind me.


I watch as everyone rushes to their first period class. It's so weird seeing all this again. I'm not even sure I'm ready for all of this. Luckliy it's the second day of school and I didn't miss anything but the rules. I walk up to my new locker and struggle with the combination lock. I finally open it which makes me late for first period. I sigh and throw my bag inside. Don't know what I need yet anyway, I figure I can just bring a notebook to all my classes and go from there. As I'm walking to AP Chem, I see my team mate from the swim team.

"Ava? Is that you?" She ask. I give a very fake smile and stop in front of her.

"Where were you!? Everyone thought you moved or something!" She says. I shook my head and sighed.

"I just...came down with something." She says. She nods her head and tells me she'll see me at practice.

I walk into Chem and everyone is starin at me. I mean everyone

"Avaleene Divine?" The teacher asks. I wince at him using my real name but I nod my head and he nudges his head towards an empty desk. I look at all the faces as I pass them. Everyone was whispering and staring and laughing. It was so dumb! I mean, I wasn't popular or anything, I didn't even know half these people! They have no life if they waste their time gosiping and spreading rumors. The teacher began going over rules and giving due dates to bring forms in. The class was basically ignoring him, and he just didn't really care. It was as if he was on some kind of spell, like a robot or somethin! He just stood there and said all the things he was supposed to, but with no feeling. I can tell from that, that this class is never gonna respect him...

As the teacher gives the class a syllabus for the semester, I look back at how awful my summer was. I spent the entire summer grieving in summer school. I didn't talk to no body and I didn't want to. I was sad and lonely. I didn't call or speak at all to Cara this summer. But I picked myself up for school. I didn't wanna walk around lookin all extra moapy and depressed. Even though that is how I feel, I can't let everyone else see that. I hate when people start to feel bad for me..

The bell rings and everyone heads out to the next class. 

The whole day went better than I thought. I mean, I thought it would be harder. I thought I would have to deal with people asking me all kinds of stupid questions. At first, I thought that Alex told the whole school. But then I realized that he's be ruining his life and reputation if anyone found out. 

But I spoke way to soon! As soon as I leave the damn building, I see Alex making out with Nicole on the other side of the parking lot. She's just so gross. I think she's been with every guy in the school. Hell, if she met my brother she'd porbably bust moves on him too. I watch as she smiles at him. He looks happy...a lot happier then me...I wonder if he even knew, I wonder if he knew what happened to our baby. Our eyes meet then. Nicole had walked away and we were both staring at eachother. My stare was more of a well look who it is kinda look. But his was the look a horror. He looked at me as if I rose from the dead. He just stood there and stared, not knowing what to do or say.

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