Baby hemmings is coming

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"Luke Luke,I think I'm going in labour." I said as loud as I could;Luke ran out of bathroom boy did he look hot.

"Um ok calm down stay their lemme just grab your bag." Luke said he looked worried.

"Owwww Luke hurry up I can't stand,help me."

"Oh and Luke put your top on."

"Calm down babe come on the bags with me let's go down stairs and in the car."

"Luke babe I can't go downstairs I'm in so much pain."

"look I know let's go downstairs I will be by your side." Luke said oh he is so nice I'm glad he doesn't have a concert today.

Yes I'm luke Hemmings wife I was an Irwin mark my was.

I went down the stairs screaming,and shouting for this baby to come out.

"Come on babe get in the car and lay down deep breaths."

Luke helped me in, he sat in the drivers seat and drives fast but not to fast.

"Come on babe we're here." I heard Luke say,we went in while i was still screaming he told the lady something soon a big trolley thing came they laid me on it and took me to a room.

"Can Luke come in." I asked still I a lot of pain.

"Yea sure he's just calling your family and his family."

Luke's POV

I was in the bathroom doing my hair cause mrs hemmings here decided to drop honey all on it.

I showered and put on my clothes I left my top inside in the bed so I just continued doing my hair.

As I was just finishing doing my hair. I heard Emma yelling

"Luke Luke I think I'm going in labour."

Ok um I need to calm down the baby and Emma need to be safe ok wait let me get out the bathroom. Why am I talking to my self?.

"Um ok calm down lemme just grab your bag." God I am so scared "Owwww Luke hurry up I can't stand help me." Emma whisper yelled.

I looked around for her bag and found it.

"Oh and Luke put your top on." She added oh yea.

I quickly put on my top.

"Calm down babe come on the bags with me let's go down stairs and in the car."

"Luke babe I can't go downstairs I'm in so much pain." She said.

Oh god

"look I know let's go downstairs I will be by your side." I said not knowing what to say.

We went down I locked the door amd helped Emma who was still screaming in pain at the back.

I sat in the front and rushed to the hospital

"Luke hurry up." Emma said.

"Ok Emma we're here come on." I walked out of the car closing the door opened Emma's and took her out.

We walked to the building and I went to the nurse with Emma.

"Um nurse my wife is going in labour." I said

"Ok calm down sir let me just get you're doctor." She said.

"Ok um just before that I need to know you wife's first name."

"Emma." I replied.

"Last name." She asked.

"Hemmings." I replied she might not know I'm famous oh well.

"Ok your doctor is mr Duncan am I right?"

I nodded a second later strollers came and the doctor and few nurses took Emma in the room the doctor said to me.

"Mr hemmings as soon as you sign this Emma can give birth."

I took the pen and paper signed it and gave it to the doctor who nodded.

"Ok um doctor if Emma asks say I'm calling her family and my family and the boys and girls.

"Sure mr hemmings we will be In that room 233."

I nodded and walked away to call Ashton.

Authors note

Hey guys this is another one of my books. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. So next chapter their baby will be here yay I will update that today as well I think. xx

Thankx for reading my readers xx

I'm really weird so I'm going to share my weirdness

Hey guys have you ever wondered what a bold man would do if you slap it's head where hair was meant to be with a fish or what it would look like to see a bold man with a fish on its head :0

Future mrs hemming's xxxx xoxoxo #luke hemmings forever xx

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