Chapter Six

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Ms.Dingle, who just so happens to like me gives me a wary look and takes my pass from me. 

I take my usual seat, way in the back behind the tallest kid in my school. I honestly don't even care about him blocking me from the board. I still end up getting good grades, I just don't enjoy school. I sigh and place my head on my desk, drifting into a deep sleep.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I glance over in the direction it came from. It was from an unfamiliar boy. I never seen him in this class before and he just looks at me blankly.

"Class is over." He says and just gets up. I lift my head and look around the room slowly getting empty. I watch as he leaves and grab my bag. As I'm walking out my class, I don't see Alex anywhere. Usually he's there waiting. I sigh and make my way towards AP Civics alone.

As I'm walking there, I see Alex leaning against his locker talking to Nicole. She was twirling her freakishly long black hair and his hands were in his pockets. As I pass him, he's smiling and staring at her boobs which just so happen to be falling out of an ugly lime green tank. I shake my head and keep moving. Maybe he's just talking to her. What the he isn't. I stop and turn around and snake my hand through his arm. He looks down at me in shock like a toddler who's been caught. 

I shoot a fake smile at Nicole who's peering at me through squinted eyes.

"Hey Nicole!" I say like a stuck up snob.

"Ohmygod, hi Ava! How's the baby!?" She says. It was as if my heart halted and my eyes flew open wide involuntarily. "Oh wait, isn't it dead?" She says with an evil smile on her face. I gasp and I'm speechless.

"Nicki, that wasn't cool..." Alex says, shifting on his foot.

"Why? It's true right? Didn't you tell me you were, like, wicked thankful and shit cause it died?" She says. My mouth flies open and I stumble backwards.

"No," Alex says looking at me. "No, I didn't say that, well not exactly. Look, don't listen to her!" He says, struggling on his words. I stare at him in shock, 

"C'mon Alex, I have an emergency." She says winking at him. I gasp in total shock and stare sadly at him. He looks into my eyes and sighs. He slowly backs away and follows Nicole.

"I'm sorry. I gotta...go to class." I sigh and bow my head down in complete shame. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him...

I make my way to class, feeling stupid and ashamed. I can't believe it. Well, I guess a part of me can believe it. I should have never fell for his lies. Now I have to go through this again, and alone again. Instead of walking into Civics I run into the nearest bathroom.

I probably skipped the entire day from crying non-stop. I even missed lunch. I cried so much my body ached. I sat in a corner where no one would see me and hugged my knees to my chest. Ugh! Life sucks....

After about another hour of sobbing violently, I got up along with my things and made my way to my last period class. Art History. Thankfully I hadn't showed up late and was the first one in class. The teacher smiles at me and tells me took take a seat in the back. The table always sat two people and i usually had to sit with Michael Abran. He was going to be valedictorian for sure. But no one was there yet so I sat down and took out my journal. I felt like writing a new poem. I love poetry by the way. I usually write to help with writing songs, but most of the time I just write about how I feel. It helps.

I pull out my favorite purple pen I only use for writting in my journal and begin to write:

That one drop that falls

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