But before i leave

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Emma's POV

I was going to open the door to leave but then I decided that I should go for a walk first by myself.

"Hazel" I shouted.

"Yeah auntie Emma" she says coming down.

"I'm going for a little walk do me a favour look after them for a while after I come back were going back to Sydney". I say the were starting to fall again.

"Ok" She says she takes the kids from me I leave the luggage on the side and walk out the cool cold air on face.

I could feel the tears why did he do this to me? Didn't he love me? Why would he do this to me.

I was so into the my thoughts I didn't even realise how much I was crying my eyes all blury. I was crossing the road when a loud car horn beeeeeppppp came the next thing I heard was call the ambulance I fell on the ground darkness took over me.

Luke's POV

I messed up I haven't got out of my room all day Ashton hates me Calum won't talk to me and Michael well Michael won't talk to me at all because kahia was his ex before he met Hannah and he knows kahia would never do that because she was so innocent but back when I went out with her she wasn't. I didn't even realise I was crying until a single teardrop fell onto my hand. I Luke Robert hemmings messed up real bad.

Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes head shoulders knees and toes

I smiled at my daughter singing but I picked up the phone hospital wait hospital?

"Hello" I say.

"Hello is this mr hemmings" I heard the nurse say.

"This is him is their any problems" I asked.

"Your wife Emma hemmings is in the hospital she had a terrible accident and might not be able to make it we thought we would inform you."

What what this is all my fault.

"I'll be right there" I manage to choke out.

"Ok thank you sir" she says with that I hang up my suit case was already done so I just picked it up wore my jacket and shoes.

"Where are you going" Ashton says finally he talked but I need to go to Emma.

"Emma..........emma what luke" he cuts me of.

"She... got.. into.....an...accident....and....is....in....the....hospital." I choke out from my crying.

"WHAT THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT HEMMINGS ALL YOUR FAULT" he screams he runs to get his stuff comes back he texted the boys saying we can't do the tour and with that we left back to London.

When the boys arrive to the hospital~

Luke's POV

I rushed in to where the counter was. "Emma hemmings" I say.

"Oh right she's in surgery right now so you can't see her but you can wait outside with her friends outside room 225" she says.

"Thank you" Ashton says we run to 225.

As soon as we reach their a doctor comes out.

"Mr hemmings" he says.

"That's me" I say getting up.

We walk to a corner.

"Well theirs good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first?" He asked.

"Good" I say.

"Well good news is that she's pregnant congratulations" he says wait what? I swear we used protection ok not the time to think that.

"And the bad news" I say.

"Bad news is that she broke both her legs and one arm so she's gonna be in a wheelchair, she's fallen into comma but it has a 99 percent that the baby could die I'm sorry me hemmings." he says.

Tears roll down my cheek. "can I see her" I ask.

"Yes you can but remember se can't see you but can here you luke" he says. I nod and both of us walk back to the room.

"I'll leave you for a while" he says I nod when he leaves the tears spill from my eyes.

"Emma I'm so sorry it really wasn't me I just she texted me saying if I didn't meet her she's going to do something to you aria and James and I can't let her do that... so I went but but when I did they deleted the message she called paparazzi and everything and then that's how she kissed me no matter how hard I tired to pull away she had a really strong grip on me and I'm telling you I felt nothing no sparks nothing please wake up not for me but for the kids Emma I love you and I can't bare to see you like this." by now I was fully on crying the doctor came in and said 2 people wanted to see so I went out to see my kids there probably gonna hate me.

"Dadddy" aria says running for me to pick her up. "aria" I say hugging her.

"Daddy why you crying don't cry daddy I promise I won't hit James again" aria says.

She wipes my tears and gives me a hug. "daddy" James says.

"James" I say hugging him as well. Hazel comes and takes them.

"They just wanted to see you" she says and walks back to where Ann was (Ashton and emma's mum)

I see my mum coming she looked like she ha been crying.

"Mum" I say walking to her.

After I explained everything to her she understood and believed me.

We all stood their waiting Calum and Michael also came so now it was only a 1d tour we cancelled it.

Calum and Michael were trying to calm down Hannah and Emily. Ashton and Maria were crying. My mum and ann were talking and crying. Perrie was making aria go to sleep. Dani was making James go to sleep. amy and amiela went back home because the nanny we hired for the kids needed to go. Eleanor was crying.

All of this because of kahia kissing me.

Soon everybody was leaving I also had to leave everybody did so now Emma was alone.

Sorry for the long wait xxx

Future mrs hemmings xx

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